Der Rhythmus von Newyork

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"Der Rhythmus von Newyork" in Neue Freie Presse [Wien], 3 May 1911, pp. (1)-3

Reprinted in:

Auf Reisen. Feuilletons und Berichte [Frankfurt am Main, 1987], No. 18, pp. 135-(143) [Here the city is spelled "New York"]
Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten [Wien/Leipzig/Zürich, 1937], No. 29, pp. (278)-284 [Here the city is spelled "New York"]
Dresdner Anzeiger [Dresden], 8 December 1913, pp. 3-4 [Here the city is spelled "Newyork"]
Essays. Auswahl 1907-1924 [Leipzig, 1983], No. 34, pp. 254-261 [Here the city is spelled "New York"]
Fahrten. Landschaften und Städte [Leipzig/Wien/Zürich, 1919], No. 16, pp. 88-(99) [Here the city is spelled "Newyork"]
Länder, Städte, Landschaften [Frankfurt am Main, 1981], No. 2, pp. 16-22 [Here the city is spelled "New York"]

Reprinted as: "Der Rhythmus von New York. Aus dem Tagebuch einer Reise" in: <lst type=bracket start=7> Pester Lloyd [Budapest], 9 May 1937, pp. (1)-3