2009 October 1-3: Stefan Zweig's Transatlantic Connections

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2009 Zweig Symposium. State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY USA. Symposium Co-Chairs: Birger Vanwesenbeeck, Department of English SUNY Fredonia and Jeremy Linden, Head of Archives and Special Collections, SUNY Fredonia


1 October 2009

Welcome Reception. Japanese Garden Area, Reed Library
Opening Remarks: Dennis Hefner, President, SUNY Fredonia; Birger Vanwesenbeeck, Assistant Professor of English; Jeremy Linden, Head of Archives and Special Collections
Keynote Address: Oliver Matuscheck. "The Three Lives of Stefan Zweig"

Transatlantic Zweig

Nikolaus Unger [University of Warwick]: "'... to compare a rather uncertain impression of the new continent with reality...' - Stefan Zweig and New York"
Christine Berthold [University of Macerata]: "Approaching the Far Away: Magellan and Amerigo"
Birger Vanwesenbeeck [State University of New York at Fredonia]: "The Generational Autobiography: Zweig vs. Flaubert"

Zweig's Connections

Walter Kreyszig [University of Saskatchewan/University of Vienna]: "'Your worlds are created from the spirit of music': Stefan Zweig's Biography on Romain Rolland and the Continuation of the 'Great Man' Theory of History in North America"
George Prochnik [Independent scholar]: "The Netherworld of Yesterday: An Imaginary Conversation between Stefan Zweig and Hannah Arendt"
Sylvio Back [Director of Lost Zweig]: "The Unfathomable Gesture"

Zweig and Brazil

Marlen Eckl [Independent scholar]: "'Das Paradies ist überall verloren': Stefan Zweig's Concept of Brazil compared to the viewpoint espoused by other German-speaking Brazilian émigrés"
Darién Davis [Middlebury College] and Oliver Marshall [Independent scholar]: "Exile and Liminality: Charlotte and Stefan Zweig in Brazil"
Brenda Keiser [Bloomsburg University]: "Stefan Zweig and Brazil. The Land of the Future"
Marlen Eckl [Representative of the Casa Stefan Zweig]: "The Casa Stefan Zweig Project in Petropolis"
Keynote Address: Klaus Weissenberger [Rice University]: "Stefan Zweig's Non-fictional Prose in Exile - Mastery of the European Genre of 'Kunstprosa'"
Screening of Lost Zweigat Fredonia Opera House, Fredonia, NY

3 October 2009

Klemens Renoldner [Director of Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg, Austria]: "Stefan Zweig: Life in Cities of Exile / New York, São Paolo, Rio de Janeiro"

Zweig and Politics

Jeffrey B. Berlin [Holy Family University]: "The Writer's Political Obligation in Exile: The Case of Stefan Zweig, 1922-1940"
Eva Kuttenberg [Pennsylvania State University, Erie]: "Stefan Zweig's Transnationalism in the Making"
Robert Whalen [Queens University of Charlotte]: "Structuring Alterity. Stefan Zweig, Emmanuel Levinas, and the Trauma of the Other"

Closing Lecture

Randolph J. Klawiter [University of Notre Dame]: "Zweig Bibliography in Wiki format"