Zweigheft / zweigheft

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Zweigheft 01

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. May 2009. Illustrated with 13 photographs by Kurt Kaindl which are included in his volume Reisen im Niemandsland. Von Lübeck bis Triest - Fotografien entlang des ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhangs. Salzburg: Edition Fotohof im Otto Müller Verlag, 2009. There are also six other photographs in the "Neues Programm"


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-5, 7
Wie entstehen Geschichtszeichen? [Boris Buden], pp. 9-13. This is an excerpt from Buden's Zone des Übergangs. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2009
Stefan Zweigs europäisches Haus in Salzburg [Karl Müller and Klemens Renoldner], pp. 15–17, 19-22, 25. Excerpts from the inaugural address at the opening of the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg on 28 November 2008. [1]. Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg - 28. November 2008. [2]. Stefan Zweig - ein Europäer. [3]. Stefan Zweig - der Kämpfer für Frieden und Völkerverständigung. [4]. Stefan Zweig - der Schriftsteller, Psychologe und Historiograph. Faszination Geschichte - Gedächtnis und Erinnerungsarbeit. [5]. Stefan Zweig - der Namenspatron. [6]. Stefan Zweig - der Jude, der Weltbürger und Exilant
Liebe und Tod, das Leichte und das Schwere. Stefan Zweigs Roman Rausch der Verwandlung [Andrea Grill], pp. 27–30, 33, 35
Stefan Zweig - ein Festspielgründer? Eine wunderliche Episode in der Gründungsgeschichte, bei der Stefan Zweig seine Hand im Spiel hatte [Gert Kerschbaumer], pp. 37-39


Pages 40-41: Konferenz: Revolution? Aufbruch? Wende? Europa 1989-2009. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 27-28 May 2009. A conference dedicated to the political and economic history of Europe from 1989 to 2009. The conference was organized by the Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies and the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg. [1]. Der Vorhang geht auf - Das Ende der Diktaturen in Osteuropa. A reading and conversation with the author György Dalos. Chris Pichler read passages from György Dalos's works. Moderated by Klemens Renoldner. [2]. Words of greeting by Heinrich Schmidinger, rector of the Universität Salzburg. [3]. 1989-2009: Politische Entwicklungen und neue Perspektiven. Discussions by Sonja Puntscher Riekmann and Gabriele Matzner-Holzer]. [4]. Perspektiven aus Osteuropa. Positionen aus Polen, Ungarn und der Ukraine. Discussions by Helmut P. Gaisbauer, András Bozóki, and Doris Wydra. Moderated by Ferenc Miszlivetz. [5]. EU-Erweiterungsperspektiven. Discussions by Judith Gebetsroithner and Jasna Jelisić. Moderated by Sonja Puntscher Riekmann. [6]. Kulturelle Strategien für eine Wendezeit. Discussions by Annemarie Türk and Christoph Bartmann. Moderated by Klemens Renoldner. [7]. Dialog und neue Öffentlichkeit in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Discussions by Fedja Filkova, Márta Nagy, and Fritz Hausjell. Moderated by Hannes Eichmann. [8]. Postkommunismus - 1989 und das Erbe. Discussions by Boris Buden and György Dalos. Moderated by Klemens Renoldner
Page 42: Joseph Roth - im Gespräch. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 7 August 2009. Petra Herczeg and Rainer Rosenberg presented their Ö1-CD Joseph Roth - Reportagen & Feuilletons and Wilhelm von Sternburg discussed his new Joseph Roth biography: Joseph Roth. Eine Biographie. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag, 2009. This page also contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth in Ostende in July 1936. This event was sponsored by the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg in conjunction with the Alumni-Club, Universität Salzburg
Page 43: Stefan Zweig Filmfestival. Stefan Zweig Centre in conjunction with Das Kino, 16-25 October 2009. This page also contains a 1954 photograph of Ingrid Bergmann in her role in the film Angst. The photograph was taken from the Illustrierter Filmkurier (Wien)
Page 44: Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 21-23 and 28-30 October 2009. Six scholars discussed their recent Zweig research. This page also contains a photograph of the 1927 drawing of Stefan Zweig by Frans Masereel
Page 45: Peter Handke - Werkschau. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 5 November-3 December 2009. An exhibition of manuscripts and photographs of Peter Handke, organized by Katharina Pektor and Klaus Kastberger. On 18 November the literary critics Evelyn Polt-Heinzl, Hans Höller, and Christopher Bartmann discussed Handke and his works. Klaus Kastberger moderated the discussion. This page also contains a 2005 photograph of Peter Handke taken by Marko Lipuš
Page 46: Ich gehöre nirgends mehr hin. ORF-Studio Salzburg, 27 November 2009. Klemens Renoldner read selected letters from Stefan Zweig to his friends and the pianist Philipp Roidinger played six pieces that he had composed specifically for this occasion. This page also contains a ca. 1930 photograph of Stefan Zweig
Page 47: Text- und Bildnachweise / Impressum. Contains a photograph of the Edmundsburg - Haus für Europa, Universität Salzburg
Page (48): Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat

