Ciweige zhuanji jinghua

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[1998-2000]: Lijiang Chubanshe, Guilin

Ciweige zhuanji jinghua [The Best of Zweig's Biographies]. 5 vols. Edited by Mingjia Huang and Zegui Liu. [Series: Renwen zhi guang / The Glory of Human Civilization]

Vol. 1: Liu da shi: Ba'erzhake, Digengsi, Tuosituoyefusiji [Drei Meister]. Translated with a foreword by Mingjia Huang. 7/371p.

Yizhe qianyan [Foreword by Mingjia Huang], pp. 3-7
Qianyan [Zweig's foreword], pp. 11-12
Ba'erzhake [Balzac], pp. 13-40
Digengsi [Dickens], pp. 41-66
Tuositeuoyefusiji [Dostojewski], pp. 67-152

Yu mo de fendou: He'erdelin, Keleisite, Nicai [Der Kampf mit dem Dämon]

Qianyan [Zweig's foreword], pp. 155-166
He'erdelin [Hölderlin], pp. 167-256
Keleisite [Kleist], pp. 257-310
Nicai [Nietzsche], pp. 311-371