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'''[2015]: Alfred Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart'''
'''[2015]: Alfred Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart'''

''Schachnovelle''. Edited with notes and an afterword by Dietmar Wenzelburger. Contains 12 photographs
''Schachnovelle''. Edited with notes and an afterword by Dietmar Wenzelburger. 163p. Contains 12 photographs


Latest revision as of 19:34, 22 October 2020

[1942]: Verlag Pigmalión, Buénos Aires

Schachnovelle. 97p. [250 numbered copies, numbered from 1 to 250]

Simultaneous edition:

[1942]: Verlag János Peter Kramer, Buenos Aires

"Schachnovelle. 97p. [50 numbered copies, numbered from I to L]

[1943]: Bermann-Fischer Verlag, Stockholm

Schachnovelle. 117p.

  • lst edition. 5,000 copies. 1943
  • 2nd edition. 5,000 copies. 1945

New edition. 183p. Illustrated by Hans Fronius

  • 3rd edition. 8,000 copies. 1949

See: [1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

NB: A copy of the typescript sent to Gottfried Bermann-Fischer [63p. Dated 21 February 1942] is located in the Lily Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

[1950]: Hirschsprung Forlag, København/Copenhagen

Schachnovelle. Edited by Axel Werner. 76p. [Deutsche Texte für dänische Gymnasien, 4]. Reprinted: 1953, 1959, 1965, 1967, 1969

[1950]: Uitgeverij J. M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam

Schachnovelle. Edited by J. H. Schouten. 94p. plus 10p. of vocabulary and notes. Contains a portrait of Stefan Zweig opposite the title page [Meulenhoffs Sammlung deutscher Schriftsteller, 92]. Reprinted: 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1962, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1979

[1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. 94/(1)p. See: [1974 and 1979]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

  • 4th edition. 10,000 copies. 1951
  • 5th edition. 13,000 copies. 1954
  • 6th edition. 10,000 copies. 1957
  • 7th edition. 11,000 copies. 1959
  • 8th edition. 15,000 Copies. 1960
  • 9th edition. 13,000 copies. 1961
  • 10th edition. 15,000 copies. 1962
  • 11th edition. 15,000 copies. 1965
  • 12th edition. 15,000 copies. 1967
  • 13th edition. 15,000 copies. 1969
  • 14th edition. 10,000 copies. 1972

[1951]: H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard), Oslo

Schachnovelle [A shortened version]. Edited by Kristian Langlo and Margit Rogne. 61p. Illustrated [Frilesning i tysk, 2]. Reprinted 1963

[1960]: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York

Schachnovelle. Edited with an introduction by Harry Zohn. viii/82p. See: [1962]: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London. Harry Zohn's "Introduction", pp. iii-viii

[1962]: Methuen Publishing Ltd, London

Schachnovelle. Edited by Harry Zohn. viii/82p. [Methuen's Twentieth Century Texts]. See: [1960]: W. W. Norton & Company, New York

[1966]: C(arl) Bertelsmann Verlag, Gütersloh / Europäischer Buch- und Phonoklub, Stuttgart / Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, Wien

"Schachnovelle" in Lockende Ferne. Die schönsten Reisegeschichten. Selected by Viktoria Lindenkamp. Illustrated by Ursula Sandler. Pages, 223-279. This is a Book Club edition

[1968]: Éditions Payot, Lausanne

Schachnovelle. Edited by Gérard Doessegger. 78p. [Deutsches Lesen. Vereinfachte Texte. 3. Stufe. Collection: Wir sprechen Deutsch]. Reprinted: 1975

[1969]: C(arl) Bertelsmann Verlag, Gütersloh

Schachnovelle. 124p. A licensed edition

[1974]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle 94/(1)p. Paperback edition [Fischer Taschenbücher, 1522]. See: [1951]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

  • lst edition. 30,000 copies. 1974
  • 2nd edition. 15,000 copies. 1975
  • 3rd edition. 15,000 copies. 1975
  • 4th edition. 15,000 copies. 1976
  • 5th edition. 20,000 copies. 1977
  • 6th edition. 25,000 copies. 1977
  • 7th edition. 20,000 copies. 1978
  • 8th edition. 15,000 copies. 1979
  • 9th edition. 25,000 copies. 1979
  • 10th edition. 25,000 copies. 1980
  • 11th edition. 40,000 copies. 1981
  • 12th edition. 25,000 copies. 1981
  • 13th edition. 20,000 copies. 1982
  • 14th edition. 50,000 copies. 1983
  • 15th edition. 50,000 copies. 1983
  • 16th edition. 40,000 copies. 1984
  • 18th edition. 30,000 copies. 1985
  • 19th edition. 30,000 copies. 1986
  • 20th edition. 30,000 copies. 1986
  • 21st edition. 30,000 copies. 1986
  • 22nd edition. 30,000 copies. 1987
  • 23rd edition. 30,000 copies. 1987
  • 24th edition. 30,000 copies. 1988
  • 25th edition. 30,000 copies. 1988
  • 26th edition. 30,000 copies. 1989
  • 27th edition. 30,000 copies. 1989
  • 28th edition. 40,000 copies. 1990
  • 29th edition. 40,000 copies. 1991
  • 30th edition. 40,000 copies. 1992
  • 31st edition. 38,000 copies. 1992
  • 32nd edition. 40,000 copies. 1992
  • 33rd edition. 40,000 copies. 1993
  • 34th edition. 50,000 copies. 1993
  • 35th edition. 50,000 copies. 1994
  • 36th edition. 50,000 copies. 1995
  • 37th edition. 50,000 copies. 1995
  • 38th edition. 50,000 copies. 1996

