Einigung Europas

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[2013]: Tartin Editionen / Salzburg & Paris

Einigung Europas. Eine Rede. Edited from Zweig's posthumous writings with an afterword by Klemens Renoldner. 44p. Photograph of Zweig as the frontispiece [Untendurch 19]


Einigung Europas, pp. 5-20
Data concerning the source material of this printed version and the genesis of this lecture that was never delivered, pp. 21-25
Nachwort [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 26-40
Data concerning the source material of this afterword, p. 41
Untendurch bisher erschienen [Nos. 1-18], pp. 42-44

Reprinted in: "Erst wenn die Nacht fällt" [2016], No. 3, pp. 13-23. Biographical data, pp. 124-125


English: "The Unification of Europe" in Messages from a Lost World [2016], No. 14, pp. (113)-123

French: "L'unification de l'Europe" in Appels aux Européens [2014], No. 3, pp. 109-(126). Notice [Annotations], pp. 131-(139)