Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen
[1927]: Insel Verlag, Leipzig
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. 78/(2)p. [Insel-Bücherei, 165]. See: [1949]: Insel Verlag, Wiesbaden and [1961]: Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
- 1st edition. 20,000 copies. 1927
- 2nd edition. 20,000 copies. 1927
- 3rd edition. 15,000 copies. 1928
- 4th edition. 15,000 copies. 1928
- 5th edition. 30,000 copies. 1928
- 6th edition. 30,000 copies. 1928
- 7th edition. 30,000 copies. 1929
- 8th edition. 40,000 copies. 1929
- 9th edition. 50,000 copies. 1930
- 10th edition. 50,000 copies. 1931
- 11th edition. 10,000 copies. 1932
- 12th edition. 10,000 copies. 1933
- 13th edition. 15,000 copies. 1948
- 14th edition. 10,000 copies. 1950
- 15th edition. 14,000 copies. 1952
- 16th edition. 20,000 copies. 1953
[1931]: Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. Edited with an introduction, notes, German questions, and vocabulary by Felix Wittmer and John Theodore Geissendoerfer. XIX/162p. Contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig by Franz Xaver Setzer opposite the title page
- [1]. Die Weltminute von Waterloo, pp. 91-94
- [2]. Die Marienbader Elegie, pp. 94-97
- [3]. Die Entdeckung Eldorados, pp. 97-98
- [4]. Heroischer Augenblick, pp. 98-100
- [5]. Der Kampf um den Südpol, pp. 100-102
- [1]. Fünf historische Miniaturen, p. 105
- [2]. Die Weltminute von Waterloo, pp. 105-106
- [3]. Die Marienbader Elegie, pp. 106-107
- [4]. Die Entdeckung Eldorados, p. 107
- [5]. Heroischer Augenblick, pp. 107-109
- [6]. Der Kampf um den Südpol, pp. 108-109
[1949]: Insel Verlag, Wiesbaden
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. 78/(2)p. [Insel-Bücherei, 165]. See: [1927]: Insel Verlag, Leipzig and [1961]: Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
- 17th edition. 20,000 copies. 1949
- 18th edition. 10,000 copies. 1950
- 19th edition. 10,000 copies. 1951
- 20th edition. 10,000 copies. 1951
- 21st edition. 8,000 copies. 1952
- 22nd edition. 9,000 copies. 1952
- 23rd edition. 10,000 copies. 1952
- 24th edition. 20,000 copies. 1953
- 25th edition. 15,000 copies. 1954
- 26th edition. 20,000 copies. 1955
- 27th edition. 20,000 copies. 1956
- 28th edition. 20,000 copies. 1957
- 29th edition. 15,000 copies. 1958
- 30th edition. 20,000 copies. 1960
[1960]: Insel Verlag Zweigstelle, Wiesbaden
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. 79/(1)p. [Insel-Bücherei, 165]. Hardcover edition
[1961]: Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. 78/(2)p. [Insel-Bücherei, 165]. See: [1927]: Insel Verlag, Leipzig and [1950]: Insel Verlag, Wiesbaden
- 31st edition. 20,000 copies. 1961
- 32nd edition. 24,000 copies. 1962
- 33rd edition. 15,000 copies. 1964
- 34th edition. 12,000 copies. 1967
- 35th edition. 10,000 copies. 1970
- 36th edition. 3,000 copies. 1978
- 37th edition. 4,000 copies. 1980
- 38th edition. 3,000 copies. 1983
- 39th edition. 4,000 copies. 1984
- 40th edition. 4,000 copies. 1986
- 41st edition. 4,000 copies. 1988
- 42nd edition. 4,000 copies. 1991
- 43rd edition. 5,000 copies. 1993
- 44th edition. 4,000 copies. 1995
[No date indicated]: Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt, Marburg
Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. 84p. No. 1228. Printed in braille. Available in three separate volumes
Vol. 1. No. 1205. 51p. "Die Weltminute von Waterloo: Napoleon, 18. Juni 1815"
Vol. 2. No. 1206. 64p. "Die Marienbader Elegie: Goethe zwischen Karlsbad und Weimar, 5. September 1823" and "Die Entdeckung Eldorados: J. A. Suter, Kalifornien, Januar 1848"
Vol. 3. No. 1207. 82p. "Heroischer Augenblick: Dostojewski, Petersburg, Semenowskplatz, 22. Dezember 1849" and "Der Kampf um den Südpol: Kapitän Scott, 90. Breitengrad, 16. Januar 1912"