Selderhuis, Herman J.
[2017]: Penerbit Momentum [Momentum Christian Literature], Surabaya
Buku pegangan Calvin [The Calvin Handbook]. Editor of the original Dutch edition Calvijn. Handboek (Kampen: Uitgeverij Kok, 2008) Herman J. Selderhuis. Editor of the Indonesian translation Irwan Tjulianto. Translated into Indonesian by Arvin Saputra from Henry J. Baron's, Judith J. Guder's, Randi H. Lundell's and Gerrit W. Sheeres's English intermediate translation Calvin Handbook (Grand Rapids, MI / Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009). Proofread by Yosephin Widhi A. and Rica Panjaitan. 738/(12)p. [Fine Book Selection]
The Dutch Protestant Church historian holds Stefan Zweig responsable for spreading around the globe a Hitler-like image of John Calvin, the Protestant reformer of Geneva (pp. 2-3, in Indonesian translation):
"Dua contoh berpengaruh yang mempromosikan citra negatif Calvin adalah sejarawan asal Inggris Lord Acton (1834–1902) dan penulis Swiss Stefan Zweig (1881–1952). [...] Namun terutama 'Castellio gegen Calvin' karya Stefan Zweig (1936)—yang diterjemahkan dan diedarkan ke seluruh dunia—menyebarkan dan menegaskan citra negatif Calvin. Zweig memberikan deskripsi tentang Calvin yang oleh sebagian besar orang akan dikenali sangat mirip dengan deskripsi tentang Hitler."
["Two influential examples of the promotion of a negative image are the British historian Lord Acton (1834-1902) and the Swiss writer Stefan Zweig (1881-1952). [...] But especially Stefan Zweig's "Castellio gegen Calvin" (1936) - translated and circulated worldwide - spread and affirmed a negative image of Calvin. Zweig gives the kind of description of Calvin that most will recognize as strikingly similar to that of Hitler." (p. 2 of the English intermediate translation)]
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