Freud, Sigmund / Spanish

From Stefan Zweig Bibliography
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"Sigmund Freud" in:

La curación por el espíritu [Barcelona, 2006], No. 4, pp. (313)-436 [Translated by Joan Fontcuberta]
Obras completas de Stefan Zweig [Barcelona, 1952-1978], Vol. 4 [1952], No. 59, pp. (557)-646 [Translated by Francsico Payarols]
Obras de Stefan Zweig [Barcelona/Madrid, 1958], Vol. 1, No. 15, pp. 1289-1385 [Translated by Francsico Payarols]. Here entitled "Freud"

See: Die Heilung durch den Geist: Mesmer - Mary Baker-Eddy - Freud [Leipzig, 1931], No. 4, pp. (319)-445. See also: Palabras junto al féretro de Sigmund Freud