Vataj, Albert
[1]. "Letra e lamtumirës së Stefan Zweig dhe fundi i trishtë i shkrimtarit dhe bashkëshortes së tij" [Stefan Zweig's Farewell Letter and the Sad Ending Which Its Author and His Wife Encountered] in Albert Vataj [Tirane/Tirana], 22 February 2017
"Albert Vataj" is a blog by the Albanian writer Albert Vataj, hosted on the web platform <>, which is headquarterd in Tiranë/Tirana, Albania
Published online:
[2]. "Robert Shvarc, i paepuri i vlerave njerëzore, ngadhënjyesi i shqipes në ligjërimin e kolosëve të letërsisë botërore" [Robert Shvarc, Uncompromising about Human Values, the Leader of the Albanian Language among the Voices of World Literature's Giants] in Albert Vataj [Tiranë/Tirana], 25 April 2018
Published online:
This is a CV of Robert Shvarc, one of the most prolific Albanian translators of Stefan Zweig's works