[1976]: Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest

Schachnovelle / Sakknovella. 169p. A bilingual edition [In the Janus Könyvek / the Janus series]. Hungarian translation by Iván Fónagy. This edition was licensed by the Atrium-Verlag, Zürich]

[1979]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. New edition. Afterword by Siegfried Unseld. 126/(1)p. [Fischer Bibliothek. "Nachwort" [Siegfried Unseld], pp. 110-(127)]. See: [1974]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag

  • lst edition. 5,000 copies. 1979
  • 2nd edition. 5,000 copies. 1979
  • 3rd edition. 5,000 copies. 1981
  • 4th edition. 5,000 copies. 1982
  • 5th edition. 4,000 copies. 1983
  • 6th edition. 4,000 copies. 1984
  • 7th edition. 5,000 copies. 1986
  • 8th edition. 3,000 copies. 1987
  • 9th edition. 4,000 copies. 1989

[1992]: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle[Sonderausgabe 40 Jahre Fischer Taschenbücher]. 109/(1)p. Cover design by Bartholl & Bartholl, Hamburg. Cover photograph "Ide Collar" [1922] by Paul Outerbridge, Jr. [Fischer Taschenbuch, 11220]

[1995]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. Edited by Karl-Heinrich Laudage. Paper cutouts by Alfons Holtgreve. (80)p. In addition to the normal edition, a special edition with an original paper cutout by Alfons Holtgreve was also published

[1995]: S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Schachnovelle. 109/(1)p. Cover design by G. Lachenmaier [Fischer Bibliothek]

[2003]: RM Buch und Medien Vertrieb + Der Club Bertelsmann, Gütersloh / Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, Wien

Schachnovelle. 109/(1)p. Cover photograph: Getty Images / Ausgewählte Werke in fünf Bänden [Gütersloh/Wien, 2003], Vol. 3

[2003]: K. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, München

Schachnovelle. 100p. Cover design by Zembsch' Werkstatt, München. [Bücher in größerer Schrift]

[2015]: Alfred Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart

Schachnovelle. Edited with notes and an afterword by Dietmar Wenzelburger. 163p. Contains 12 photographs


Schachnovelle, pp. 7-87


Anmerkungen, pp. 91-98
Nachwort, pp. 99-150
Literaturverzeichnis, pp. 150-153
Abbildungsverzeichnis, p. 153
Zeittafel, pp. 154-163

[2016]: Aionas Verlag, Weimar

Schachnovelle. 52/(1)p. 1st edition. Paperback edition [Bibliothek der Weltliteratur]

[2016]: Knesebeck GmbH & Co. Verlag, München

Die Schachnovelle nach Stefan Zweig. A graphic novel by Thomas Humeau adapted into German by Anja Kootz. 120p. Hundreds of cColor illustrations. See: Le Joueur d'échecs [2015]

[2016]: Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart

Schachnovelle. Edited by Florian Gräfe. Book formation by Cornelia Feyll and Friedrich Forssmann. 107p. Illustrated with 4 photographs [Reclam XL | Text und Kontext | Nr. 19151] "Printed in Germany 2017"


Schachnovelle, pp. 5-77
Anhang, pp. 79-106
Inhalt [Table of Contents], p. 107


Zur Textgestalt, p. 81
Anmerkungen, pp. 82-87
Leben und Zeit, pp. 88-89
Deutungsansätze, pp. 92-99
4.1 Zeitgeschichtliche Bezüge, pp. 92-93
4.2 Biographische Deutungen, pp. 93-99
4.2.1 Brasilien als "Isolationshölle", pp. 93-94
4.2.2 Der traumatisierte Flüchtling, pp. 95-97
4.3 Psychologisch-pathologische Deutung, pp. 97-99
Thematische Aspekte, pp.100-102
5.1 Schach als Widerstandsstrategie in Konzentrationslagern, pp. 100-101
5.2 Formen der Spielsucht, pp. 101-102
Verfilmung, pp. 103-104
Literaturhinweise, p. 106


