Al-Ḥakīm Fīrātā

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[post2000]: Dār Nūbilīs li-l-Tawzīʿ waʾl-Nashr [Nobilis International], Bairūt [Beirut]

Al-Ḥakīm Fīrātā [Die Augen des ewigen Bruders]. [Translator not indicated (ʿAlī Adham?)]. Published by Shādī Faqīh. Proof-correction and re-edition by Samīr N. al-ʿĀliyah. Illustrations by Nizār Ḥasan Fāʿūr. Layout by Yusrī Muḥammad Qaṣṣār. 28p. Illustrations [Series: Al-Riwāyāt al-ʿālamiyyah (International Novels)]