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Von Ferencz Körmendi, New York, 9.4.1947, p. 625. Zweig is mentioned in the footnote
Von Ferencz Körmendi, New York, 9.4.1947, p. 625. Zweig is mentioned in the footnote
An Hermann Kesten, Locarno, 3.4.1964, p. 778. Stefan Zweig is mentioned twice
An Hermann Kesten, Locarno, 3.4.1964, p. 778. Stefan Zweig is mentioned twice
An Jean Rodolphe von Salis, {Locarno], 14.8.1972, pp. 874-876. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 875
An Jean Rodolphe von Salis, [Locarno], 14.8.1972, pp. 874-876. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 875

Latest revision as of 16:08, 19 October 2015

[2013]: StudienVerlag, Innsbruck/Wien/Bozen

Robert Neumann. Mit eigener Feder. Aufsätze. Briefe. Nachlassmaterialien. Edited by Franz Stadler. 925p. Illustrated with 7 photographs and a photograph of Robert Neumann on the cover


I. Vorwort, p. 19

II. Einladung zu Robert Neumann [Franz Stadler], pp. 21-67 [Contains the 7 photographs, pp. 24, 36, 40, 43, 50, 51, 53]. Stefan Zweig references, pp. 25, 30, 36, 37, 38, 42

III. Publizistik [Poetik, Polemik, Politik], pp. 69-420

Paul Frischauer: Das Herz im Ausverkauf. Novellen. Wien 1929 [Die Literatur [Stuttgart], 31 [1928/1929], p. 606], p. 92. Contains a reference to Stefan Zweig
Distinguished Germans in Exile: Irreconcilably Opposed to the Nazi Regime (1939) [Manchester Guardian [London], 24 August1939], pp. 139-140. Stefan Zweig reference, p. 139
Wo läuft die Grenze der Perfidie? (1961) [Das Schönste [München], No. 11 [1961], pp. 63-65], pp. 277-283. Stefan Zweig reference p. 280
Abschied von Stefan Zweig [Blätter der Internationalen Stefan-Zweig-Gesellschaft [Salzburg], No. 11/12 [1961], pp. 1-4], pp. 284-286
[Hermann Broch und das Schicksal der hundert "Beinahe"] (1966) [Die Zeit [Hamburg], 21:44 [28 October 1966], p. 22], pp. 357-362. Stefan Zweig reference, p. 357
Deutsche Autoren im politischen Exil (1973) [Deutsche Zeitung - Christ und Welt [Stuttgart], 26:10 [9 March1973], p. 14], pp. 408-411. Stefan Zweig reference, p. 409

IV. Briefe [und Lebensdokumente], pp. 421-891

An Stefan Zweig, Wien-Grinzing, 22.2.1927, p. 437
An Stefan Zweig, Wien-Grinzing, 21.5.1927, p. 438
An Stefan Zweig, Wien-Grinzing, 19.9.1929, p. 445
An Zsolnay Verlag [London], [24.4.1934], p. 458. About Stefan Zweig
Von Herbert Reichner Verlag, Wien, 44.6.1937. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 480
An Stefan Zweig, Long Crendon/Bucks, 6.2.1940, p. 527
An Rudolf Olden, LongCrendon/Bucks, 27.5.1939. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 511
An Hermon Ould, Long Crendon/Bucks, 6.6.1940. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 530
An den Vorstand der PEN Austrian Group, London [1941], pp. 545-546. Stefan Zweig is mentioned twice, p. 545
An Franz Werfel, London, 24.8.1941, pp. 547-548. Stefan Zweig is mentioned, p. 548
An Stefan Zweig, London, 21.2.1942, pp. 551-552
Tagebuch 1944 [Auszüge], pp. 575-579. Stefan Zweig is mentioned on pp. 576, 577, 578
An [Staatskanzler] Dr. Karl Renner, London, 21.7.1945, pp. 595-596. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 595
An Alexander Sacher-Masoch, {London], 20.8.1946, pp. 613-614. Stefan Zweig is mentioned, p. 614
Von Ferencz Körmendi, New York, 9.4.1947, p. 625. Zweig is mentioned in the footnote
An Hermann Kesten, Locarno, 3.4.1964, p. 778. Stefan Zweig is mentioned twice
An Jean Rodolphe von Salis, [Locarno], 14.8.1972, pp. 874-876. Stefan Zweig is mentioned in the footnote, p. 875

V. [Anhang]

Abkürzungen, p. 893
Bearbeitungsvermerke, p. 893
Verzeichnis der Abbildungen, p. 894
Robert Neumann: Zeittafel zu Leben und Werk, pp. 895-900. Stefan Zweig reference, p. 896 ["Um 1936"]
Literaturverzeichnis, pp. 901-909 [Primärliteratur, pp. 901-906 / Sekundärliteratur [Auswahl], pp. 906-909]
Register, pp. 910-923 [Stefan Zweig references, p. 923]
Hinweise auf Werke von Robert Neumann, pp. 924-925