Zweigheft 02

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. November 2009. Illustrated with 11 drawings by Sybille Hauck and 7 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-5, 7
Komödie im Spiegelzimmer [Dževad Karahasan], pp. 9-11, 13, 15. An excerpt from the author's Die Schatten der Städte. Essays. Translated from the Bosnian original into German by Katharina Wolf-Grießhaber. Berlin: Insel Verlag, 2010
Differenz des Einklangs: Stefan Zweig und Richard Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi [Stephan Resch], pp. 17, 19-20. Excerpts from the lecture that Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi delivered at the Stefan-Zweig-Symposium in Berlin, April 2009
Stefan Zweig an Alfred Kubin, pp. 21-22. A letter written by Stefan Zweig from 49, Hallam Street, London on 4 May 1936. The letter is in the possession of the Kubin-Archiv, Lenbachhaus, München
Das absurde Leben des grössten Arbeiters der Literatur. Zu Stefan Zweigs Fragment einer Biographie von Honoré de Balzac [Erwin Einzinger], pp. 23, 25-27, 29
Kapuzinerberg 5 - Beletage und Souterrain [Gert Kerschbaumer], pp. 31-33, 35, 37
Page 38 contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig entitled "zweigherbst"
Page 39: Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung. Eine Vortragsreihe an sechs Abenden. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 21-23, 29, 30 October 2009; Bibliotheksaula, 28 October 2009. [1]. Eröffnungsabend [Karl Müller and Klemens Renoldner]. Remember! - Schachnovelle neu gelesen [Gert Kerschbaumer]. [2]. Die sehr vergoldeten Gitterstäbe dieses eigenartigen Naturschutzparks. . . Hannah Arendt über Stefan Zweig [Birgit Peter. [3]. Ich bin ja ganz Zwiespalt jetzt. . . Stefan Zweig und der Erste Weltkrieg [Bettina Paur]. [4]. Tod im Paradies? Stefan Zweigs Brasilien-Buch und Brasilien-Ende [Karl-Josef Kuschel]. [5]. Zwei Psychologen und ihre Freundschaft. Stefan Zweig und Sigmund Freud [Jasmin Keller]. [6]. Theodor Herzl, die Juden und Österreich [Julius H. Schoeps].
Page 41: Peter Handke - Werkschau Ausstellung. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 5 November-2 December 2009. [1]. Grußworte: Klemens Renoldner, Johanna Rachinger, and Adolf Haslinger. [2]. Peter Handke und Salzburg [Hans Widrich]. Speakers at the exhibition: Klaus Kastberger and Katharina Pektor. Page 40 contains a photograph of Peter Handke
Page 43: Peter Handke - Freiheit des Schreibens, Ordnung der Schrift. Ein Gespräch. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 18 November 2009. A colloquium with Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, Christoph Bartmann, and Hans Höller. Klaus Kastberger moderated the discussion
Page 44: Ich gehöre nirgends mehr hin. ORF Studio Salzburg, 27 November 2009; Art-Café 5411, Oberalm, 28 November 2009. Klemens Renoldner read selected letters by Stefan Zweig. Philipp Nykrin was at the piano. This page also contains a ca. 1930 photograph of Stefan Zweig
Page 45: Tag der offenen Tür (Wichtige Programmpunkte). Saturday, 28 November 2009. [1]. The Panama Draft. A Dutch documentary film about Stefan Zweig. 2008 English version directed by Cherry Duyns. Moderated by Gert Kerschbaumer. [2]. Stefan Zweig - 24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau, starring the Viennese actress Chris Pichler. [3]. Stefan Zweigs Nachleben in Österreich. Lecture and reading by Erich Fitzbauer. [4]. Peter Handke - Werkschau. Inspection tours conducted by Hans Widrich and Adolf Haslinger. This page also contains a photograph of the Edmundsburg
Page 46: Liebesgeschichte und Zeitgeschichte. Bei Stefan Zweig zu Gast Nr. 2 - Brita Steinwendtner. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 1 December 2009. The evening was moderated by Ulrike Tanzer. This page also contains a photograph of Brita Steinwendtner
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page (48): Text- und Bildnachweise
Page (49): Vorschau Jahresprogramm 2010

Zweigheft 03

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. July 2010. Illustrated with 10 photographs: 8 from the premiere performance of Das Lamm des Armen [15 March 1930], 1 of Stefan Zweig with Georg Altmann, the stage-director of Das Lamm des Armen, and the leading protagonists in the drama, and 1 photograph from a scene in the premiere of Volpone [6 November 1926]


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7
Im venezianischen Labyrinth [Jurij Andruchowytsch], pp. 9-13
Prolog und Epilog zu Shakespeares “Sturm”. Quasi una phantasia [Stefan Zweig], pp. 15-17, 19-21. First appeared in Marsyas. Eine Zweimonatsschrift [Berlin], 2:4 [January/February 1918], pp. 77-79. Reprinted in the Insel Almanach auf das Jahr 1926. Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1925, pp. 68-74
Widerstand der Wirklichkeit. Reise in die Vergangenheit [Gert Kerschbaumer], pp. 23-25, 27-28
Stefan Zweig. Zwei Briefe an seinen Verleger Anton Kippenberg [9 and 10 September 1929], pp. 29, 31
Abenteuer mit dem Theater [Oliver Matuschek], pp. 33-37
Page 38: Die Vorträge, 22-23 April 2010. [1]. Kultur und Politik in Österreich 1918: davor/danach [Oliver Rathkolb]. [2]. Das Theater von Stefan Zweig. Ein kritischer Überblick [Arturo Larcati]. [3]. "Der einzig richtige 'cortigiano' des guten Geschmacks". Theater als Utopie des emanzipierten Bürgers [Birgit Peter]. [4]. Zweigs Jeremias und das zionistische biblische Drama [Mark Gelber]. [5]. Ehrfurcht und Vermessenheit in Stefan Zweigs biographischem Drama Die Flucht zu Gott [Deborah Holmes]. [6]. Über die Entbehrlichkeit des Theaters: Bilder der Geschichte bei Stefan Zweig [Peter W. Marx]. [7]. "Das Neue Leben" - Bilder einer Utopie in Dramen von Stefan Zweig und Ernst Barlach [Helga Thieme]. [8]. Theater als Paradigma kultureller Identität und Krisensymptom. Stefan Zweigs "lieblose Komödie" Volpone [Monika Meister]. [9]. Die Vermessung der Spielräume. Stefan Zweigs Horror einer zuschnappenden Ordnung [Thomas Oberender]. [10]. Concluding discussion with the lecturers and the theater directress Irmgard Lübke
Page 39: Zweigs Theater - der Dramatiker Stefan Zweig im Kontext europäischer Kultur- und Theatergeschichte. A conference held in conjunction with the Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Universität Wien
Page 40: Leo Tolstoi - für alle Tage. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 7 May 2010. An event commemorating Tolstoy, held in conjunction with the Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Salzburg the C. H. Beck Verlag. This page also contains a photograph of Tolstoy
Page 41: Jurij Andruchowytsch - geopoetische Zonen Europas. A series of lectures and reading workshops featuring the Hungarian writer Jurij Andruchowytsch , 9-17 June 2010, held by the Stefan-Zweig-Gesellschaft in conjunction with the Germanistic Faculty of Salzburg, and the Literature Forum Leselampe. This page also contains a photograph of Jurij Andruchowytsch
Page 42: Stefan Zweig Spaziergang. Salzburger Landestheater, premiere 28 May 2010. Further performances in June, September and October. A drama based on the lives of Stefan and Friderike Maria Zweig in Salzburg, 1919-1934. Dramaturgy by Bettina Oberender. Staging by Astrid Großgasteiger. Starring Ulrike Walther and Sascha Oskar Weis as Friderike and Stefan Zweig. This page also ontains a photograph of Ulrike Walther and Sascha Oskar Weis as Friderike and Stefan
Page 43: Die Ära Bernhard. Bernhard, Handke und die österreichische Literatur. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 24 June 2010. A lecture by Karl Wagner, Zürich, concerning the differences and yet similarities in the writings of Handke and Bernhard. This page also contains a photograph of Thomas Bernhard, Christmas 1957
Page 44: Stefan Zweig zu Gast bei Bertolt Brecht. A literature forum in the Brecht-Haus, Berlin, 13-17 July 2010, concerning why Zweig's works were ignored for such a long time by literary critics and German publishers. Contains a photograph of Bertolt Brecht
Page 45: Stefan Zweig - Angst. Salzburger Landestheater, 28 July 2010. A stage production of Zweig's novella Angst. Stage adaptation by Koen Tachelet. Directed by Jossi Wieler. Further performances on 30 and 31 July, and 2, 3, 5 and 6 August. This page also contains a photograph of Ingrid Bergmann in the 1954 production of Angst directed by R. Rosselini
Page 46: Stefan Zweig - Widerstand der Wirklichkeit. Salzburger Landestheater, 29 July 2010. Klaus-Maria Brandauer read this fragment of a novella published in Zweig's posthumous works. This paeg also contains a photograph of the Heidelberg Castle
Page 47: Gründerjahre - Kunst und Kultur in Salzburg nach 1918. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 2-6 August 2010. Lectures by Thomas Macho, Oliver Rathkolb, and Norbert Christian Wolf and a discussion about Hugo von Hofmannsthal by Ursula Renner-Henke, Ferruccio Delle Cave, Mathias Mayer and Karl Müller. Held in conjunction with the Salzburg Festspiele [Festival Performances] within the course of the exhibition "Das große Welttheater - 90 Jahre Salzburger Festspiele 1920-2010". This page also contains a 1920 photograph of the Karolinenbrücke in Salzburg
Page (48): Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page (49): Text- und Bildnachweise

