Farīd, Māhir Shafīq

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"Stīfān Zfāyj.. yaʿūd ilā dāʾirat al-ḍawʾ : al-manfā athnāʾa fatrat al-nāziyyah ḥawwalahū ilā mughtarib abadī wa-rajul bi-lā waṭan" [Stefan Zweig Returns into the Spotlight: the Exile during the Nazi Period Turned Him into an Eternal Alien and a Man without Homeland] in Al-Sharq al-Awsaṭ [The Middle East] [London] No. 13118, 28 October 2014, p. ?. Published by the Al-Majmūʿah al-Suʿūdiyyah li-l-Abḥāth waʾl-Taswīq [Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG)], [Landan] London

Published online:


This is a review of George Prochnik’s biography The Impossible Exile. Stefan Zweig at the End of the World [New York: Other Press, 2014]. The reviewer Māhir Shafīq Farīd quotes as outstanding witnesses of the influence Stefan Zweig's works had on Arab intellectuals two Egyptian thinkers: [1]. the philosopher 'Abdurrahmān Badawi [ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Badawī] (1917-2002), who testified to Zweig's greatness in the chapter "ʿAbqarī yantaḥir" [A Genius Committing Suicide] of his book Al-Mawt waʾl-ʿabqariyyah [Death and Genius]. Cairo: Maktabat al-Nahḍah al-Miṣriyyah, 2nd edition, 1962, pp. 80-96. See: <http://zweig.fredonia.edu/index.php?title=Badaw%C4%AB%2C_%27Abd_al-Ra%E1%B8%A5m%C4%81n_/_Badawi%2C_%27Abdurrahm%C4%81n>

and [2]. the writer Yaḥyā Ḥaqqī (1905-1992), who praised Zweig in the preface "Muqaddimah" to his translation Qiṣṣatān min al-adab al-almānī [Two Stories from German Literature]: Stefan Zweig's "Schachnovelle" [Lāʿib al-shaṭranj] and Thomas Mann's "Tonio Krüger" [Ṭūniyū Krūjir]. See: http://zweig.fredonia.edu/index.php?title=%E1%B8%A4aqq%C4%AB%2C_Ya%E1%B8%A5y%C4%81>