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[5]. حياة امرأة
. See: [[Ḥayāt imra'ah]] /
حياة امرأة
Ḥayāt imra'ah
24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau
24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau

Revision as of 15:57, 1 August 2017

[1968]: Inter Nationes e. V., Bad Godesberg / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, Göttingen

Übersetzungen aus der deutschen Sprache: Arabisch / Fihris mutarjam 'an al-almāniyyah: al-nuskha al-'arabiyyah. Edited by Richard Mönnig [Min waḍ' Rīshārd Mūnīj]. 30p. [Übersetzungen aus der deutschen Sprache. Eine bibliographische Reihe / Fihris mutarjam 'an al-almāniyyah: silsila bībliyūjrāfiyyah, 21]. The Arabic translations of 12 of Stefan Zweig's works are listed on pp. 6-7. This is a bilingual volume, in German and Arabic

The 12 works of Stefan Zweig translated into Arabic:

[1]. أربع وعشرون ساعة من حاية امرأة . See:Arba' wa-'ishrūn sā‘ah min ḥayāt imra’ah / 24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau

[2]. رميا . See: Irmiyā / Jeremias

[3]. أفكار تولستوي الحية . See: Afkār Tūlstūy al-ḥayyah / The Living Thoughts of Tolstoi

[4]. تولستوي . See: Tūlstūy / Tolstoi

[5]. حياة امرأة . See: Ḥayāt imra'ah / 24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau

It is your entry: [1961]: al-Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Tibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] Ḥayāt imra'ah [Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau]. Translated by 'Umar 'Abd al-Azīz Amīn. 71p.

6) رسالة امرأة مجهولة والحب الجنوني Risālat imra'ah majhūlah wa'l-ḥubb al-junūnī Brief einer Unbekannten

It is your entry: [1955]: al-Mu'assasah al-Ahliyyah li-l-Ṭibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, Bairūt [Beirut] Risālat imra'ah majhūlah wa'l-ḥubb al-junūnī [Brief einer Unbekannten]. Translated by Anjīl 'Abbūd. 135p.

7) عاصفة في الجنة ʿĀṣifah fī ʾl-jannah Ungeduld des Herzens

It is your entry: [1963]: al-Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Ṭibāʿah waʾl-Nashr, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] ʿĀṣifah fī ʾl-jannah [Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated by ʿUmar ʿAbd al-Azīz Amīn. 2 Vols.. 128p. + 107p. = 235 p.

8) قلوب تحترق Qulūb taḥtariq Ungeduld des Herzens [Yet, Mönnig suggests, it is "Brennendes Geheimnis".]

It is your entry: [1951]: Dār al-Hilāl, al-Qāhirah Qulūb taḥtariq [Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated with a biographical foreword by Dār al-Hilāl bi-Miṣr. 161p.

(Mönnig gives the date of publication as 1959. Since he does not indicate the edition, his copy probably was just some later edition.)

9) ماجلان قاهر البحار Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār Magellan

It is your entry: [1951]: Dār al-Hilāl bi-Miṣr, al-Qāhira [Cairo] Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 223p. [Kitāb al-Hilāl [The Al-Hilal-Book], 2]

(Mönnig does not mention the series "Kitāb al-Hilāl [The Al-Hilal-Book], 2".)

10) ماجلان قاهر البحار Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār Magellan

It is your entry: [1962]: Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Ṭibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, al-Qāhira [Cairo] Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 211p.

11) ماري أنطوانيت Mārī Anṭuwānīt Marie Antoinette

It is your entry: [1952]: Dār al-Hilāl, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] Mārī Anṭuwānīt [Marie Antoinette. Bildnis eines mittleren Charakters]. Translated by Muḥammad Abū Ṭāʾilah. 162 p.

12) نصوص مختارة من تولستوي Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy Living Thoughts of Tolstoi

It is your entry: Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy. Translated by Shukrī Muḥammed ‘Ayyād. 181p. Al-Qāhirah [Cairo]: Dār al-Qalam, 1960

(Mönnig pretends that the original English title was "Selected Texts from Tolstoy". Yet, this seems just to be a retranslation from the Arabic title "Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy" [literally: Selected Texts from Tolstoy"]. In other words, the resonsible person did not check whether Stefan Zweig has authored a text "Selected Texts from Tolstoy" at all. Therefore, I suggest it is "The Living Thoughts of Tolstoi", what else?)

