Wālī, Najm

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Wālī, Najm, "Stīfān Zfāyj... aḥad bunāt al-ʿālam: (difʾ al-ḥayāt fī ghurfatayn, wa-sījār wa-ziyārah wāḥidah fī ʾl-yawm li-l-maqhā)" [Stefan Zweig... One of the Master Builders of the World: (the Warmth of Life in Two Rooms, and a Cigar and One Visit per Day in the Coffeehouse)] in Manārāt [Manarat] [Lighthouses] [Baghdad], Vol. 9: No. 2477 [9 May 2012], pp. 14-15. Manārāt / Manarat [Lighthouses] is a weekly cultural supplement to the Iraqi daily Al-Madā [The Reach]

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