1981 November 30 - December 2: Stefan Zweig Symposium

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Stefan Zweig Symposium [30 November-2 December 1981]. This symposium was sponsored by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the Austrian Embassy, Tel-Aviv, at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

G. Eisler [Vienna]: "Art in Vienna 1898-1938"

Opening Ceremonies. Chairperson: G. Elata [Ben-Gurion University]. Speakers: President S. Gazit [Ben-Gurion University]; Ambassador Dr. O. Pleinert [Austrian Embassy, Tel-Aviv]; Rector Prof. D. Wolf [Ben-Gurion University]; Dean Prof. Y. Neumann [Ben-Gurion University]; Mayor E. Nawi [Beersheva]

S. Liptzin [Jerusalem]: "Personal Reminiscences of Stefan Zweig"

Session 1 [Chairperson: A. Bein, Leo Baeck Institute]

N. Leser [University of Vienna]: "The Historical Background to the Works of Stefan Zweig"
H. Zohn [Brandeis University, USA]: "Stefan Zweig’s Cultural Mediatorship - A Jewish Trait?"
G. Shaked [Hebrew University]: "Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth"
Film: Max Ophül’s Letter from an Unknown Woman. Introduced by G. Arzooni [Ben-Gurion University]. Discussion: H. Finkelstein [Ben-Gurion University] and G. Arzooni [Ben-Gurion University]

Session 2 [Chairperson: S. Liptzin, Jerusalem]

U. Fischer [University of Sienna, Italy]: "Story and History as Structural Elements in the Biographical Writings of Stefan Zweig"
L. Martens [Yale University, USA]: "Stefan Zweig’s Concept of Expressive Language"
Y. Tobin [Ben-Gurion University]: "Sentence Length as a Stylistic Device in Stefan Zweig’s Novellen"

Session 3 [Chairperson: S. Moses, Hebrew University]

B. A. Sørensen [Odense University, Denmark]: "The Sense of Time in Stefan Zweig’s Literary Work"
D. Turner [University of Hull, England]: "A World Beyond Time and Space - Some Implications of a Recurrent Motif in Stefan Zweig’s Novellen"
M. Gelber [Ben-Gurion University]: "Karl Emil Franzos, Achad Ha-am and Stefan Zweig"
Ch. Shoham [Bar-Ilan University]: "Stefan Zweig’s Jeremiah - A Prophet for All Seasons"

Final Round-Table Discussion [H. Zohn, G. Shaked, Co-Chairmen]

Special Lecture Limited to participants and guests

M. Nadav [Jewish National Hebrew University Library]: "The History and Significance of the Stefan Zweig Archive in Israel" Discussants: S. Omer [University of Frankfurt]; M. Pazi [University of Tel-Aviv); T. Rivner [University of Haifa]; R. Horowitz [Ben-Gurion University]; G. Elata [Ben-Gurion University]; R. Shusterman [Ben-Gurion University]; E. Tabachnick [Ben-Gurion University]; H. Pomeraniec [Ben-Gurion University]