Balzac. Le roman de sa vie
[1950]: Éditions Albin Michel, Paris
Balzac. Le roman de sa vie. Edited by Richard Friedenthal. Translated by Fernand Delmas. 471p. Cover photograph of Balzac by M. Dastugue. Illustrated with seven portraits between pp. 226-227
Livre I. La Jeunesse et les débuts, pp. (7)-(125)
Livre II. Balzac a l'oeuvre, pp. (127)-(215)
Livre III. Le Roman vécu, pp. (217)-(273)
Livre IV. Splendeur et misère du romancier Balzac, pp. (275)-(359)
Livre V. Le Créature de la Comédie humaine, pp. (361)-(414)
Livre VI. Dernières victoires et mort de Balzac, pp. (415)-(454)
[1984]: Éditions Albin Michel, Paris
Balzac. Le roman de sa vie. Translated by Fernand Delmas. 2nd edition. 463p. Illustrated with 7 pages of plates. 3rd edition. 1990. Cover portrait of Balzac by M. Dastugue [after Boulanger]. Photograph by Bulloz. Reprinted 2001 and 2003. Also available as a Daisy sound recording [Digital Accessible Information SYstem], 16 hours and 56 minuntes [Bibliothèque Braille Romande]
[1988]: Éditions du Club France Loisirs, Paris
Balzac. Le roman de sa vie. Translated by Fernand Delmas. 517/(3). 8 pages of plates [Book Club Edition]. Reprinted 1990 with an afterword by Richard Friedenthal
[1994]: Éditions de l'Aube, Paris
Balzac. Le roman de sa vie. Translated by Fernand Delmas. 388/(2). Paperback edition [L'Aube poche, 6]
[1996]: Librairie Générale Française, Paris
Balzac. Le roman de sa vie. Translated by Fernand Delmas. 506/(2)p. Illustrated. [Le Livre de Poche, 13925]. Reprinted 1999 and 2010
[2014]: La Magnétothèque, Montréal
Balac. Le roman de sa vie. Translated by Fernand Delmas. A non-musical sound recording. 1 disk, 18 hours and 18 minuntes
"Le Mariage de Balzac" in Les Nouvelles littéraires, artistiques et scientifiques [Paris], 29:1184 [11 May 1950], pp. 1-2