La Nuit fantastique

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"La Nuit fantastique" [Phantastische Nacht] in:

Lettre d'une inconnue. Nouvelles [Paris, 1999], No. 2, pp. (33)-(102). Translation by Alzir Hella
Oeuvres romanesques [Paris, 2001], Vol. I, No. 5, pp. (503)-(576). Translation by Alzir Hella
Romans et nouvelles [Paris, 1991], No. 9, pp. (275)-332. Annotations, pp. 1175-1176. Translation revised by Brigitte Vergne-Cain and Gérard Rudent
Romans, nouvelles et récits [Paris, 2013], Vol. 1, No. 29, pp. (693)-754. Commentary, pp. 1394-1396. Annotations, pp. 1396-1397. Translation by Alzir Hella