Sternstunden der Menschheit
[2010]: Cumberlandsche Bühne, Staatstheater, Hannover
Sternstunden der Menschheit. A theatrical adaptation by Soeren Voima. Stage direction by Christian Tschirner. Scenery by Aljoscha Begrich. Costumes by Esther Krapiwnikow. Music by Martin Vischer.
Each of the actors reported the fate of the main character in the first person:
8 May 2010 in the Cumberlandsche Bühne, Staatstheater, Hannover. The play was repeated on 14 and 23 May as well as on 3, 15, 20 and 24 June
Ronald Meyer-Arlt. "Spiel: Geschichte. Stefan Zweigs 'Sternstunden der Menschheit' auf der Cumberlandschen Bühne uraufgeführt" in Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung [Hannover], 10 May 2010. The review contains a photograph of Susana Fernandes Genebra and the four male actors but for some reason Julia Schmalbrock was omitted