Zweigheft 04

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. March 2011. Illustrated with 7 photographs of drawings or paintings of Stefan Zweig by students of the Privatgymnasium der Herz-Jesu-Missionare, Liefering, plus four other drawings: Student artists: Pages 2 and 30. Simon Macheiner, Laurenz Rabi, Bernd Rauscher. Page 9. Patrick Kals. Pages 12 and 16: Maximilian Scharfetter. Page 26: Maximilian Stainer. Page 31: Roland Vesenmayer.


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-6
Zur Reform des Schulaufsatzes [Stefan Zweig], pp. 7-9. Zweig's article was first printed without a title in: Meister des Stils über Sprach- und Stillehre. Beiträge zeitgenössischer Dichter und Schriftsteller zur Erneuerung des Aufsatzunterrichtes. Edited by Wilhelm Schneider. Leipzig/Berlin: B. G. Teubner Verlag, 1922, pp. 137-138. See: Über Sprach- und Stillehre
Ein Berliner Gespräch über Stefan Zweig, pp. 10-11, 13-15, 17-19, 21-25. An excerpt from a discussion among Daniela Strigl, Rüdiger Görner, Knut Beck, Oliver Matuschek, and Andrea Grill. The discussion was held in the Bertolt-Brecht-Haus, Berlin, July 2010
Unbekannte Auskünfte, fragwürdige Urteile und andere Fehleinschätzungen [Gert Kerschbaumer], pp. 27–31
Page 32: Ruth Klüger. Selbstverlangte Einzelhaft. Die Schachnovelle und ihre Vorgänger. Europasaal, Edmungsburg, 20 October 2010. A lecture concerning some of Zweig's novellas written in the 1920s and their relationship to Die Schachnovelle. This page also contains a photograph of Ruth Klüger
Page 33: Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung Nr. 2. Eine Vortragsreihe an sechs Abenden [4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19 November 2010]: [1]. Biographie als Intervention. Zum Problem biographischen Erzählens bei Stefan Zweig [Daniela Strigl]. [2]. Alzir Hella, die französische Stimme Stefan Zweigs [Anne-Elise Delatte]. [3]. Aufruf zur Menschlichkeit. Über das Appellatorische bei Stefan Zweig [Rüdiger Görner]. [4]. Die Dimension der Dinge. Objekte des Wissens, Begehrens und Verlierens in Stefan Zweigs Prosa [Ulrike Vedder]. [5]. Zukunft Zweig. Streit um den Bestsellerautor, Perspektiven der Forschung [Klemens Renoldner]. [6]. Umwege auf dem Weg zum Frieden. Der Briefwechsel zwischen Stefan Zweig und Alfred H. Fried [Stephan Resch]
Page 35: Tag der offenen Tür, 27 November 2010. A celebration of Stefan Zweig's birthday - film presentations, tours of inspection through the Stefan Zweig Centre, the Philipp Nykrin Jazz trio, and a lecture by Knut Beck entitled "Stefan Zweig - Die geistige Einheit der Welt"
Page 34: Contains a photograph of a poster by Carola Wilkens [Fall 2010] entitled "Zweigfest - Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg"
Page 36: Contains a photograph of a 2011 watercolor drawing by Magdalena Glas and Aleksander Kaplun entitled "Amok"
Page 37: Sprachquellen/Bildflüsse/Textmeere - Linz an der Salzach. Studierende der Kunstuniversität Linz präsentieren Werke im Stefan Zweig Centre und im Salzburger Kunstverein. Exhibition opened on 9 February 2011. This page also contains a photograph of a detail of a 2011 drawing by Julia Hinterberger entitled "Vorbilder, Leitsäzte"
Pages 38-39: Der unbekannte Bernhard. Entdeckungen aus dem Nachlass. Ein Symposium zum 80. Geburtstag von Thomas Bernhard. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 12 February 2011. Lectures: [1]. Arbeit an mir selbst. Der Lyriker Thomas Bernhard in Salzburg [Raimund Fellinger]. [2]. Beinahe ununterbrochen errate ich mich selbst. "Schwarzach St. Veit" und andere frühe Prosatexte [Manfred Mittermayer]. [3]. Was mich betrifft, gibt es nichts zu erzählen. Thomas Bernhards unterschätzte Großmutter [Renate Langer]. [4]. Niemand Besseren hätte ich mir wünschen können. Zum Briefwechsel zwischen Thomas Bernhard und Anneliese Botond [Martin Huber]. [5]. Erlesenes - Fundstücke aus Thomas Bernhards Bibliothek [Bernhard Judex]. [6]. Stellen, die man leicht überliest. Der wenig bekannte Bernhard [Hans Höller]. Page 38 contains a photograph of pages 12-13 from Bernhard's volume of poetry Auf der Erde und in der Hölle. Salzburg: Otto Müller Verlag, 1957
Page 40: Literaturclub - Zweig lessen. Stefan Zweig - Verwirrung der Gefühle. A reading and discussion of this novella from October 2010 to 14 March 2011. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of the French translation La Confusion des sentiments. Translated by Alzir Hella and Olivier Bornac. Paris: Le Grand Livre du Mois, 1999
Page 41: Aharon Appelfeld - zu Gast bei Stefan Zweig [4 April 2011]. This page also contains a photograph of Aharon Appelfeld
Page 42: Stefan Zweig Spaziergang. Sascha Oskar Weis and Ulrike Walther, as Stefan and Friderike Maria Zweig, walk visitors through the Salzburg of Stefan Zweig. First performance May 2010. Further performances 15 May and 3 and 5 June 2011. This page also contains a photograph of Sascha Oskar Weis and Ulrike Walther
Page 43: Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung [by Ilma Rakusa]. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 16-20 May 2011. On 17 May 2011, the Slovakian author and translator Ilma Rakusa discussed Middle- and East-European literature with Katharina Raabe [Suhrkamp-Verlag] and Karl-Markus Gauß. This paeg also contains a photograph of Ilma Rakusa
Page 44: Ich gehöre zur lateinischen Welt - Stefan Zweig und Italien. An International Stefan Zweig Congress, 25-27 May 2011, held in the Accademia di Studi italo-tedeschi, Meran in conjunction with the Università degli Studi di Verona and the Meran Theater. This paeg also contains a photograph of the 1908 crayon drawing of Stefan Zweig by Alberto Stringa
Page 45: Peter Handke - Jenseits der Grenze. Zur Uraufführung seines Theaterstücks Immer noch Sturm, p. 45. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 13-19 August 2011. A series of discussions, lectures and film presentations dedicated to Peter Handke's world. Presented in conjunction with the Salzburg Festspiele. This page also contains a photograph of Peter Handke+
Page 46: Übersicht Jahresprogramm 2011
Page 47: Text- und Bildnachweise
Page (48): Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat

