1981 March 30 - April 2: The World of Yesterday's Humanist Today. Stefan Zweig's Time, Life and Works in the Modern World

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The World of Yesterday's Humanist Today. Stefan Zweig's Time, Life and Works in the Modern World [30 March - 2 April 1981]. A Symposium held at the State University College at Fredonia, New York. Coordinators Marion Sonnenfeld and Yvonne Wilensky. Banquet: Robert Rie, Professor Emeritus, Master of Ceremonies. Welcome to Fredonia: J. Carter Rowland, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Welcome on behalf of the Republic of Austria: Symposium Co-Sponsor, Fritz Cocron, Director, Austrian Institute, New York


Georg Iggers [State University of New York, Buffalo, NY]: "Some Introductory Observations on Stefan Zweig’s World of Yesterday"
Wilma Iggers [Canisius College, Buffalo, NY]: "The World of Yesterday in the View of an Intellectual Historian"

Zweig the European [Andrée Pénot, Coordinator]

Helene M. Kastinger Riley [Yale University, New Haven, CT]: "The Quest for Reason - Stefan Zweig’s and Romain Rolland’s Struggle for Pan-European Unity"
Brenda Keiser [University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA]: "Stefan Zweig, the Man of the Hour and the Consistent Humanist"

Zweig and Judaism [George Browder, Coordinator]

Leo Spitzer [Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH]: "Into the Bourgeoisie - A Study of the Family of Stefan Zweig and Jewish Social Mobility during the Time of the Emancipation"
Leon Botstein [Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY]: "Stefan Zweig, Jewish Assimilation and the Popularization of European Culture"
Klara Carmely [California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA]: "The Ideal of Eternal Homelessness - Stefan Zweig and Judaism"

Zweig and the Social Sciences [Julius Paul, Coordinator]

Stephen Howard Garrin [University of Texas, Austin, TX]: "History as Literature - Stefan Zweig’s Sternstunden der Menschheit"
Lionel B. Steiman [University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada]: "The Worm in the Rose - Historical Destiny and Individual Action in Stefan Zweig’s Vision of History"

'Zweig the Humanizer in Literature [Marion Sonnenfeld, Coordinator]

David Turner [University of Hull, Hull, England]: "The Humane Ideal in Stefan Zweig’s Novellen - Some Complications and Limitations"
Ann Clark Fehn and Ulrike S. Rettig [Harvard University, Cambridge, MA]: "Narrative Perspective and Psychological Analysis in Stefan Zweig’s ‘Angst’"
Gerd Schneider [University of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY]: "Portrayal of the Elderly in Three Novellas of Stefan Zweig"
Peter J. Macris [State University of New York, Oneonta, NY]: "Zweig as Dramatist"
Donald Daviau [University of California, Riverside, CA]: "The Spirit of Humanism as Reflected in Stefan Zweig’s Dramatic Works"
Joseph P. Strelka [State University of New York, Albany, NY]: "Zweig’s Balzac Novel"

Zweig in Concert [Harry John Brown, Coordinator]

Zweig and Strauss A. Cutler-Silliman, Coordinator]

Steven Cerf [Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME]: "Stefan Zweig as Librettist"
Bryan Gilliam [Harvard University, Cambridge, MA]: "The Influence of Stefan Zweig on the Late Operatic Work of Richard Strauss"
Michael P. Steinberg [Chicago, IL]: "Tragic Sensibility and Comic Opera: Zweig’s ‘Schweigsame Frau’"

Zweig the Correspondent [John Saulitis, Coordinator]

Jeffrey B. Berlin [Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, PA]: "Stefan Zweig and His American Publisher"
Johanna Roden [California State University, Long Beach, CA]: "Stefan Zweig and Emil Ludwig"


Randolph J. Klawiter [University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN]: "The State of Stefan Zweig Research. An Update"

Zweig the Emigrant [Robert Rie, Coordinator]

Editha S. Neumann [University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS]: "Zweig, the Wanderer between Two Worlds"
Rosi Cohen [University of California, Los Angeles, CA]: "Emigration, a Contributing Factor to Zweig’s Suicide"

Zweig in Brazil [Osvaldo Chinchon, Coordinator]

Sonja Karsen [Skidmore College, Sioux Falls, SD]: "Brazil as Seen by Stefan Zweig"
Erdmute Wenzel White [Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN]: "Rio - The Exile of a Literary Establishment"
Frances Hernandez [University of Texas, El Paso, TX]: "The Zweigs and Gabriela Mistral in Petropolis"
Jean-Jacques Lafaye [Paris, France]: "Stefan Zweig and Georges Bernanos in Brazil - An Encounter"
Alberto Dines [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: "Death in Paradise"

Stefan Zweig's ‘Thersites’ [Translated by Marion Sonnenfeld. Reader’s Theatre Version by Jack Cogdill]

Zweig in Film

Mimi Grossberg [New York City, NY]: "Zweig in Film and Television"
Screening of Letter from an Unknown Woman
Panel discussion of the film [Henry Salerno, Coordinator]. Panelists: Carol Brownson, Robert Deming, David Meerse, James Shokoff

Closing Address

Harry Zohn [Brandeis University, Waltham, MA]: "The Burning Secret of Stephen Branch or A Cautionary Tale about a Physician Who Could Not Heal Himself"