Korona i eshafot. Istoricheskie ocherki: Difference between revisions

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Ot sostaviteleĭ [The compilers’ foreword], pp. 3-4
Ot sostaviteleĭ [The compilers’ foreword], pp. 3-4
Mariia Stiuart, pp. 40-72. This excerpt is taken from the final two chapters of  the volume Mariia Stiuart. Translated by R. M. Gal’perina. Forword by Boris L. Suchkov. Illustrated by V. Lukashov. 395/(2)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo "Pravda", 1989, pp. 322-394: The chapters “Elizaveta protiv Elizavety" [Elisabeth gegen Elisabeth] and “V moem  kontse moe nachalo” [“In meinen Ende ist mein Anbeginn”]
Mariia Stiuart, pp. 40-72. This excerpt is taken from the final two chapters of  the volume Mariia Stiuart. Translated by R. M. Gal’perina. Forword by Boris L. Suchkov. Illustrated by V. Lukashov. 395/(2)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo "Pravda", 1989, pp. 322-394: The chapters “Elizaveta protiv Elizavety" [Elisabeth gegen Elisabeth] and “V moem  kontse moe nachalo” [“In meinen Ende ist mein Anbeginn”]

Latest revision as of 16:47, 10 July 2020

[1991]: Izdatel’stvo “Politizdat”, Moskva

Korona i eshafot. Istoricheskie ocherki [Krone und Schafott. Historische Studien]. Selected with a foreword by O. V. and L. S. Vadeevy. Historical commentary by P. P. Cherkasov. 317/(2)p. Illustrated


Ot sostaviteleĭ [The compilers’ foreword], pp. 3-4
Mariia Stiuart, pp. 40-72. This excerpt is taken from the final two chapters of the volume Mariia Stiuart. Translated by R. M. Gal’perina. Forword by Boris L. Suchkov. Illustrated by V. Lukashov. 395/(2)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo "Pravda", 1989, pp. 322-394: The chapters “Elizaveta protiv Elizavety" [Elisabeth gegen Elisabeth] and “V moem kontse moe nachalo” [“In meinen Ende ist mein Anbeginn”]
Mariia Antuanetta, pp. 232-(279). This excerpt is taken from four chapters of the volume Mariia Antuanetta. Portret ordinarnogo kharaktera. Translated by L. M. Mirimov. Foreword by P. P. Cherkasov. 495/(1)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Mysl’”, 1989, pp. 401-481 [The chapters “Gnusnaia kleveta” [Die große Infamie], “Protsess nachinaetsia” [Der Prozeß beginnt], “Slushanie dela” [Die Verhandlung], “Poslednii put’” [Die letzte Fahrt], and “Rekviem” [Die Totenklage]
Tragediia chelovecheskoĭ lichnosti [P. P. Cherkasov], pp. 280-(290). This commentary is extracted from Cherkasov’s “Predislovie” in Mariia Antuanetta. Portet ordinarnogo kharaktera. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Mysl”, 1989, pp. 5-(22)