Zweigheft 05

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. November 2011. Illustrated with 8 photographs from the Salzburg Kinderstadt, 2011 plus 8 other photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-6
Bureauphobie. Brief an einen Arzt [Stefan Zweig], pp. 7-13. Appeared originally in the Neue Freie Presse [Wien], 6 March 1919 See Bureauphobie. Brief an einen Arzt
Gespräch mit Stefan Zweig [Enrico Rocca, Firenze, May 1932], pp. 15-19, 21. Translated from the Italian by Arturo Larcati. First appeared in Il Lavoro Fascista. Quotidiano dei lavoratori [Roma], 8 May 1932
Stefan Zweig und Enrico Rocca. Eine Freundschaft in dunklen Jahren [Arturo Larcati], pp. 22-27
Stefan Zweigs Cousine Olga [Gert Kerschbaumer], pp. 28-31. Page 29 contains a 1950 photograph of an official certification concerning the care of Olga Zweig. This certification contains a photograph of Olga Zweig
Im Zweig-Städtchen [Elisabeth Fritz], pp. 33-36
Page 37: Stefan-Zweig-Schreibwerkstatt. Walter Müller conducted a Stefan Zweig Writing Workshop for students of the Hauptschule Oberndorf. Two of Zweig's historical miniatures, "Die Entdeckung Eldorados" and "Der Kampf um den Südpol", served as the basis for the students' papers. This page also contains a photograph of the students who participated in this workshop
Page 38: Europa - Die Welt von Gestern?, p. 38. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 5 November 2011. "Welche Sprache spricht Europa? Eine Perspektive des Exils" was the concluding podium discussion of the workshop, on 4 and 5 November, sponsored by the Stefan Zweig Centre and the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, Wien. This paeg also contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig which was printed on the dust jacket of El Mundo de ayer, the 2001 edition of the Catalonian translation of Zweig's Die Welt von Gestern. See: El Mundo de ayer
Page 39: Joseph Roth und Stefan Zweig - der Briefwechsel. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 16 November 2011. Rainer-Joachim Siegel presented the new edition of the Zweig-Roth correspondence, edited by Madeline Rietra and Rainer-Joachim Siegel. Peter Pikl and Werner Friedl read selected letters from this volume. This page also contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth in Ostende in 1936
Page 41: Zweig.Stellen. Szenen einer Sehnsucht. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 25 November 2001. The premiere performance of a stage drama based upon the meeting of four individuals at a Congress for Exile Literature and their relationship to Zweig. Played by Marion Hackl, Mareike Tiede, Hans-Jürgen Bertram, and Sebastian Krawczynski. Directed by Christa Hassfurther. Further performances on 26 November and 3 December. Page 40 contains a photograph from a rehearsal scene of this stage play
Page 42: Michael Heltau. Stefan Zweig - Die Welt von Gestern, p. 42. Kavernen 1595, Gstättengasse 27-29, Salzburg, 26 November 2011. The Viennese actor Michael Heltau read selections from Zweig's autobiography. This page also contains a photograph of Michael Heltau
Page 43: Joachim Bissmeier. Stefan Zweig - Heinrich von Kleist, p. 43. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 28 November 2011. On the occasion of Zweig's 130th birthday, the actor Joachim Bissmeier read Zweig's Kleist essay from his volume Der Kampf mit dem Dämon. This page also contains a photograph of Joachim Bissmeier
Page 44: Stefan Zweig - Angst. Das Kino, Salzburg, 14 December 2011. The 1954 production of the film Angst, directed by Roberto Rossellini and starring Ingrid Bergmann, was shown in Das Kino, in collaboration with the Literaturformum Leselampe and moderated by Manfred Mittermayer. This page also contains a photograph of Ingrid Bergmann
Page 45: Robert Musil - Kakanien als Gesellschaftskonstruktion. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 20 December 2011. Norbert Christian Wolf presented his recently published postdoctoral thesis Kakanien als Gesellschaftskonstruktion. Robert Musils Sozioanalyse des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2011 [Literaturgeschichte in Studien und Quellen, 20]. He then discussed it with the Germanist Klaus Amann. This page also contains a photograph of Robert Musil
Page 46: Übersicht Jahresprogramm 2012
Page 47: Text- und Bildnachweise
Page (48): Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschftlicher Beirat

Zweigheft 06

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. May 2012. Illustrated with 16 various photographs. Page 2: Stefan Zweig vor seinem Haus am Kapuzinerberg, Salzburg, um 1935. Page 12: Stefan und Friderike Zweig im Garten ihres Hauses am Kapuzinerberg, Salzburg, um 1935. Page 16: Hermann Bahr und Romain Rolland zu Besuch bei Stefan Zweig in Salzburg, 1923. Page 18: Friderike Zweig, Wien, 1926. Page 28: Stefan Zweig, Wien, 1920.


