Qāsim, Maḥmūd / Kassem, Mahmoud: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 01:19, 28 February 2018

[2017]: E-Kutub Ltd, Landan [London]

"Risālah min imraʾah majhūlah" [Brief einer Unbekannten] in Maḥmūd Qāsim [Mahmoud Kassem]. Mawsūʿat al-aflām al-ʿarabiyyah: 1927-2017. Al-Juzʾ al-awwal [Arabic Movies Encyclopaedia: 1927-2018. Part One]. 1st edition. 545p., pp. 509-510

This is a film review of the Egyptian film drama Risālah min imraʾah majhūlah [Brief einer Unbekannten] (1962), produced by Ramsīs Najīb, directed by Ṣalāḥ Abū Sayf, script by Fatḥī Zaki and Wafīya Khayrī, music by Andre Ryder, and starring Farīd al-Aṭrash, Lubnā 'Abd al-'Azīz, Amīnah Rizq, and Mārī Munīb.

See: "Risālah min imraʾah majhūlah" <http://zweig.fredonia.edu/index.php?title=Ris%C4%81lah_min_imra%27ah_majh%C5%ABlah>