Al-Maʿmarī, Sulaymān ibn ʿAlī / Ḥamad, Hudā // Almamari, Sulaiman / Hamad, Huda

From Stefan Zweig Bibliography
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"Riwāyat 'Lāʿib al-shaṭranj' li-l-adīb al-nimsāwī Stīfān Sfāygh" [The Novel "The Royal Game" by the Austrian Man of Letters Stefan Zweig]. Presented by Sulaymān ibn ʿAlī al-Maʿmarī [Sulaiman Almamari]. With the guest, the writer Hudā Ḥamad [Huda Hamad], in Barnāmij kitāb aʿjabanī [Program 'A Book Which I Liked'] [Muscat] session 812 [6 June 2017], 17 min. 33 sec. The daily program "Barnāmij kitāb aʿjabanī" [Program 'A Book Which I Liked'] is broadcasted at 9:20 AM and 6:15PM (local time) by "Radio Sultanate Oman" [Idhāʿat Salṭanat ʿUmān] from Muscat [Masqaṭ]. In about a quarter of an hour, a book is presented to the listeners during an interview with a reader thereof invited to the session

Published online (audio streaming):

This is a review of the Arabic translation of Stefan Zweig's "Schachnovelle":

Lāʿib al-shaṭranj [Schachnovelle]. Translated by Saḥar Sattālah. 78p. Tunis: Maskīliyānā li-l-Nashr waʾl-Tawzīʿ [Masciliana Editions], 2017