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-6
Die Zukunft des Schreibens in einer Welt im Krieg [Stefan Zweig. Robert van Gelder spricht mit Stefan Zweig über die Lage des Künstlers in Europa und über die mutmaßliche Entwicklung der Literatur in den kommenden Jahren], pp. 7-11. See: Van Gelder, Robert. "The Future of Writing in a World at War"
A Book for the Salzburg Babbitts [Stefan Zweig], pp. 13-15. This is a review of: Count Ferdinand Czernin. This Salzburg, being an incomplete introduction to the beauty and charm of a town we love, 1927. See: A Book for the Salzburg Babbitts
This Salzburg - A book for the Salzburg Babbitts [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 17, 19-20
Die ehrlosen Weiber. Stefan Zweigs Novelle “Untergang eines Herzens” [Clemens Berger], pp. 21-27
Das Jahr 2073 [Vicente Bughao], pp. 29-31
Pages 32-33: "Aufgeschirrt für diese Welt". Inszenierungen von Autorschaft in der Literatur der Zwischenkriegszeit Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 12-14 January 2012. An International Conference sponsored by the Universität Salzburg. [1]. Die Technifizierung der literarischen Produktion. Autorprogrammatik und implizite Autorschaft bei Bertolt Brecht [Uta Degner]. [2]. Dem letzten Homeriden der erste neue Spielmann. Rudolf Borchardt und Rudolf Alexander Schröder [Dieter Burdorf]. [3]. Briefprophetie und Gemeinde. Zur Semantik und Soziologie inspirierter Autorschaft beim späten Rilke [Martina King]. [4]. Wir sind die Eulen auf den Ruinen des Lebens. Isaac Schreyer - Der Autor als kabbalistischer Deuter der Moderne [Armin Eidherr]. [5]. Joe Lederer - Ein Zimmer ist zu wenig oder Wie bekommen Frauen den Stift zu fassen? [Evelyne Polt-Heinzl]. [6]. Thomas Manns Spiel mit der Autorschaft [Alexander Honold]. [7]. Ein verspätetes Knabenlaster schnurrbärtiger Männer. Robert Musil über die Schreibenden Menschen [Walter Fanta]. [8]. Stefan Zweig und das Odol-Prinzip. Vom Erfinden einer Marke [Daniela Strigl]. [9]. Der Beichtiger als Massenpsychologe. Therapeutische Autorschaft bei Hugo Bettauer [Clemens Peck]. [10]. Der graziöse Autor und die Dame. Arthur Schnitzlers Traumnovelle als Fortsetzungsgeschichte und Fallstudie [Marie Kolkenbrock]. [11]. Wenige sind wert, daß man ihnen widerspricht! Jüngers Autorschaft zwischen Selbststilisierung und Diskontinuität [Herbert Gottwald]. [12]. Das Äußere ein Earl, das Innere ein Paria. Kultivierter Antagonismus bei Gottfried Benn [Thomas Wegmann]. Page 32 contains a photograph of the poster announcing this International Conference
Page 34: Johannes Urzidil. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 27 January 2012. A presentation of the volume HinterNational - Johannes Urzidil. Ein Lesebuch. Compiled and edited by Klaus Johann and Vera Schneider. Potsdam: Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa, 2010. Gerhard Trapp read selections from Urzidil's correspondence. This page also contains a photograph of Johannes Urzidil
Page 35: Stefan Zweig - Brief einer Unbekannten, p. 35. Das Kino, 22 February 2012. The Film Club "Aus der Welt von Gestern" was organized by the Literaturforum Leselampe in conjunction with Das Kino and the Stefan Zweig Centre. The event was moderated by Manfred Mittermayer. This page also contains a photograph of Joan Fontaine and Louis Jourdan in Max Ophüls' film version of Brief einer Unbekannten
Page 36: Stefan Zweig - Spüren. Mozartkino, Salzburg, 23 February 2012. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Zweig's death, the Mozartkino, in conjunction with the Stefan Zweig Centre, presented an evening dedicated to Zweig's memory - films of Zweig's novellas, lectures by Gert Kerschbaumer and Klemens Renoldner, and Hannes Eichmann read selections from Zweig's works. This page also contains a photograph of the poster announcing this event
Page 37: Heiner Bielefeldt - Rassismus im 21. Jahrhundert, p. 37. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 27 February 2012. A program dedicated to the situation of exils in today's world. Heiner Bielefeldt spoke about racism in the 21st century. There was also a podium discussion among Heiner Bielefeldt, Alev Korun, and Sonja Puntscher. The event was sponsored by the Stefan Zweig Centre in conjunction with the Salzburger Plattform für Menschenrechte and the Katholische Aktion in Gemeinde und Arbeitswelt. This page also contains a photograph of the poster announcing this event
Page 38: Stefan-Zweig-Schreibwerkstatt. 9 March 2012. Based upon Zweig's Sternstunden der Menschheit, 13- and 14-year-old students from the Hauptschule Oberndorf wrote their own "Sternstunden" between September 2011 and February 2012. The texts were read to the public on 9 March and were also made available in book form. One of these "Sternstunden", "Das Jahr 2073" by Vincente Bughao is reprinted in this zweigheft, No. 6, pp. 29-31. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of Vincente Bughao's Das Jahr 2073 und die Jahre davor und danach
Page 39: Wilfried F. Schoeller - Alfred Döblin, p. 39. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 28 March 2012. The author Wilfried F. Schoeller presented his new biography Alfred Döblin. Eine Biographie. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2011. The presentation was moderated by Anton Thuswaldner. This page also contains a photograph of Wilfried F. Schoeller
Page 40: Peter Stephan Jungk - Franz Werfel. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 25 April 2012. Peter Stephan Jungk read selections from his volume Franz Werfel. Eine Lebensgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1987 and discussed his Werfel research since 1987. Under the title "Ich bin sehr stolz, mich Dein Freund nennen zu dürfen", Michel Reffet lectured on the relationship between Stefan Zweig and Franz Werfel. This paeg also contains a photograph of the Burgtheater program "Karikatur der Woche. Franz Werfel"
Page 41: Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung Feridun Zaimoglu. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 8 May 2012. In this 4th Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung, the author Feridun Zaimoglu read selections from his novel Ruß. Roman. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag, 2011. The presentation was moderated by Hubert Winkels. There was also a showing of the documentary film Mein Leben - Feridun Zaimoglu, ARTE, 2010. Directed by Susan Tratz. This page also contains a photograph of Feridun Zaimoglu
Page 42: Chris Pichler liest Stefan Zweig. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 2 June 2012. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the University of Salzburg, the Viennese actress Chris Pichler read selections from Zweig's writings dealing with his life as a university student. Music was provided by the Quadrophonie - Karl Müller, Georg Winkler, Gerti Hollweger-Eisl, and Hubert Kellerer. This page also contains a photograph of Chris Pichler
Pages 43-45: Stefan Zweig and Britain. London, 6-8 June 2012. A conference dedicated to the influence of Great Britain and British culture on Zweig's works. The conference was sponsored by the University of London, the Queen Mary University of London, the British Library, the Leo Baeck Institute, and the Österreichisches Kulturforum London. [1]. Words of greeting and opening of the conference [Rüdiger Görner and Klemens Renoldner]. [2]. Die englischen Jahre. Stefan Zweig in Britain [Richard Dove]. [3]. Stefan Zweig: British Literature and European Sensibilities [Mark Gelber]. [4]. Eine seltsame Umkehr. Stefan Zweigs Feuilleton "Der Genius Englands" [Margit Dirscherl]. [5]. Der Held wird nicht untergehen: Stefan Zweigs Kampf für Charles Dickens [Klemens Renoldner]. [6]. In meinem Ende ist mein Anbeginn: Zu Stefan Zweigs Maria Stuart [Ulrike Tanzer]. [7]. Stefan Zweigs Bearbeitung von Jonsons Gesellschaftssatire Epicoene or the Silent Woman [Arturo Larcati]. [8]. Transformationen des Theaters. Stefan Zweig und Ben Jonson [Monika Meister]. [9]. I want a hero: Stefan Zweig und Lord Byron [Daniela Strigl]. [10]. Must the man of action always be pursued by guilt? On Stefan Zweig's Political Self-Conception in British Exile [Stephan Resch]. [11]. The Magic of Manuscripts: Stefan Zweig as Collector of Autographs [Ulrike Vedder]. [12]. Comments on, and Reading of, Albi Rosenthal: Aspects of Autograph Collecting, Past and Present [Julia Rosenthal]. [13]. The British Library Stefan Zweig Collection [Arthur Searle]. [14]. On Translating Zweig [Anthea Bell]. [15]. Zweig Reception and Research (Research Student Presentations): Zweig in Persia [Nazli Nikjamal]; Zweig in China [Arnhilt Höfle]; Zweig in Europe [Iris Himmlmayr]. Page 43 also contains a photograph of the front entrance to the house on Hallam Street 49, London, where Stefan Zweig lived from 1935 to 1939
Page 46: Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung Nr. 3. The program of this Zweig conference, held in the Stefan Zweig Centre on 9 November 2012, is printed in Zweigheft 07, p. 41. This page also contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig in Bath, 1940
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Text- und Bildnachweise

