Schachnovelle / Volume

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[1942]: Verlag Pigmalión, Buenos Aires é Schachnovelle. 97p. [250 numbered copies, numbered from 1 to 250]

Simultaneous edition:

[1942]: Verlag János Peter Kramer, Buenos Aires

Schachnovelle. 97p. [50 numbered copies, numbered from I to L]

[1943]: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, Stockholm

Schachnovelle. 117p.

5,000 copies. 1943. 117p.
5,000 copies. 1945
8,000 copies. 1949. New edition. 183p. Illustrated by Hans Fronius

See: [1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

NB: A copy of the typescript sent to Gottfried Bermann-Fischer [63p. Dated 21 February 1942] is located in the Lily Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

[1950]: Hirschsprung Forlag, København/Copenhagen

Schachnovelle. Edited by Axel Werner. 76p. [Deutsche Texte für dänische Gymnasien, 4]. Reprinted: 1953, 1959, 1965, 1967, 1969

[1950]: Uitgeverij J. M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam

Schachnovelle. Edited by J. H. Schouten. 94p. plus 10p. of vocabulary and notes. Contains a portrait of Stefan Zweig opposite the title page [Meulenhoffs Sammlung deutscher Schriftsteller, 92]. Reprinted: 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1962, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1979

[1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. 94/(1)p.

10,000 copies. 1951
13,000 copies. 1954
10,000 copies. 1957
11,000 copies. 1959
15,000 Copies. 1960
13,000 copies. 1961
15,000 copies. 1962
15,000 copies. 1965
15,000 copies. 1967
15,000 copies. 1969
10,000 copies. 1972

New edition. Afterword by Siegfried Unseld. 126/(1)p. [Fischer Bibliothek. "Nachwort" [Siegfried Unseld], pp. 110-(127)]. See: [1974]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag

5,000 copies. 1979
5,000 copies. 1979
5,000 copies. 1981
5,000 copies. 1982
4,000 copies. 1983
4,000 copies. 1984
5,000 copies. 1986
3,000 copies. 1987
4,000 copies. 1989

[1951]: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), Oslo

Schachnovelle [A shortened version]. Edited by Kristian Langlo and Margit Rogne. 61p. Illustrated [Frilesning i tysk, 2]. Reprinted 1963

[1960]: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York

Schachnovelle. Edited by Harry Zohn. viii/82p. See: [1962]: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London

[1962]: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London

Schachnovelle. Edited by Harry Zohn. viii/82p. [Methuen's Twentieth Century Texts]. See: [1960]: W. W. Norton & Company, New York

[1968]: Éditions Payot, Lausanne

Schachnovelle. Edited by Gérard Doessegger. 78p. [Deutsches Lesen. Vereinfachte Texte. 3. Stufe. Collection: Wir sprechen Deutsch]. Reprinted: 1975

[1969]: C(arl) Bertelsmann Verlag, Gütersloh

Schachnovelle. 124p. A licensed editon

[1976]: Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest

Schachnovelle / Sakknovella. 169p. A bilingual edition [In the Janus Könyvek / the Janus series]. Hungarian translation by Iván Fónagy. This edition was licensed by the Atrium-Verlag, Zürich]

Schachnovelle. 124p. Licensed edition

[1984]:Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde, Leipzig

Schachnovelle und andere'. 149p. Large print edition