Plesnicar, Marco / Portelli, Ivan

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[2015]: Societât Filologjiche Furlane / Società Filologica Friulana, Udin [Udine]

Cognossìn la Grande Vuere in Friûl Vignesie Julie. 1914: Popui clamâts a combati [Getting to Know the Great War in Friuli Venezia Giulia. 1914: Peoples in Arms]. Text by Marco Plesnicar and Ivan Portelli. Project coordination by Feliciano Medeot. Editorial coordination by Anna Maria Domini. Translations by Paolo Roseano. 36p.

Although this booklet is about World War I and, therefore, in a strict sense might not be counted under secondary literature about Stefan Zweig and his oeuvre, nevertheless, its first page opens with a long quotation from Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers (here in Friulian rendering: "Il mont di îr. Ricuarts di un european"), thereby documenting the moral weight and cultural impact Stefan Zweig's autobiography wields in the assessment of World War I on a global level in a multitude of language communities, in this case the Friulian-speaking region Friuli Venezia Giulia of north-eastern Italy

Published online:

Quoation in Friulian:

«Se in dì di vuê si domandisi cun serenitât parcè che la Europe tal 1914 e je jentrade in vuere, no si cjate un motîf resonevul e magari nancje une vere cause.

Nol è sucedût par une cuistion di ideis in contrast e nancje par un cavîl par piçui teritoris di frontiere. A mi mi pâr che l’unic motîf al è stât chest ecès di fuarce, une conseguence tragjiche di chel dinamisim interiôr che si jere ingrumât tai ultins cuarante agns di pâs e che al cirive un sbroc violent.

Bot e sclop, ogni Stât al à tacât a pensâ che al jere fuart, ma si è dismenteât che ancje il Stât subit dongje al veve chê stesse braùre; ognidun al voleve alc di plui e alc di chel altri. La robe piês e je che al è stât propit chel sintiment che o vin tant a cjâr che nus à imbroiâts: il nestri otimisim. (…) e alore ve che ai 28 di Jugn dal 1914 a Sarajevo si à sintût il sunsûr di un revolvar che intun marilamp al à fruçât, come se al fos un vâs di crep, il mont de sigurece e de reson creadore là che o jerin cressûts e o vevin vivût.»

Test di STEFAN ZWEIG: Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers [Il mont di îr. Ricuarts di un european]. Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1942 [pp. 230, 247]

English translation:

[2015]: Societât Filologjiche Furlane / Società Filologica Friulana, Udine

Getting to Know the Great War in Friuli Venezia Giulia. 1914: Peoples in Arms. Text by Marco Plesnicar and Ivan Portelli. Project coordination by Feliciano Medeot. Editorial coordination by Anna Maria Domini. Translation by Business Voice. 37p.


Quotation in English:

“If today we ask ourselves with a quiet reflection why Europe in 1914 went to war, we can’t find a reasonable cause and practically any determining factor.

It was not about conflicting ideas and there were hardly any border issues. I can’t find any other reason than an excess of strength, a tragic consequence of that inner dynamism accumulated over the previous forty years and urging for a violent outburst.

Each country was suddenly aware of its strength, forgetting that the neighbouring States had a nearly equal pride; everyone wanted more and wanted something from the other. The worst of it was that feeling, so dear to us, that deceived us entirely: our shared optimism. (...) and it was on June 28, 1914 that we heard the pistol shot in Sarajevo, which in a single moment shattered, as if it were an empty pot, the world of security and creative reason, in which we had education and dwelling.”

From STEFAN ZWEIG: Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers (The World of Yesterday. Memories of a European). Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1942 [pp. 230, 247]

German translation:

[2015]: Societât Filologjiche Furlane / Società Filologica Friulana, Udine

Lernen wir den Ersten Weltkrieg in Friaul Julisch Venetien kennen. 1914: Die Völker greifen zu den Waffen. Texte [von] Marco Plesnicar und Ivan Portelli. Projektkoordinierung [durch] Feliciano Medeot. Redaktionskoordinierung [durch] Anna Maria Domini. Übersetzung [von] Barbara Cinausero Hofer. 37p.



[2015]: Societât Filologjiche Furlane / Società Filologica Friulana, Udine

Conosciamo la Grande Guerra in Friuli Venezia Giulia. 1914: Popoli alle armi. Texts by Marco Plesnicar and Ivan Portelli. Project coordination by Feliciano Medeot. Editorial coordination by Anna Maria Domini. 37p.



[2015]: Societât Filologjiche Furlane / Società Filologica Friulana, Udine

Spoznajmo prvo svetovno vojno v Furlaniji Julijski krajini. 1914: Narodi se podajajo v vojno. Texts by Marco Plesnicar and Ivan Portelli. Project coordination by Feliciano Medeot. Editorial coordination by Anna Maria Domini. 37p. See: