Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār

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[1951]: Dār al-Hilāl bi-Miṣr, al-Qāhira [Cairo]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār: awwal man ṭāfa ḥawla ʾl-ʿālam waʾrtāda al-muḥīṭāt al-shāsiʿah [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 223p. [Kitāb al-Hilāl [The Al-Hilal-Book], 2]

Published online:


[1962]: Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Ṭibā'ah wa'l-Nashr, al-Qāhira [Cairo]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār: awwal man ṭāfa ḥawla ʾl-ʿālam waʾrtāda al-muḥīṭāt al-shāsiʿah [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 211p.

[1965]: al-Dār al-Qawmiyyah li-l-Ṭibāʿah waʾl-Nashr [National Publication & Printing House], al-Qāhira [Cairo]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār: qiṣṣat awwal man ṭāfa ḥawla ʾl-arḍ [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 211p. Illustrations. [Madhāhib wa-shakhṣiyyāt: mukhtārāt al-idhāʿah waʾl-tilīfizyūn (World-views and Personalities: Selections from Radio and TV), 4]

[2008]: Dār al-Madā li'l-Thaqāfah wa'l-Nashr, Dimashq [Damascus]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 143p. [Kitāb li-l-jamī [The Book for Everyone], 48]

Free supplement to the Iraqi newspaper "Al-Ittiḥād" [The Union] [Baghdad]

Published online:


[2008]: Dār al-Madā liʾl-Thaqāfah waʾl-Nashr, Dimashq [Damascus]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 143p. [Kitāb li-l-jamīʿ [The Book for Everyone], 48]

Free supplement to the Iraqi newspaper "Al-Madā" [The Range], [Baghdad]

2008]: Dār al-Madā liʾl-Thaqāfah waʾl-Nashr, Dimashq [Damascus]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. 143p. [Kitāb li-l-jamīʿ [The Book for Everyone], 48]

Free supplement to the Bahraini newspaper "Al-Ayyām" [The Days], [Baghdad]

[2008]: al-Hayʾah al-Miṣriyyah al-ʿĀmmah li-l-Kitāb, Wizārat al-Thaqāfah [General Egyptian Book Organization (GEBO), Ministry of Culture], al-Qāhirah [Cairo] / Dār al-Madā li-l-Thaqāfah waʾl-Nashr, Dimashq [Damascus]

Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār : al-juzʾ al-awwal [Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat]. Translated by Ḥabīb Jāmātī. Part I, 72p. [Kitāb li-l-jamī [The Book for Everyone], 77]

Free supplement to the magazine Al-Qāhirah : adab, fikr, fann [Cairo. Literature, Thought, Art] [Cairo], No. 436 [26 August 2008]

Published online:


Historical Note: On 20 February 2010, a reading competition of Stefan Zweig's Magellan was held in the Lebanese town of Barja in the "Future School". See: http://www.ebarja.com/?p=286. On this page the names of the winners of the reading competition and the financial awards they received are announced