O mundo insone e outros ensaios

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O mundo insone e outros ensaios [Die schlaflose Welt und andere Essays]. Tranlsated by Kristina Michahelles. Edited with a foreword and an afterword by Alberto Dines. The editor also chose and organized the essays, changed some of the titles, wrote the footnotes and the forewords to each of the essays, and indicated a German source for each of them. As stated in his introduction, Dines sought to write a kind of Zweig biography via his essays. 307p. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2013


Um gênero inconfortável [Alberto Dines], pp. 7-13
Montaigne e a liberdade espiritual [Montaigne], pp. 15-74. See: Europäisches Erbe [1960], No. 1, pp. (7)-81 [1986. No. 1, pp. 7-68] and Zeiten und Schicksale. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1902-1942 [1990], No. 34, pp. 468-(556)

Os mestres [I-III]

I. Émile Verhaeren [Erinnerungen an Emile Verhaeren], pp. 75-123. See: Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten [1937], No. 1, pp. (9)-62 [1955, No. 2, pp. 9-58] and Menschen und Schicksale [1981], No. 10, pp. 147-196
II. Romain Rolland [Romain Rolland], pp. 124-139. See: Europäisches Erbe [1960], No. 6, pp. (102)-121 [1981. No. 6, pp. 83-98] and Die Monotonisierung der Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge [1976], No. 15, pp. 183-202
III. Sigmund Freud [Worte am Sarge Sigmund Freuds], pp. 140-145. See: Zeit und Welt. Gesammelte Aufsätze und Vorträge 1904-1940 [1943], No. 4, pp. (51)-57 [1946. No. 4, pp. (49)-54], Menschen und Schicksale [1981], No. 17, pp. 235-237, and Das Stefan Zweig Buch [1981], No. 18, pp. 297-(299)
O mentor, Theodor Herzl [Erinnerung an Theodor Herzl], pp. 146-153. See: Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten [1937], No. 6, pp. (93)-100
Jogo de espelhos: Hermann Hesse [Der Weg Hermann Hesses], pp. 154-161. See: Die Monotonisierung der Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge [1976], No. 19, pp. 218-225
Joseph Roth, o supereho [Joseph Roth], pp. 162-174. See: Die Monotonisierung der Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge [1976],No. 20, pp. 226-239

Assassinatos [I, II]

I. Jean Jaurès, o socialista [Jaurès], pp. 175-184. See: Europäisches Erbe [1960], No. 3, pp. (85)-94
II. Walther Rathenau, o espírito de Weimar [Wather Rathenau], pp. 185-196. See: Europäisches Erbe [1960], No. 20, pp. (232)-243
O mundo insone [Die schlaflose Welt], pp. 197-203. See: Die schlaflose Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1909-1941 [1983], No. 5, pp. 34-(41)
A tragédia do esquecimento [Die Tragik der Vergeßlichkeit], pp. 204-210. See: No. 18, pp. (141)-(146)
A monotonização do mundo [Die Monotonisierung der Welt], pp. 211-220. See: Die Monotonisierung der Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge [1976], No. 1, pp. 7-15
Revolta contra a lentidão [Revolte gegen die Langsamkeit[, pp. 221-226. See: Die schlaflose Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1909-1941 [1983], No. 25, pp. 174-180
Um protesto na gaveta [Einige Grundlagen zu einem kolletive auszuarbeitenden Manifest], pp. 227-231. See: Jeffrey B. Berlin. " The Unpublished Correspondence between Albert Einstein and Stefan Zweig" in Brücken über dem Abgrund. Auseinandersetzungen mit jüdischer Leidenserfahrung, Antisemitismus und Exil. Festschrift für Harry Zohn / Bridging the Abyss. Refelctions on Jewsih Suffering, Anti-Semitism, and Exil. Essays in Honor of harry Zohn. Edited by Amy Colin and Elisabeth Strenger. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1994, pp. (337)-363. Zweig's " Manifest" is printed on pp. 352-354

A questão judaica [I, II] <lst type=bracket start=16> I. O que acontecerá com os judeus? [What will happen to the Jews?], pp. 232-235. See: What will happen to the Jews. Edited by Joseph Leftwich. London: P. S. King & Sons, 1936. pp. ___ II. Medo e recuo [Eine Ansprache], pp. 236-248. See: <a/lst>Die schlaflose Welt. Aufsätze und Vorträge aus den Jahren 1909-1941 [1983], No, 28, pp. 211-(226)