Mūnīj, Rīshārd / Mönnig, Richard

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[1968]: Inter Nationes e. V., Bad Godesberg / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, Göttingen

Übersetzungen aus der deutschen Sprache: Arabisch / Fihris mutarjam 'an al-almāniyyah: al-nuskha al-'arabiyyah. Edited by Richard Mönnig [Min waḍ' Rīshārd Mūnīj]. 30p. [Übersetzungen aus der deutschen Sprache. Eine bibliographische Reihe / Fihris mutarjam 'an al-almāniyyah: silsila bībliyūjrāfiyyah, 21]. The Arabic translations of 12 of Stefan Zweig's works are listed on pp. 6-7. This is a bilingual volume, in German and Arabic

The 12 works of Stefan Zweig translated into Arabic:

[1]. أربع وعشرون ساعة من حاية امرأة See:Arba' wa-'ishrūn sā‘ah min ḥayāt imra’ah / 24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau

[2]. رميا See: Irmiyā / Jeremias

[3]. أفكار تولستوي الحية . See: Afkār Tūlstūy al-ḥayyah / The Living Thoughts of Tolstoi

It is your entry: Afkār Tūlstūy al-ḥayyah. Translated by Aḥmad 'Iṣām al-Dīn. 77p. Al-Qāhirah [Cairo]: al-Dār al-Qaumiyyah, 1962

4) تولستوي Tūlstūy Tolstoi

It is your entry: [pre1969]: Dār al-Yaqẓah al-'Arabiyyah, Dimashq [Damascus] Tūlstūy [Tolstoi]. Translated by Fu'ād Ayyūb. 208p. See: Drei Dichter ihres Lebens: Casanova - Stendhal - Tolstoi

(Although it was my conjecture that this is part of "Drei Dichter ihres Lebens: Casanova - Stendhal - Tolstoi. Mönnig merely writes "Tolstoj" without indicating whether it is "The Living Thoughts of Tolstoi" or part of "Drei Dichter ihres Lebens".)

5) حياة امرأة Ḥayāt imra'ah 24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau

It is your entry: [1961]: al-Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Tibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] Ḥayāt imra'ah [Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau]. Translated by 'Umar 'Abd al-Azīz Amīn. 71p.

6) رسالة امرأة مجهولة والحب الجنوني Risālat imra'ah majhūlah wa'l-ḥubb al-junūnī Brief einer Unbekannten

It is your entry: [1955]: al-Mu'assasah al-Ahliyyah li-l-Ṭibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, Bairūt [Beirut] Risālat imra'ah majhūlah wa'l-ḥubb al-junūnī [Brief einer Unbekannten]. Translated by Anjīl 'Abbūd. 135p.

7) عاصفة في الجنة ʿĀṣifah fī ʾl-jannah Ungeduld des Herzens

It is your entry: [1963]: al-Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Ṭibāʿah waʾl-Nashr, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] ʿĀṣifah fī ʾl-jannah [Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated by ʿUmar ʿAbd al-Azīz Amīn. 2 Vols.. 128p. + 107p. = 235 p.

8) قلوب تحترق Qulūb taḥtariq Ungeduld des Herzens [Yet, Mönnig suggests, it is "Brennendes Geheimnis".]

It is your entry: [1951]: Dār al-Hilāl, al-Qāhirah Qulūb taḥtariq [Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated with a biographical foreword by Dār al-Hilāl bi-Miṣr. 161p.

(Mönnig gives the date of publication as 1959. Since he does not indicate the edition, his copy probably was just some later edition.)

9) ماجلان قاهر البحار Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār Magellan

It is your entry: [1951]: Dār al-Hilāl bi-Miṣr, al-Qāhira [Cairo] Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 223p. [Kitāb al-Hilāl [The Al-Hilal-Book], 2]

(Mönnig does not mention the series "Kitāb al-Hilāl [The Al-Hilal-Book], 2".)

10) ماجلان قاهر البحار Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār Magellan

It is your entry: [1962]: Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Ṭibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, al-Qāhira [Cairo] Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 211p.

11) ماري أنطوانيت Mārī Anṭuwānīt Marie Antoinette

It is your entry: [1952]: Dār al-Hilāl, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] Mārī Anṭuwānīt [Marie Antoinette. Bildnis eines mittleren Charakters]. Translated by Muḥammad Abū Ṭāʾilah. 162 p.

12) نصوص مختارة من تولستوي Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy Living Thoughts of Tolstoi

It is your entry: Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy. Translated by Shukrī Muḥammed ‘Ayyād. 181p. Al-Qāhirah [Cairo]: Dār al-Qalam, 1960

(Mönnig pretends that the original English title was "Selected Texts from Tolstoy". Yet, this seems just to be a retranslation from the Arabic title "Nuṣūṣ mukhtārah min Tūlstūy" [literally: Selected Texts from Tolstoy"]. In other words, the resonsible person did not check whether Stefan Zweig has authored a text "Selected Texts from Tolstoy" at all. Therefore, I suggest it is "The Living Thoughts of Tolstoi", what else?)

