Stefan Zweig. A unidade espiritual do mundo

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[2017]: Casa Stefan Zweig" Memória Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Stefan Zweig. A unidade espiritual do mundo. Conferencia proferida no Rio de Janeiro em agosto de 1936.Contributions by Alberto Dines, Celso Lafer, Jacques Le Rider, and Klemens Renoldner. Illustrated with three photographs of Stefan Zweig, various paintings, the handwritten copy of his lecture, and the cover of two of his books in Portuguese translation. 181/(3)p.


[I]. Photographs

Stefan Zweig, Rio 1936, p. (2)
Pupil of Peter Bruegel, Dutch School, The Tower of Babel, Oil on metal, 16th century, pp. (6)-(9)
The War Triptych, Tempera on wood, 1929-1932, pp. (10)-(13)
Pablo Picasso, Guernica, Oil on canvas, 1937, pp. (14)-(17)
Lasar Segall, Ship of Emigrants, Oil on canvas, 1929-1941, pp. (18)-(19), (36)
Kathe Kollwitz, "Nie wieder Krieg", Mitteldeutscher Jugendtag, Leipzig, 2.-4. August 1924, Chalk and brush lithograph, p. (20)
Linz on the day of the Anschluss, 1928, p. (56)
Stefan Zweig in the War Achives, Vienna 1915-1916, p. (64)
"L'unité spirituelle de l'Europe". A facsimile of the handwritten copy. (2)/23p. Reprinted between pages 71 and (124)
Stefan Zweig on his trip to Brazil, August 1936, p. (124)
Stefan Zweig. Los creadores. Buenos Aires: Editorial Tor, 1942 p. (170). Cover of the volume
Autographo de Stefan Zweig. Cover of the manuscript of Stefan Zweig's talk. Binding in Morocco leather with gilding, p. (178)

[II]. Secondary Literature

[1]. Alberto Dines
Portuguese: O canto do cisne do colecionador de utopias, Rio de Janeiro, 27 de agosto, 2013, pp. 21-24. Notas, p. 24
Spanish: El canto del cisne del coleccionador de utopías, pp. 24-26. [Translated from the Portuguese by María Pomi]. Notas, pp. 26-27
German: Der Schwanengesang des Utopiensammlers, pp. 27-30 [Translated from the Portuguese by Marlen Eckl]. Anmerkungen, pp. 29-30
French: Le chant de cygne du collectionneur d'utopies, pp. 30-32 [Translated from the Portuguese by Pedro de Souza]. Notes, pp. 32-33
English: The swan song of the collector of utopias, pp. 33-35 [Translated from the Portuguese by Hugo Moss]. Notes, p. 35
[2]. Celso Lafer
Portuguese: A Unidade Espiritual do Mundo de Stefan Zweig. Uma apresentação, pp. 37-40. Notas, pp. 40-41. Referencias, p. 41
Spanish: La Unidad Espiritual del Mundo de Stefan Zweig, pp. 41-44 [Translated from the Portuguese by María Pomi]. Notas, p. 44. Referencías, p. 44
German: Die geistige Einheit der Welt von Stefan Zweig. Eine Einführung, pp. 44-47 [Translated from the Portuguese by Manuel von Rahden]. Anmerkungen, p. 48. Bibliographische Hinweise, p. 48
French: L'unité spirituelle du monde de Stefan Zweig. Une présentation, pp. 48-51 [Translated from the Portuguese by Pedro de Souza]. Notes, p. 51. Références, p. 51
English: The Spiritual Unity of the World by Stefan Zweig. An introduction, pp. 52-54 [Translated from the Portuguese by Hufo Moss]. Notes, p. 55. References, p. 55
[3]. Jacques Le Rider
Portuguese: Zweig mais atual do que nunca, pp. 57-58 [Translated from the French by Kristina Michahelles]. Notas, p. 58
Spanish: Zweig, mas actual que nunca, pp. 58-59 [Translated from the French by Carmen Gauger]. Notas, p. 60
German: Zweig - aktueller denn je, pp. 60-61 [Translated from the French by Isis von Plato]. Anmerkungen, p. 61
French: Zweig, plus actuel que jamias, pp. 61-62. Notes, p. 62
English: Zweig, more timely than ever, pp. 62-63. [Translated from the French by Hugo Moss]. Notes, p. 63
[4]. Klemens Renoldner
Portuguese: Um sonho dos dias da infância, pp. 65-66 [Translated from the German by Kristina Michahelles]
Spanish: Un sueño infantil, pp. 66-68 [Translated from the German by Carmen Gauger]
German: Ein Traum aus Kindertagen, pp. 68-69
French: Un reve d'enfance, pp. 69-70 [Translated from the German by Isabelle Kalinowski]
English: A Dream from Childhood Days, pp. 70-71, pp. 135-143 [Translated from the Grman by [Translated from the German by Hugo Moss]
[5]. Stefan Zweig
German: "L'unité spirituelle de l'Europe". A facsimile of the handwritten copy. (2)/23p. Reprinted between pages 71 and (124)
[6]. Stefan Zweig
Portuguese: A unidade espiritual da Europa [Conferência proferida por Stefan Zweig no Rio de Janeiro durante a sua primeira viagem ao Brasil em agosto de 1936], pp. 125-135. Notas, p. 135 [Translated from the German by Kristina Michahelles
Spanish: La unidad espiritual de la Europa, pp. 135-143. Notas, p. 143 [Translated from the Grman by Carmen Gauger]
German: L'unité spirituelle de l'Europe, pp. 144-152. Anmerkungen, p. 152
French: L'unité sirituelle de l'Europe, pp. 153-161. Notes, p. 161 [Translated from the German by Isabelle Kalinowski]
English: The Spiritual Unity of Europe, pp. 162-169. Notes, p. 169 [Translated from the German by Hugo Moss]
[7]. Quatro anos depois
Portuguese: Quatro anos depois, pp. 171-172. Notas, p. 172
Spanish: Cuatro años después, pp. 172-174. Notas, p. 174 [Translated from the Braxilian Portuguese by Ana Maria Pomi]
German: Vier Jahre später, pp. 174-175. Anmerkungen, p. 175 [Translated from the Brazilian Portuguese by Manuel von Rahden
French: Quatre ans apres, pp. 175-176. Notes, p. 176 [Translated from the Brazilian Portuguese by Pedrode Souza]
English: Four years later, pp. 176-177. Notes, p. 177 [Translated from the Portuguese by Hugo Moss]

NB: On 29 October 1940 Stefan Zweig repeated his lecture "The Spiritual Unity of the World", this time in Buenos Aires and in Spanish. The text was translated by Stefan Zweig's friend Alfredo Cahn and printed in the magazine Cursos y Conferencias [Buenos Aires], Year X, No. 10, Vol. XX [January 1942], pp. 1033-1045. It was then reprinted in: Stefan Zweig. Los creadores. Translated by Alfredo Cahn. Buenos Aires: Editorial Tor, 1942, pp. 75-124