Berdi, Valerija / Renoldner, Klemens

From Stefan Zweig Bibliography
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"Invité am Moies-Magazin - Dr. Klemens Renoldner iwwert de Stefan Zweig" [Invited to the Morning Magazine - Dr. Klemens Renoldner on Stefan Zweig] in Radio 100,7 [Luxembourg City, Luxembourg], 11 January 2018, 10h30 - 10h45 AM

Published online (audio streaming):

This is a review of the German-French-Austrian movie Vor der Morgenröte (2016), directed by Maria Schrader, script by Maria Schrader and Jan Schomburg, and starring Josef Hader, Barbara Sukowa, and Aenne Schwarz, as well as the exposition "Ich gehöre nirgends mehr hin! Stefan Zweigs "Schachnovelle" - eine Geschichte aus dem Exil", which is shown in Luxembourg City in the cultural center Abtei Neimënster from 11 January to 8 April 2018