Zweigheft 07

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. October 2012. Illustrated with 13 various photographs. See: Stefan Zweig, end of the 1930s, p. (2); Stefan Zweig, August 1942, p. 22; Lotte and Stefan Zweig, New York, 1941, p. 28. 3 photographs of drawings by students of the Kunstschule Luzern. [1]. Lilian Notter: Wieder in der Welt. [2]. Vera Mattmann: Im Herzen Europas. [3]. Patrick Buess: Zum Vorwort "Die Welt von Gestern"


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7
Das Stefan Zweig Centre und Facebook [Iris Himmlmayr], pp. 8-9
Die zehn Wege zum deutschen Ruhm. Eine Rechenaufgabe für junge Schriftsteller [Stefan Zweig], pp. 11-13. First printed in Der Ruf [Wien/Leipzig], No. 1 [Karneval] [February 1912], pp. 15-16. See: Die zehn Wege zum deutschen Ruhm
Autobiographische Notiz [Stefan Zweig], pp. 15-19, 21. First printed in: Deutsche Dichterhandschriften. Edited by Hanns Martin Elster. Dresden: Lehmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1922, Vol. 13 [Stefan Zweig. Der Brief einer Unbekannten], pp. 7-10. See Autobiographie
Bis zum letzten Winkel der Erde. Zur Rezeption Stefan Zweigs in China [Arnhilt Johanna Höfle], pp. 23-27
Wer liest im heutigen Europa noch Stefan Zweig? [Iris Himmlmayr], pp. 29-33
Pages 34-36: Wer sagt denn, dass die Welt schon entdeckt ist?. An International Peter Handke-Symposium held at the Universität Salzburg, 17-20 October 2012. The symposium program is printed on pp. 35-36. Page 34 contains a photograph of Peter Handke
Page 37: Robert Menasse: Der Europäische Landbote. UniPark Nonntal Thomas-Bernhard-Hörsaal, 29 October 2012. The Austrian author Robert Menasse received the Donauland-Sachbuchpreis 2012 for his essay "Der Europäische Landbote". This page also contains a photograph of Robert Menasse
Page 38: Cornelius Hell - Bricht Budapest seine Brücken ab? Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 30 October 2012. Cornelius Hell presented his new book on Budapest. This was followed by a discussion with the Hungarian historian György Dalos. This page also contains a photograph of the dust jacket of Cornelius Hell's new volume Lesereise Budapest. Der frivole Charme der Brückenstadt. Wien: Picus Verlag, 2012
Page 39: MonaLisaMultiMedia oder eine 'giocondologische' Revue, p. 39. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 7 November 2012. A presentation of the volume Handbuch der Kunstzitate. Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Edited by Konstanze Fliedl, Marina Rauchenbacher, and Joanna Wolf. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Verlag, 2011. The presentation was followed by a discussion among Konstanze Fliedl, Marina Rauchenbacher, and Katharina Serles. There was also a review of various texts, pictures, and films concerning Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa". This page also contains a photograph of a part of the face and neck of Mona Lisa
Page 40: A photograph of the poster "Zweigherbst 17. Oktober - 11. Dezember 2012. The poster was designed by Carola Wilkens, based on a 1927 portrait of Stefan Zweig by Frans Masereel. The photograph was taken by Rüdiger Görner
Page 41: Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung Nr. 3. Stefan Zweig Centre, 9 November 2012. [1]. Treu ergebene Maßregelungen. Hermann Bahr und Stefan Zweig im Zwiegespräch [Reinhard Urbach]. [2]. Eine Jugend in Wien. Der Maler Alberto Stringa und seine Freundschaft mit Stefan Zweig und Arthur Schnitzler [Arturo Larcati]. [3]. Fakten, Legenden und Lücken. Zur Bekanntschaft zwischen James Joyce und Stefan Zweig [Andreas Weigel]. [4]. Stefan Zweig und die pazifistische Gruppe Clarté (1919-1921). Aus unveröffentlichten Briefen zwischen Henri Barbusse und Stefan Zweig [Stephan Resch]. [5]. Stefan Zweig in der Sowjetunion 1928 [Julia Köstenberger]. [6]. Ein ungeheures Symbol der Zeit. Stefan Zweig mit den Augen Robert Musils gesehen [Walter Fanta]
Page 42: Rüdiger Görner: Stefan Zweig und die aufbewahrte Zeit. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 9 November 2012. Rüdiger Görner presented and read selections from his new Zweig volume Stefan Zweig. Formen einer Sprachkunst. Wien: Sonderzahl Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012. A discussion followed this reading. This page also contains a photograph of Rüdiger Görner
Page 43: Wortlandstreicher - Fest der Zeitschrift Literatur und Kritik. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 23 November 2012. Readings by Lindita Arapi, Margret Kreidl, Daniel Odija, and Martin Pollack. This page also contains a photograph of the July 2012 cover of the periodical Literatur und Kritik [Salzburg]
Page 44: Lass es dir gut gehen und sei vielmals gegrüsst. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 24 November 2012. The actors Brigitte Trnka and Peter Pikl read selections from the correspondence between Stefan and Friderike Zweig. The program was introduced by Gert Kerschbaumer. This page also contains a photograph of Friderike and Stefan Zweig
Page 45: Der neue Mensch in Brasilien - über den Schatten Nietzsches in Stefan Zweigs strahlendem Land der Zukunft. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 11 December 2012. A lecture by Jeroen Dewulf concerning the Brazilian source of Zweig's Brasilien. Ein Land der Zukunft and the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche within this source. Contains a photograph of the dust jacket of the Portuguese translation Brasil. Pais do futuro. Translated by Odilon Gallotti. Porto: Livraria Civilização, 1941
Page 46: Srećko Horvat - Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium 2012. 15 October-15 December 2012. The famous Croatian author, philosopher, film critic, translator and director of the Subversive Festival lived for two months in Salzburg. His visit was funded by the city of Salzburg. This page also contains a photograph of Srećko Horvat
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Text- und Bildnachweise

