Schachnovelle / Volume

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[1942]: Verlag Pigmalión, Buenos Aires é Schachnovelle. 97p. [250 numbered copies, numbered from 1 to 250]

Simultaneous edition:

[1942]: Verlag János Peter Kramer, Buenos Aires

Schachnovelle. 97p. [50 numbered copies, numbered from I to L]

[1943]: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, Stockholm

Schachnovelle. 117p.

  • lst edition. 5,000 copies. 1943
  • 2nd edition. 5,000 copies. 1945

New edition. 183p. Illustrated by Hans Fronius

  • 3rd edition. 8,000 copies. 1949

See: [1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

NB: A copy of the typescript sent to Gottfried Bermann-Fischer [63p. Dated 21 February 1942] is located in the Lily Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

[1950]: Hirschsprung Forlag, København/Copenhagen

Schachnovelle. Edited by Axel Werner. 76p. [Deutsche Texte für dänische Gymnasien, 4]. Reprinted: 1953, 1959, 1965, 1967, 1969

[1950]: Uitgeverij J. M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam

Schachnovelle. Edited by J. H. Schouten. 94p. plus 10p. of vocabulary and notes. Contains a portrait of Stefan Zweig opposite the title page [Meulenhoffs Sammlung deutscher Schriftsteller, 92]. Reprinted: 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1962, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1979

[1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. 94/(1)p. See: [1974 and 1979]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

  • 4th edition. 10,000 copies. 1951
  • 5th edition. 13,000 copies. 1954
  • 6th edition. 10,000 copies. 1957
  • 7th edition. 11,000 copies. 1959
  • 8th edition. 15,000 Copies. 1960
  • 9th edition. 13,000 copies. 1961
  • 10th edition. 15,000 copies. 1962
  • 11th edition. 15,000 copies. 1965
  • 12th edition. 15,000 copies. 1967
  • 13th edition. 15,000 copies. 1969
  • 14th edition. 10,000 copies. 1972

[1951]: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), Oslo

Schachnovelle [A shortened version]. Edited by Kristian Langlo and Margit Rogne. 61p. Illustrated [Frilesning i tysk, 2]. Reprinted 1963

[1960]: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York

Schachnovelle. Edited by Harry Zohn. viii/82p. See: [1962]: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London

[1961]: Schachnovelle und andere Erzählungen

"Schachnovelle". No. 1, pp. (5)-(75)

[1962]: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London

Schachnovelle. Edited by Harry Zohn. viii/82p. [Methuen's Twentieth Century Texts]. See: [1960]: W. W. Norton & Company, New York

[1966]: C(arl) Bertelsmann Verlag, Gütersloh / Europäischer Buch- und Phonoklub, Stuttgart / Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, Wien

"Schachnovelle" in Lockende Ferne. Die schönsten Reisegeschichten. Selected by Viktoria Lindenkamp. Illustrated by Ursula Sandler. Pages, 223-279. This is a Book Club edition

[1968]: Éditions Payot, Lausanne

Schachnovelle. Edited by Gérard Doessegger. 78p. [Deutsches Lesen. Vereinfachte Texte. 3. Stufe. Collection: Wir sprechen Deutsch]. Reprinted: 1975

[1969]: C(arl) Bertelsmann Verlag, Gütersloh

Schachnovelle. 124p. A licensed edition

[1974]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle 94/(1)p. Paperback edition [Fischer Taschenbücher, 1522]. See: [1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

  • lst edition. 30,000 copies. 1974
  • 2nd edition. 15,000 copies. 1975
  • 3rd edition. 15,000 copies. 1975
  • 4th edition. 15,000 copies. 1976
  • 5th edition. 20,000 copies. 1977
  • 6th edition. 25,000 copies. 1977
  • 7th edition. 20,000 copies. 1978
  • 8th edition. 15,000 copies. 1979
  • 9th edition. 25,000 copies. 1979
  • 10th edition. 25,000 copies. 1980
  • 11th edition. 40,000 copies. 1981
  • 12th edition. 25,000 copies. 1981
  • 13th edition. 20,000 copies. 1982
  • 14th edition. 50,000 copies. 1983
  • 15th edition. 50,000 copies. 1983
  • 16th edition. 40,000 copies. 1984
  • 18th edition. 30,000 copies. 1985
  • 19th edition. 30,000 copies. 1986
  • 20th edition. 30,000 copies. 1986
  • 21st edition. 30,000 copies. 1986
  • 22nd edition. 30,000 copies. 1987
  • 23rd edition. 30,000 copies. 1987
  • 24th edition. 30,000 copies. 1988
  • 25th edition. 30,000 copies. 1988
  • 26th edition. 30,000 copies. 1989
  • 27th edition. 30,000 copies. 1989
  • 28th edition. 40,000 copies. 1990
  • 29th edition. 40,000 copies. 1991
  • 30th edition. 40,000 copies. 1992
  • 31st edition. 38,000 copies. 1992
  • 32nd edition. 40,000 copies. 1992
  • 33rd edition. 40,000 copies. 1993
  • 34th edition. 50,000 copies. 1993
  • 35th edition. 50,000 copies. 1994
  • 36th edition. 50,000 copies. 1995
  • 37th edition. 50,000 copies. 1995
  • 38th edition. 50,000 copies. 1996

[1976]: Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest

Schachnovelle / Sakknovella. 169p. A bilingual edition [In the Janus Könyvek / the Janus series]. Hungarian translation by Iván Fónagy. This edition was licensed by the Atrium-Verlag, Zürich]

[1979]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. New edition. Afterword by Siegfried Unseld. 126/(1)p. [Fischer Bibliothek. "Nachwort" [Siegfried Unseld], pp. 110-(127)]. See: [1974]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag

  • lst edition. 5,000 copies. 1979
  • 2nd edition. 5,000 copies. 1979
  • 3rd edition. 5,000 copies. 1981
  • 4th edition. 5,000 copies. 1982
  • 5th edition. 4,000 copies. 1983
  • 6th edition. 4,000 copies. 1984
  • 7th edition. 5,000 copies. 1986
  • 8th edition. 3,000 copies. 1987
  • 9th edition. 4,000 copies. 1989

[1984]:Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde, Leipzig

Schachnovelle und andere'. 149p. Large print edition

[1992]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle[Sonderausgabe 40 Jahre Fischer Taschenbücher]. 109/(1)p. Cover design by Bartholl & Bartholl, Hamburg. Cover photograph "Ide Collar" [1922] by Paul Outerbridge, Jr. [Fischer Taschenbuch, 11220]

[1995]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. 109/(1)p. Cover design by G. Lachenmaier [Fischer Bibliothek]

[1995]: Verlag Artemis & Winkler, München

"Schachnovelle" in Das große deutsche Novellenbuch. Edited with a foreword by Effi Biedrzynski. 12 color plates. Pages 855-895