Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy

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[1942]: Dār al-Yaqẓah al-ʿArabiyyah li-l-Taʾlīf waʾl-Tarjamah waʾl-Nashr, Dimashq [Damascus]

Tūlstūy [Tolstoi]. Translated by Fuʾād Ayyūb. 208p. [Silsilat ʿuyūn al-adab al-ʿālamī (Pearls of World Literature), 3]

Published online:

Contents 1. "Taṣdīr" [Prologue (by the translator Fuʾād Ayyūb)], pp. 5-16 2. Al-Muqaddimah [Vorklang], pp. 17-23 3. Ṣūrat Tūlstūy [Bildnis], pp. 24-31 4. Ḥayawiyyat Tūlstūy wa-naqīḍuhā [Vitalität und ihr Widerspiel], pp. 32-50 5. Al-Fannān [Der Künstler], pp. 51-72 6. Tūlstūy kamā yaṣif nafsahū [Selbstdarstellung], pp. 73-88 7. Al-Azmah waʾl-taḥawwul [Krise und Verwandlung], pp. 89-101 8. Al-Masīḥī al-muṣṭanaʿ [Der künstliche Christ], pp. 103-116 9. ʿAqīdat Tūlstūy waʾl-ḍalāl alladhī fīhā [Die Lehre und ihr Widersinn], pp. 117-139 10. Al-Niḍāl fī sabīl al-taḥqīq [Der Kampf um Verwirklichung], pp. 141-161 11. Yawm min ḥayāt Tūlstūy [Ein Tag aus dem Leben Tolstois], pp. 163-181 12. Al-ʿAzm waʾl-tajallī [Entscheidung und Verklärung], pp. 183-193 13. Al-Harab naḥwa ʾllāh [Die Flucht zu Gott], pp. 195-203 14. Al-Khātimah [Ausklang], pp. 205-208 15. Al-Fihris [Inhalt], p. [209]

[1960]: Dār al-Qalam li-l-Ṭibāʿah waʾl-Nashr, Al-Qāhirah [Cairo]

Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy [The Living Thoughts of Tolstoi]. Translated by Shukrī Muḥammed ‘Ayyād. Proofread by ʿAlī Adham. 181p. [Al-Alf kitāb (The One Thousand Books)], 286]. Reprinted 1965, 1975, and 1990