Der Flüchtling. Episode vom/am Genfer See (VIST)

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Egyptian: "Al-Hārib" in Arḍ al-ḍayā ... [al-Qāhirah/Cairo, 1970], No. 9, pp. 180-192. Translated by Shafīq Maqqār

French: "Épisode au Lac de Genève" in Romans, nouvelles et récits [Paris, 2013], Vol. 1, No. 25, pp. (563)-572. Translated by Diane Meur. Commentaries, pp. 1384-1385 and Annotations, pp. 1385-1386 by Jean-Pierre Lefebvre

Greek: "O lipotaktēs" in Tou phtōchou t'rani [Athēna, 1960], No. 2, pp. ?? Translated by. T. Korini