Help the Jewish children in Germany
"Help the Jewish children in Germany". An allocution held at the house of Mrs. Anthony de Rothschild on Thursday, 30 November 1933 and to the Committee for the Luncheon at the Savoy Hotel, 20 December 1933. The written version is an 8-page brochure.
French translation:
"Aidez les enfants juifs d'Allemagne: Allocution prononcée au domicile de Mme Anthony de Rothschild" in Stefan Zweig. L'Esprit européen en exil [Paris, 2020], No. 7, pp. (87)-95
German translation:
"Ansprache im Hause Rothschild zu Gunsten der deutschen jüdischen Frauen und Kindern", Londres, 30 novembre 1933. The 9-page typed text is located in the Stefan Zweig Collection, State University of New York at Fredonia. Published in "Erst wenn die Nacht fällt" [Krems an der Donau, 2016], No. 5, pp. 37-60