Amerigo Vespuchchi * Fernan Magellan

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Edited by G. V. Karpiuk and E. I. Kharitonova. Cover design by L. P. Kopacheva. Illustrated. 526/(2)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Drofa”, 2006 [Biblioteka puteshestvii]. Contents: [1]. Vladimir Pavlovich Maksakovskii. “K Novomu Svetu i vokrug sveta: Dva geroia odnoi p’esy”, pp. 6-(16). [2]. “Amerigo Vespuchchi: Pis’ma” [Translated by M. N. Tsetlin], pp. 19-(75). [3]. Stefan Tsveig. “Amerigo. Povest’ ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke” [Translated by M. N. Tsemlin], pp. 76-(156). [4]. Antonio Pigafetta. “Puteshestvie Magellana” [Translated by V. S. Uzin], pp. 159-(271). [5]. Stefan Tsveig. “Magellan. Chelovek i ego deianie” [Translated by A. S. Kulisher], pp. 272-517. [6]. Kommentarii [Annotations], pp. 518-525.

[5]. GA2 Magellan * Amerigo * Zvezdnye chasy chelovechestva. Istoricheskie miniatiury. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Literatura. Mir knigi”, 2004, No. 2, pp. 213-(284) [Translated by L.Lezhneva].

[6]. BA2 Magellan. Chelovek i ego deianie * Amerigo. Povest’ ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke * Novelly. Edited by E. Borsuk. Annotations by Iu. Sheinin and A. Ibragimov. Art designer E. Prokhorov. 396/(2)p. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Druzhba Narodov”/ SP “Lexica”, 1992, No. 2, pp. 211-(276) [Translated by L. Lezhneva].

[7]. GA2 Pobeg v bessmertie * Legendy. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Bibliosfera”, 1996, No. 17, pp. 275-(362) [Translated by L. Lezhneva].

[8]. GA2 Triumf i tragedia Erazma Rotterdamskogo * Sovest’ protiv nasiliia * Amerigo * Magellan * Monten’. Moskva: Izdatel’skii Tsentr “TERRA”, 1993 [Reprinted 1997] [3], No. 3, pp. (359)-(434) [Translated by L. P. Lezhneva].

[9]. GA2 Zvezdnye chasy chelovechestva. Istoricheskie miniatiury * Amerigo * Magellan. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo “Pravda”, 1963 [Reprinted 1988], No. 11, pp. (373)-(449) [Translated by L. P. Lezhneva].