Page 90: "Stefan Zweig an Bord des Dampfschiffes S. S. Uruguary auf seiner letzten Reise von New York nach Rio de Janeiro, 15.-27. August 1941"
Page 91: "Von Mitte September 1941 bis zu ihrem Tod am 23. Februar 1942 wohnten Lotte und Stefan Zweig in diesem Haus: Rua Gonçalves Dias Nr. 34, Petrópolis, Brasilien"
Page 102: "Stefan Zweig (links) beim Schachspiel mit Emil Fuche (rechts), seinem langjährigen Salzburger Schachpartner und Freund, Juli 1936"
Page 105: "Die letzte, abgebrochene Partie der "Schachnovelle". Szene aus dem gleichnamigen deutschen Kinofilm von 1960: Mario Adorf (links) als Czentovic, Curd Jürgens (rechts) als Dr. B. Quelle: Deutsche Kinematek, Berlin"

[2019]: Nikol Verlag, Hamburg

Schachnovelle. 76/(1)p. Cover drawn by Nadya Jema and printed by the graphic designer Neue Schütz Design, München

Some excerpts:

"Entscheidungskampf" in Kleine Bettlektüre für kluge Schachspieler. Edited by Ulf Eisele. Bern/München/Wien: Scherz Verlag, 1988, pp. 97-109
"Das konigliche Spiel" in Deutsche Schachrundschau. Caissa [Erkrath bei Dusseldorf], No. 17 [1. September-Heft 1950], p. 263
"Schachnovelle" in Film und Frau [Hamburg], 12:13 [1960], pp. 34-42 [Contains 6 photographs from the film version starring Curd Jürgens]
"Schachnovelle" in Wahlfach Deutsch. Literatur. Compiled by R. Hazekamp and J. V. Zambon. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff Veralg, 1990, pp. 219-221 [2nd editions, 1991. 3rd edition, 1992. 4th edition,1994]
"Der Weltschachmeister" in Lesestücke und Übersetzungen. Compiled and edited by Johannes Schneider. 8th edition. Groningen: Noordhoff Verlag, 1964, pp. 91-92 [1st edition, ?. 4th edition, 1953. 5th edition, 1956; 7th edition, 1962]

Related topics:

Bastian, M. S. "Schachnovelle" [A cartoon caricature drawn by M. S. Bastian] in Das Magazin [Zürich], No. 8 [28/29 February 1992], p. 46 [COMIX. "Schachnovelle" frei nach Stefan Zweig. Zwei Zeichnungen / Impressum: Wochenendbeilage des Tages-Anzeigers und der Berliner Zeitung]
Stefan Zweig. Bilder, Texte, Dokumente [1993], No. 136, p. 209 [Contains a facsimile of a page of the original typescript with handwritten corrections]
Das Geheimnis des künstlerischen Schaffens [1981], No. 20, pp. 244-245 [The is a comparison of the story "Schachnnovelle" itself with the game of chess]


Basque: Xake nobela [Pomplona, 1999], No. 2, pp. (14)-(104). Translated by Xavier Mendiguren Bereziartu

Catalan: d'escacs [Barcelona, 1987. Reprinted 1991, 1992, 2001, 2013]. 103/(1)p. Translated by Manuel Robo

Dutch: Een schaak-novelle [Amsterdam, 1949. Reprinted 1969]. 114/(1)p. Translated by Paul Huf // Schaaknovelle [Amsterdam, 1980]. 126/(1)p. Translated by Willem van Toorn. 2nd edition. 99p. 1999; [Amsterdam, 2012]. 61p.

Faeroese: Talvøgsaga [Faeroese Islands, 2004]. 62p. Translated by Axel Tórgard

French: "Le Joueur d'échecs" in [1]. La Confusion des sentiments [Paris, 1996], No. 3, pp. (169)-259. Translated by Alzir Hella and Olivier Bournac]. [2]. Lettre d'une inconnue * Le Joueur d'échecs [Paris, 2013], No. 3, pp. (59)-(127). Translated by Pierre Malherbet]. [3]. Romans et nouvelles [Paris, 1991], No. 24, pp. (1121)-1172. Annotations, pp. 1185-1187. Translated by Gérard Rudent and Brigitte Vergne-Cain]. [4]. Stefan Zweig. L'oeuvre romanesque [Paris, 1998-1999], Vol. 8. Translated by Jacqueline Des Gouttes

Hebrew: Miśhaḳ ha-melakhim [Tel-Aviv, 1948]. 187p. Translated by Pesah Ben 'Amram