Zweigheft 08

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. February 2013. Illustrated with 20 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-6
Ein wahrhaft loyaler Freund [Erinnerung an Stefan Zweig. Eva Alberman. Translated into German by Eva Alteneder and Elisabth Fritz], pp. 7, 9, 11. Page (2) contains a 2008 photograph of Eva Alberman
Zögern Sie nie! [Stefan Zweig], pp. 15-17. See: Never Hesitate!. Page 18 contains a photograph of the cover of the July 1941 issue of Reader's Digest in which Zweig's "Never Hesitate!" and "What Money Means to Me" are printed
Was Geld für mich bedeutet [Stefan Zweig], pp. 19-22. See: What Money Means to Me
Stefan Zweig in Spanien [Georg Pichler], pp. 23, 25-29. Page 24 contains a copy of the cover of Amok. Translated by María Luz Morales. Barcelona: Apolo, 1937 and page 28 contains a photograph of the cover of Momentos estelares de la humanidad. Translated by José Fernandez. 5th edition. Barcelona: Juventud, 1987
Pläydoer für ein Stefan-Zweig-Museum (1957) [Vorgeschichte des Stefan Zweig Centre] [Siegfried Melchinger], pp. 30-35
Page 36: MonaLisaMultiMedia oder eine 'giocondologische' Revue, p. 36. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 25 January 2013. A presentation of the volume Handbuch der Kunstzitate. Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Edited by Konstanze Fliedl, Marina Rauchenbacher, and Joanna Wolf. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Verlag, 2011. The presentation was followed by a discussion among Konstanze Fliedl, Marina Rauchenbacher, and Katharina Serles. There was also a review of various texts, pictures, and films concerning Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa". This page also contains a photograph of a part of the face and neck of Mona Lisa
Page 37: Werner Thuswaldner - Das Jubiläum. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 5 February 2013. Sven-Eric Bechtolf read selections from Thuswaldner's latest novel Das Jubiläum. Salzburg: Otto Müller Verlag, 2013. This page also contains a photograph of the picture on the dust jacket of Das Jubiläum. Roman
Page 38: Hinterlassenschaften. Nachlässe des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts in Literaturarchiven. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 28 February-2 March 2013. A conference dedicated to the contents of literature archives in Austria and abroad. The conference was sponsored by the Literaturarchiv Salzburg, the Fachbereich Germanistik, and the Stefan Zweig Centre. This page also contains a photograph of some of the material in the Literaturarchiv Stefan Zweig Centre
Page 39: Stefan Zweig. “Ich wünschte, dass ich Ihnen ein wenig fehlte”. Briefe an Lotte Zweig 1934 - 1940. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 11 April 2013. Oliver Matuschek presented his new volume Stefan Zweig. “Ich wünschte, dass ich Ihnen ein wenig fehlte”. Briefe an Lotte Zweig 1934 - 1940. Edited with introductions, copious notes, translations, and an appendix by Oliver Matuschek. 367p. Illustrated with 68 photographs [48 of people, 20 of places and documents]. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch [© S. Fischer Verlag], 2013 [Fischer Klassik]. This page also contains a photograph of the picture on the dust jacket of this volume
Page 40: Arme Roma, böse Zigeuner. Vortrag mit Podiumsgespräch. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 22 April 2013. The author Norbert Mappes-Niediek presented his new study Arma Roma, böse Zigeuner. Berlin: Christoph Links Verlag, 2012. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion. The event was sponsored in conjunction with the Plattform für Menschenrechte, the Integrationsbüro, Salzburg, and the Friedensbüro, Salzburg. This page also contains a copy of the 2003 photograph "Roma-Kinder in Svinia" [Slovakia] taken by Kurt Kaindl
Page 41: Stefan Zweig - Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf Lesungen in der Stadtbibliothek Salzburg. On five Thursday afternoons [25 April, 23 May, 27 June, 26 September, and 28 November 2013], actors and actresses read selections from Zweig's Sternstunden der Menschheit. Fünf historische Miniaturen. This page also contains a photograph of the Stadtbibliothek Salzburg
Page 42: Briefwechsel Stefan Zweig - Romain Rolland. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 25 April 2013. In remembrance of the Nazi book burning in the Salzburger Residenzplatz on 30 April 1938, the actors Peter Arp and Arno Fischbacher read selections from the correspondence between Stefan Zweig and Romain Rolland. This page also contains a photograph of the 1938 book burning in Salzburg
Page 43: Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung Ilija Trojanow. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 15 May 2013. On the occasion of this fifth Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung, the Bulgarian author Ilija Trojanow read selections from his new novel Eis Tau. Roman. München: Hanser Verlag, 2011, a rousing song about what constitutes our modern world and yet, at the same time, destroys it. This page also contains a photograph of Ilija Trojanow
Page 44: Stefan Zweig - Schachnovelle. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 23 May 2013. The new Reclam Verlag edition of Zweig's Schachnovelle - for the first time published as written by Zweig - was presented by Klemens Renoldner, the editor, and Hannes Fricke-Sonnenschein, the reader of the Reclam Verlag. This paeg also contains a photograph of the front cover of this new edition
Page 45: Stefan Zweig am Zellersee. An excursion on 8 June 2013 to Zell am See and Thumersbach where Zweig worked on his Marie Antoinette, his volumes of essays, and his novel Rausch der Verwandlung. The excursion, conducted by Peter Wittner [Thumersbach] and Klemens Renoldner, was sponsored by the Literaturforum Leselampe, Salzburg. This page also contains a 1935 photograph of the Grand Hotel Zell am See
Page 46: Vortrag und Gespräch [June 2013] / Kinderprojekt [June/July 2013] / Fest [20 July 2013] / Stefan-Zweig-Schreibwerkstatt für Schüler [2013/2014] / Stefan-Zweig-Konferenz [3-6 October 2013] / Salzburger Literaturtagung [14 November 2013] / Lesungen [Two evenings in November 2013] / Symposion [November 2013]
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschafftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Text- und Bildnachwesie

