Beware of Pity

From Stefan Zweig Bibliography
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Volumes (English)


[Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated by Phyllis and Trevor Blewitt. Cover illustration by Massimo Kaufmann. Frontispiece portrait of Stefan Zweig. 365p. London: Pushkin Press, (2003) [First published in Great Britain in 1939. A new edition published by Pushkin Press in 2000. Revised edition published in 2003. Special “Author’s Note, p. (7). Biographical note on Zweig, p. (3)]. Review of a later reprint: Eric Ormsby. “The Perils of Pity” in The New York Sun [New York], 9 March 2005.


[Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated by Phyllis and Trevor Blewitt. Introduction by Joan Acocella. Cover design by Katy Homans. Cover painting: Egon Schiele. “The Artist’s Sister Melanie” [1908]. xxxiv/353p. New York: nyrb / New York Review Books, (2006)


Introduction [Joan Acocella], pp. vii-xx
Author’s Note [Stefan Zweig], p. xxiii
There are two kinds of pity . . . [Stefan Zweig], pp. xxv-xxxiv
Beware of Pity, pp. 1-353

Individual Stories (English)

[An excerpt from ‘Ungeduld des Herzens’. Translated by Phyllis and Trevor Blewitt] in Vienna. A Traveler’s Literary Companion. Edited by Donald G. Daviau. Berkeley, CA: Wherebouts Press, (2008), pp. 31-56