Winternitz, Friederike von

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"Was ist Sparsamkeit?" A lecture delivered on 24 September 1912 in the Vienna Urania. The Urania is a public educational institute and observatory. It was opened in 1910. It was severely damaged during World War II and, after it was reconstructed, it was reopened in 1957

Reviews of this lecture:

"Sparsamkeit" in Neues Wiener Tagblatt [Wien], 29 September 1912, pp. 12
"Sparsamkeit" in Prager Tagblatt [Prag], 1 October 1912, p. 4
"Was ist Sparsamkeit?" in Pester Lloyd [Budapest], 17 October 1912, p. 9
"Sparsamkeit" in Linzer Tages-Post [Linz], 13 November 1912, pp. 5