Al-Murājiʿ al-Ṣuḥufī

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Al-Murājiʿ al-Ṣuḥufī [The Journalistic Reviewer (alias)]: "Amāma ʾl-kawārith al-siyāsiyyah waʾl-ʿaskariyyah waʾl-ijtimāʿiyyah [...]" [In the Face of the Political, Military and Social Catastrophes (...)] in Raffī : li-mutʿat al-qirāʾah [My Bookshelf: For the Pleasure of Reading], 17 March 2015

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Anonymous electronic republication of: Al-ʿArīs, Ibrāhīm: " «ʿĀlam al-ams» li-Stīfān Tsfāygh: marthiya li-l-zaman al-lībirālī al-jamīl" [Stefan Zweig's The World of Yesterday. An Elegy on the Lovely Liberal Times] in Al-Ḥayāt [The Life] [London], 17 February 2014

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