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[1970]: al-Hayʾah al-Miṣriyyah al-ʿĀmmah li-l-Taʾlīf wa-ʾl-Nashr, al-Qāhirah [Cairo] [General Egyptian Book Organisation for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo]

"Al-Hārib" [Der Flüchtling. Episode vom Genfer See. Translated by Shafīq Maqqār from the intermediate English translation "The Runaway" (London/Toronto/Melbourne/Sydney/Wellington, 1951)] in:

Arḍ al-ḍayāʿ: 10 [ʿashar] qiṣaṣ qaṣīrah [The Land of Perdition. Ten Short Stories. An Anthology of Short Stories]. Translated by Shafīq Maqqār. 271p. 1st edition. [Series: Riwāyāt ʿālamiyyah [World Novels], 501 : Min al-adab al-ʿālamī (From World Literature)], No. 9, pp. 180-192


Shafīq Maqqār: Muqaddimah bi-qalam al-mutarjim [Preface written by the translator], pp. 6-10
Maksīm Jūrkī [Maxim Gorky]: "ʿAbra ʾl-barārī" [On the Steppes], pp. 11-32
Jaims Jūys [James Joyce]: "Baʿda ʾl-sibāq" [After the Race], pp. 33-42
Fiyudūr Dustuwifskī [Fyodor Dostoevsky]: "Liṣṣ wa-sakīr" [An Honest Thief], pp. 43-66
Dūruthī Bārkir [Dorothy Parker]: "Yawmiyyāt" [From The Diary of a New York Lady], pp. 67-74
Aliksandir Kūprīn [Alexander Kuprin]: "Nahr al-ḥayāt" [The River of Life], pp. 75-116
Chān Pūl Sārtr [Jean Paul Sartre]: "Al-Qātil" [Erostratus], pp. 117-143
Chān Pūl Sārtr [Jean Paul Sartre]: "Al-Ḥāʾiṭ" [The Wall], pp. 144-179
Istīfān Zvāyj [Stefan Zweig]: "Al-Hārib" [The Runaway (Der Flüchtling. Episode vom Genfer See)], pp. 180-192
Jūzīf Kūnrād [Joseph Conrad]: "Al-Fawḍawī" [An Anarchist], pp. 193-228
Jūzīf Kūnrād [Joseph Conrad]: "Al-Muballigh" [The Informer], pp. 229-272