2010 February 20: Musābaqah fī qirāʾat kitāb "Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār"

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Musābaqah fī qirāʾat kitāb "Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār" [20 February 2010]

Musābaqah fī qirāʾat kitāb "Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār" [Reading Competition of the Book Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār (Magellan. Der Mann und seine Tat)] . This reading competition of Ḥabīb Jāmātī's Arabic translation "Mājillān" of Stefan Zweig's "Magellan" was held in the "Future School" in Barja, Lebanon. The convenor were the Maktabāt ʿUlūm al-Islām [Libraries of the Sciences of Islam] in Barja Main Mosque. The winners of the reading competition and the financial awards they received were announced in the report "Mājillān. Qāhir al-biḥār" [Magellan. The Conqueror of the Seas], in: Mawqiʿ baldat Barjā [Homepage of Barja Community] [Barja], 20 February 2010

Published online: https://www.ebarja.com/?p=286