Stefan Zweig - Friderike Zweig. Briefwechsel 1912-1942

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[1951]: Alfred Scherz Verlag, Bern

Stefan Zweig - Friderike Zweig. Briefwechsel 1912-1942. Compiled and edited with notes and a foreword by Friderike Maria Zweig-von Winternitz. Illustrated with five photographs: Friedrike Zweig and her two daughters 1912, opposite p. 48; The Zweig house on the Kapuzinerberg in Salzburg and Beethoven's desk in Zweig's office in his house on the Kapuzinerberg, opposite p. 128; Work notices to Zweig's Amerigo, 1940/41, opposite p. 208; Friderike and Stefan Zweig 1935, opposite p. 288


Vorwort [Friderike Maria Zweig-von Winternitz], pp. 5-6
[1912], pp. 7-17. Friderike Maria to Stefan, 18 letters, 25 July-19 December. The undated letter of November, pp. 14-15, contains a copy of Friderike Maria's poem "Sie dienen nicht dem Dichterwort. . ."
[1913], pp. 17-52. Friderike Maria to Stefan, 36 letters and two postcards, 5 January-Christmas. Stefan responded to Friderike Maria's letter of 12 March with a copy of his poem "Ein Paar Verse. . . " and he sent to her an undated note [March] with greetings from himself, Emile Verhaeren, Romain Rolland, Rainer Maria Rilke and Léon Bazalgette
[1914], pp. 52-69. Friderike Maria to Stefan, January-30 December
[1915], pp. 69-82. Friderike Maria to Stefan, 12 letters, 8 March-30 August. 16 September, Suzanne Duchaine [Secretary of the Comité International P.P.P.] to Friderike Maria, 1 letter. Romain Rolland responded to this letter on 31 January 1916
[1916], pp. 82-84. Stefan to Friderike Maria, 1 letter [undated] and two telegrams [27 December and one undated]
[1917]. No correspondence
[1918], pp. 84-99. Stefan to Friderike Maria, 2 dated letters [8 July and 9 July], 15 undated letters, and 4 postcards [6 and 8 July, 12 and 13 August]
[1919], pp. 99-126. Stefan to Friderike Maria, 12 dated letters, 29 March-26 October; 11 undated letters; 3 postcards, two dated 20 October and one undated. Friderike Maria to Stefan 5 letters, 6 January-27 October and 2 undated letters. Stefan's mother, Ida Zweig, to Stefan, 1 letter, 23 January. Stefan's mother to Friderike Maria, 1 letter, February. Stefan's father, Moritz, to Friderike Maria, 1 letter, 2 May
[1920], pp. 127-136. Friderike Maria to Stefan, 6 letters, 30 January-October. Stefan to Friderike Maria, 6 letters, 17 October-25 October
[1921], pp. 136-150. Stefan to Friderike Maria, 15 letters, undated-27 November. 2 postcards, 21 and 26 November. The letter of 28 July contains greetings from Ida Zweig. The postcard of 21 November also contains greetings from Ernst Weiss. Friderike Maria to Stefan, 3 letters, undated-26 November

[1981]: Alfred Scherz Verlag, Bern

Stefan Zweig - Friderike Zweig: Unrast der Liebe. Ihr Leben und ihre Zeit im Spiegel ihres Briefwechsels. Revised edition. Compiled with an appendix by Petra Eisele. 351/(1)p. 2nd impression 1982. This impression was also printed as a licensed edition for the NSB Buch & Phono-Club, Zürich, 1982]. See p. 290, Stefan to Friderike, 1 letter, 18 Feb. 1942 [Facsimile]

[2006]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Stefan Zweig - Friderike Zweig. "Wenn einen Augenblick die Wolken weichen". Briefwechsel 11912-1942. Second revised edition. Edited by Jeffrey B. Berlin and Gert Kerschbaumer. 433/(14)p.


Die Annäherung, pp. 7-80
Kapuzinerberg 5, pp. 81-206
In der Schwebe, pp. 207-276
Die Abstoßung, pp. 277-341
Im Exil, pp. 342-398
Ein Nachwort [Gert Kerschbaumer], pp. 399-406


Erwähnte Werke, pp. 407-410
Erwähnte Namen, pp. 411-(434)


English: Stefan and Friderike Zweig: Their Correspondence, 1912-1942. Trandlated and edited by Henry G. Alsberg with the assistance of Erna MacArthur. vi/344p. New York: Hastings House, 1954

French: L’Amour inquiet, Friderike et Stefan Zweig. Correspondance 1912-1942. Translated by Jacques Legrand. 497p. Paris: Editions Des Femmes, 1988

Spanish: Correspondencia: Stefan Zweig / Friderike Zweig. Translated by Fernando Trias. 401p. Barcelona: AHR, 1957

Turkish: Friderike’ye mektuplar. Excerpts from the letters. Translated by Burhan Arpad. 87p. Istanbul: Yaylacik Matbaasi, 1967 [Yanki Yayinlari, Seri 9] 358/(2)p. Bern: Alfred Scherz Verlag, 1951