Eisenstein, Sergei M.

From Stefan Zweig Bibliography
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[1988]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

"Familienchronik (Stefan Zweig. Ernst Toller. Babel. Über Freud. Meyerhold und K. S.)" in Sergei M. Eisenstein [Ėjzenštejn]. YO, Ich selbst: Memoiren. Edited by Naum Klejman and Walentina Korschunowa. Introduction by Sergej Jutkewitsch. Translated from the Russian by Regine Kühn and Rita Braun. Illustrated with photographs. 2 volumes. Vol. I, pp. 142-153. Notes, pp. 547-549. Photograph of Stefan Zweig, p. 144 [On the occasion of the celebration of Leo Tolstoi's 100th birthday in Moscow]