L' unité spirituelle du monde / Die geistige Einheit der Welt

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"L'unité spirituelle du monde" in Die Neue Rundschau [Berlin/Frankfurt am Main], 124:4 [2013], pp. 257-277. Introduction by Alberto Dines. This lecture by Stefan Zweig was delivered on 27 August 1936 in the Instituto Nacional de Música, Rio de Janeiro


Alberto Dines. "Stefan Zweig. L'unité spirituelle du monde. Der Schwanengesang des Utopiensammlers" [Translated from Portuguese into German by Marlen Eckl], pp. 257-262
Stefan Zweig. "L'unité spirituelle du monde", pp. 263-277. The first two paragraphs contain some sentences in French; the rest of the lecture is in German


"A unidade espiritual do mundo" [Translated by João Luso] in Jornal do Commercio [Rio de Janeiro], 13 September 1936


"La unidad espiritual del mundo" in Los Creadores. Translated by Alfredo Cahn. Buenos Aires: Editorial Tor, 1942, No. 2, pp. (75)-124


Souza, Claudio de. Os últimos dias de Stefan Zweig. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Editora Zelio Valverde / P. E, N. Clube do Brasil, 1942, pp. 16-18. Sentences extracted from the article printed in the Jornal co Commercio
Souza, Claudio d. Los últimos días de Stefan Zweig. Preface by André Maurois. Translated from the Portuguese. Translator not indicated. Mexico, D. F..: Tall. B. Costa-Amic, 1944
Souza, Claudio. Les derniers jours de Stefan Zweig. Preface by André Maurois. Translated from the Portuguese. Translator not indicated. Mexico, D. F.: Éditions Quetzal, 1944, pp. 31-33 [Pasaje Iturbide, No. 18]