Romain Rolland - Stefan Zweig. Von Welt zu Welt. Briefe einer Freundschaft 1914-1918

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[2014]: Aufbau Verlag, Berlin

Romain Rolland - Stefan Zweig. Von Welt zu Welt. Briefe einer Freundschaft 1914-1918. Introductionn by Peter Handke. Collector of manuscripts and editor Waltraud Schwarze. Letters translated from French into German by Christel Gersch and Eva Schewe [Rolland's letters] and Gerhard Schewe [Zweig's letters]. 461/(1)p. Frontispiece: Photographs of Romain Rolland, Paris 1914. Photograph of Stefan Zweig 1920, following p. XVII. Photographs of Rolland and Zweig on the dust jacket


Zwei Menschenkinder, Zwei Hochherzige [Begleitwort von Peter Handke], pp. V-XVII

Der Beginn einer Freundschaft.Briefe 1910-1913, pp. (1)-42

1910, p.3

Rolland to Zweig, 1 letter, 1 May

1911, pp. 4-8

Rolland to Zweig, 2 letters, 18 February and 19 April
Zweig to Rolland, 3 letters, 12 February, 23 April and 26 April

1912, pp. 8-24

Rolland to Zweig, 4 letters and 1 postal card, 23 February-26 December
Zweig to Rolland, 3 letters and 3 postal cards, 17 February-24 December. The letter of 24 December [pp.16-23] contains a copy of "Brief an Romain Rolland von Stefan Zweig" which had appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt [Berlin], 22 December 1912

1913, pp. 25-42

Rolland to Zweig,11 letters and 1 postal card, 2 January-30 October
Zweig to Rolland, 8 letters and 4 postal cards, 24 January-27 August. The letter of 18 April contains [[pp. 33-34] a reprint of the poem "An Romain Rolland" by Friderike von Winternitz

Briefe 1914-1918, pp. (43)-436

1914, pp. 45-109

Rolland to Zweig, 17 letters and 5 postal cards, 21 March-22 December. The letter of 28 September was addressed to the Berliner Tageblatt in response to Zweig's "An die Freunde in Fremdland" which had appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt, 19 September 1914
Zweig to Rolland, 15 letters and 3 postal cards, 8 April-23 December

1915, pp. 109-225

Rolland to Zweig, 24 letters and 3 postal cards, 11 January-29 December. The letter of 2 June contains [pp. 177-178] the poem "An meine Freunde in Ost und West" by Frederik van Eeden
Zweig to Rolland, 34 letters and 12 postal cards, 2 January-30 December
Friderike von Winternitz to Rolland, 1 letter, 22 April


Zeittafel, pp. 439-451
Personenregister, pp. 452-459
Editorische Notiz, pp. 460-461
Inhalt, p. (462)

[2014]: Aufbau Digital, Berlin

Romain Rolland - Stefan Zweig. Von Welt zu Welt. Briefe einer Freundschaft 1914-1918. With an accompanying text by Peter Handke entitled "Zwei Menschenkinder, zwei Hochherzige". eBook Kindle Edition. 2576 KB. Available via Amazon Media. See: