Rehder, Elke

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"Anmerkungen zur 'Schachnovelle' von Stefan Zweig" in Aus dem Antiquariat [Frankfurt am Main], Neue Folge, 12:6 [2014], pp. 273-279. "Beilage zum Börsenblatt für den Deutschen Buchhandel. Frankfurter Ausgabe", 2002; "Zeitschrift für Antiquare und Büchersammler", 2003
Biografien zu den Namen in Stefan Zweigs Adressbuch 1940-1942. Foreword by Elke Rehder, 22 September 2015. 1st edition. 100 numbered leaves. Barsbüttel: Elke Rehder Presse, 2015
25 Jahre Schachnovelle in Kunst und Kultur. 24p. Illustrated. Barsbüttel: Elke Rehder Presse, 2016. The text is profusely illustrated with photographs of Elke Rehder's drawings and woodcuts plus photographs of her workplace, her tools and press, and two photographs of Elke Rehder herself
75 Jahre Schachnovelle. Bilder zum Jubiläum von Elke Rehder. An ex-hibition held from 24 November to 8 December 2017 in the Anna-Ditzen-Bibliothek Neuenhagen. The exhibition was opened with a reading from "Schachnovelle" on 24 November at 6PM. Both the poster and the flyer contain a photograph of Elke Rehder's drawing entitled "Dr. B. in Isola-tionshaft". The exhibition was organized by Dr. Gabriele and Raymund Stolze and both the poster and the flyer were printed by the SRB Druckerei Lebens-hilfe, Märkisch-Oderland e. V. The flyer contains a foreword by Elke Rehder entitled "Warum Stefan Zweigs Erzählung für mich immer wieder eine künstlerische Herausforderung ist...", plus photographs of four of her drawings, 1940 pastport pictures of Stefan Zweig, and a photograph of Elke Rehder
Remarks on the chess story 'Schachnovelle' or 'The Royal Game' by Stefan Zweig in 1942, 1943 and 1944. 25p. Illustrated. 2015. See:
Schach. 5. September bis 8. Oktober 1996. Hamburg: Bergstedter Schachklub [...], 1996, pp. (5), (7), (23)-(24) [Concerning the artist's illustrations to "Schachnovelle"]
Schachnovelle. By Stefan Zweig. A folder which contains 12 unnumbered leaves of color woodcuts by Elke Rehder plus selected passages from Zweig's Schachnovelle relevant to the woodcuts. Each woodcut is numbered and signed by Elke Rehder and printed on Japanese paper. This was a private printing by Elke Rehder: Hamburg-[Barsbüttel, Blumenstrasse 19, 1996. 36 copies were printed. This folder is No. 2 of the Künstlerbücher & Mappenwerke. Neuerscheinungen zur Frankfurter Buchmesse 1996. See also: Schachnovelle [2004] and Schweitzer, Jürgen
Stefan Zweig - Adressbuch 1940-1942. 84p. Illustrated with a photograph of Alberto Dines and one of Elke Rehder. 2015. See:
Stefan Zweig - Autobiographie. 7p. Illustrated with photographs. 2014. See:
Stefan Zweig chess story The Royal Game. 15 pages. Contains a photograph of Elke Rehder and photographs of many of her drawings and woodcuts for various editions of Schachnovelle, theater posters, exhibition catalogs, and a set of six postcards of her woodcuts published in 2009. See:
Stefan Zweig - Ein Leben in Bildern. 25p. Profusely illustrated with photographs. 2014. See:
Stefan Zweig, his last address book 1940-1942. 62p. Illustrated with a photograph of Alberto Dines and one of Elke Rehder. 2015. See:
"Stefan Zweigs Adressbuch 1940 bis 1942" in Aus dem Antiquariat. Zeitschrift für Antiquare und Büchersammler [Frankfurt am Main], New issue [NF] 13:6 [7 December 2015], pp. 249-254. Contents: [1]. (Einleitende Worte) [Elke Rehder], pp. 249-250. [2]. Erste Namensnennungen [Susanne Bach], pp. 250. [3]. Weitere Namensnennungen [Alberto Dines], pp. 250-251. [4]. Auswahl von 114 Namen aus dem Adressbuch, pp. 251-253. [5]. Zusätzliche Telefon-Adresslisten 1942, pp. 253-254. [6]. Personen, die einen Abschiedsbrief erhielten, p. 254. [7]. Anmerkungen, p. 254