Amerigo Vespuchchi * Fernan Magellan
[2006]: Izdatel’stvo Drofa, Moskva
Amerigo Vespuchchi - Fernan Magellan [Amerigo Vespucci - Magellan. Authors: Stefan Zweig, Antonio Pigafetta and Amerigo Vespucci. Preface by Vladimir Pavlovich Maksakovskii. Edited by G. V. Karniuk and E. I. Kharitonova. 526/(1)p. Illustrated. [Biblioteka puteshestvii]. Reprinted 2008
<lsy type=bracker start=2> Stefan Tsveig
Antonio Pigafetta
Stefan Tsveig
Magellan * Amerigo * Zvezdnye chasy chelovechestva. Istoricheskie miniatiury. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Literatura. Mir knigi”, 2004, No. 2, pp. 213-(284) [Translated by L.Lezhneva].
Magellan. Chelovek i ego deianie * Amerigo. Povest’ ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke * Novelly. Edited by E. Borsuk. Annotations by Iu. Sheinin and A. Ibragimov. Art designer E. Prokhorov. 396/(2)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Druzhba Narodov”/ SP “Lexica”, 1992, No. 2, pp. 211-(276) [Translated by L. Lezhneva].
Pobeg v bessmertie * Legendy. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Bibliosfera”, 1996, No. 17, pp. 275-(362) [Translated by L. Lezhneva].
Triumf i tragedia Erazma Rotterdamskogo * Sovest’ protiv nasiliia * Amerigo * Magellan * Monten’. Moskva: Izdatel’skii Tsentr “TERRA”, 1993 [Reprinted 1997] [3], No. 3, pp. (359)-(434) [Translated by L. P. Lezhneva].
Zvezdnye chasy chelovechestva. Istoricheskie miniatiury * Amerigo * Magellan. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Pravda”, 1963 [Reprinted 1988], No. 11, pp. (373)-(449) [Translated by L. P. Lezhneva] </lst>