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'''[1968]: Editorial Juventud, Barcelona'''   
'''[1968]: Editorial Juventud, Barcelona'''   

''Legado de Europa'' [Europäisches Erbe]. Edited with a foreword by Richard Friedenthal. Translated by Mariano Orta Manzano and Tomás Lamarca. Illustrated with 5 photographs. 238/(2)p.
''Legado de Europa'' [Europäisches Erbe]. Edited with a foreword by Richard Friedenthal. Translated by Mariano Orta Manzano and Tomás Lamarca. Illustrated with 8 photographs. 238/(2)p.


Revision as of 20:13, 15 May 2020

[1968]: Editorial Juventud, Barcelona

Legado de Europa [Europäisches Erbe]. Edited with a foreword by Richard Friedenthal. Translated by Mariano Orta Manzano and Tomás Lamarca. Illustrated with 8 photographs. 238/(2)p.


Prólogo del compilador [Richard Friedenthal], pp. (5)-7
Montaigne [Montaigne], pp. (9)-70
Chateaubriand [Chateaubriand], pp. (71)-73
Jaurès [Jaurès], pp. (74)-82
Leon Bazalgette [Léon Bazalgette], pp. (83)-85
Edmond Jaloux [Edmond Jaloux], pp. (86)-88
Romain Rolland [Romain Rolland], pp. (89)-105
Pour Ramuz! [Pour Ramuz!], pp. (106)-109
Lafcadio Hearn [Lafcadio Hearn], pp. (110)-117
El 'Niels Lyhne' de Jens Peter Jacobsen [Jens Peter Jacobsens 'Niels Lyhne'], pp. (118)-127
'Sadhana' de Rabindranath Tagore [Rabindtanath Tagores 'Sadhâna'], pp. (128)-134
El drama en 'Las mil y una noches'] [Das Drama in 'Tausendundeiner Nacht'], pp. (135)-144
E. T. A. Hoffmann [E. T. A. Hoffmann], pp. (145)-147
El retorno de Gustav Mahler [Gustav Mahlers Wiederkehr], pp. (148)-156
Arthur Schnitzler, en su 60. cumpleanõs [Arthur Schnitzler. Zum 60. Geburtstag], pp. (157)-159
Jakob Wassermann [Jakob Wassermann], pp. (160)-178
Peter Rosegger [Peter Rosegger. Zum Tode des Dichters], pp. (179)-183
Anton Kippenberg [Anton Kippenberg. Wille zur Universalität], pp. (184)-190
Cruce con un hombre discreto: Otto Weininger [Vorbeigehen an einem unauffälligen Menschen: Otto Weinender], pp. (191)-194
Despedida de Alexander Moissi [Abschied von Alexander Mossi], pp. (195)-199
Walter Rathenau [Zum Andenken Walther Rathaus. Am Jahrestag seiner Ermordung, 24. Juni 1922], pp. (200)-209
Rainer María Rilke. Una conferencia en Londres [Abschied von Rilke. Eine Rede], pp. (210)-214
Joseph Roth [Joseph Roth], pp. (215)-225
La tragedia del olvido [Die Tragik der Vergeßlichkeit], pp. (226)-230
¿Es justa la historia? [Ist die Geschichte gerecht?], pp. (231)-233
La torre de Babel [Der Turm zu Babel], pp. (234)-238
Origen y cronología, p. (239)
Indice, p. (240)