Zweigheft 09

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. July 2013. Illustrated with 15 various photographs. Pages 2 [May 2009], 6 [February 1997], and 10 [May 2013] contain photographs of the covers of the French periodical Magazine Littéraire, each of which contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-5, 7
Die Unruhe des Stefan Zweig [Rüdiger Görner], pp. 8-11
Das Gewissen Europas [Interview mit Stefan Zweig (1931). Robert Merrill Bartlett], pp. 12-18
Die Monotonisierung der Welt? [Antwort auf Stefan Zweig. Felix Salten], pp. 19, 21-26. Page 20 contains a photograph of Felix Salten [1917]
Er war mir ein guter Freund [Aus dem Journal de Vézelay 1938-1944. Romain Rolland], pp. 27, 29-31. Page 28 contains a photograph of Romain Rolland
Page 32: Stefan Zweig in der Kinderstadt. Salzburger Volksgarten, 2-6 July. Only for children. This page also contains a photograph of children in the Volksgarten
Page 33: Fest zur Festspieleröffnung. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 20 July 2013. In celebration of the annual Salzburg Festival, Katharina Stemberger and Johannes Silberschneider read selections from Zweig's works and Martin Waltz read some texts by Zweig in Klemens Renoldner's latest volume Stefan Zweig. "Ich habe das Bedürfnis nach Freunden". Erzählungen, Essays und unbekannte Texte. This page also contains a photograph of the Salzburger Festspielhaus under construction in 1925
Page 34: Sternstunden der Menschheit. Stadtbibliothek Lehen, 26 September and 28 November 2013. "Georg Friedrich Händels Auferstehung" was read by Ulrike Arp on 26 September and "Der Kampf um den Südpol" was read by Peter Arp on 28 November. This paeg also contains a photograph of the front cover of the 1943 edition of Sternstunden der Menschheit. Zwölf historische Miniaturen published in Stockholm by the Bermann-Fischer Verlag
Pages 35-37: Stefan Zweig - ein Aussenseiter der Wiener Moderne? An international Zweig Conference was held in the Marriot Tech Center, Denver, Colorado, 3-6 October 2013. The central theme of the conference was Zweig's relationship to other Viennese authors and his role as an author of Viennese Modernism. Stefan Zweig: An Outsider of Viennese Modernism? 4 October. Moderator: Gregor Thuswaldner. Commentator: Elizabeth Loentz. [1]. Decadence in Stefan Zweig's Brennendes Geheimnis and Verwirrung der Gefühle [Jennifer Hansen-Glucklich]. [2]. Postcolonialism in the Midst of Viennese Modernism. "Der Kulminationspunkt" versus "Der Wendepunkt" [Ashwin Manthripragada]. [3]. Difference and Affinity in the Autobiographical Narratives of Klaus Mann and Stefan Zweig [Uri Ganani]. [4]. The Rhythm of the American Masses. Stefan Zweig and Company [Eva Kuttenberg]. 5 October. Moderator: Andrew C. Wisely. Commentator: Klemens Renoldner. [5]. Stefan Zweig's Editions and Translations of French Poetry [Robert Vilain]. [6]. Stefan Zweig's Joseph Fouché and the Poetics of Biography [Olaf Berwald]. [7]. Zur Ästhetik der Religion bei Stefan Zweig und Hugo von Hofmannsthal [Gregor Thuswaldner]. [8]. Stefan Zweigs Die Welt von Gestern (1942), Benno Geigers Memorie di un veneziano (1959) als Rückblick auf die Kultur der Wiener Moderne [Arturo Larcati]
Page 38: Wassyl Lopuschanskyj - Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium 2013. This page also contains a photograph of Wassyl Lopuschanskyj
Page 39: Stefan Zweig zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 22 October 2013. Jacques Le Rider presented his latest volume dedicated to the cultural life of Vienna, Les juifs viennois à la Belle Époque (1867-1914). Paris: Éditions Albin Michel, 2013. This page also contains a photograph of Jacques Le Rider
Pages 40-41: "Wir müssen modern sein, unbedingt!" [Il faut être absolument moderne, Arthur Rimbaud]. Georg Trakl, Stefan Zweig und die französische Lyrik. Traklhaus, Waagplatz 1, 14 November 2013. 3 lectures: [1]. Der französische Symbolismus (Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Mallarmé) und seine Ausstrahlung auf die deutschsprachige Lyrik des frühen 20. Jahhunderts [Roman Reisinger]. [2]. Georg Trakl und die französische Literatur [Maryse Staiber]. [3]. Stefan Zweig als Übersetzer französischer Lyrik [Norbert Bachleitner]. There was also a discussion with the speakers, and a reading by Daniela Enzi from the poems of Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud, Georg Trakl, and Stefan Zweig. The event was sponsored by the Georg-Trakl-Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte, Fachbereich Romanistik, and the Stefan Zweig Centre. Contains a photograph of Paul Verlaine
Pages 42-43: Der Erzähler Stefan Zweig, Neue Forschung Nr. 4. Stefan Zweig Centre, 21 November 2013. 5 lectures and a podium discussion. [1]. Zweigs historisches Erzählen (1916-1926). Narration zur Vermittlung gedächtniskultureller Aspekte [Matjaz Birk]. [2]. "Nebenan lockte Musik. . ." Zur Bedeutung des Beiläufigen in Stefan Zweigs Erzählen [Rüdiger Görner]. [3]. Adoration - Imitation - Individuation. Intertextuelle Bezüge zwischen Stefan Zweig und Arthur Schnitzler [Anna Sennefelder]. [4]. "Man kann nicht als Gespenst seines Wunsches leben". Stefan Zweigs Rausch der Verwandlung [Elke Brüns]. [5]. "Österreichische Nobelpreis-Spekulationen und -Sehnsüchte [Reinhard Urbach]. [6]. Podium discussion with the speakers and Mark Gelber, moderated by Arturo Larcati and Klemens Renoldner, plus the presentation of the new edition of Jean-Pierre Lefebvre's Stefan Zweig volume Romans, nouvelles et récits. 2 vols. Edited by Jean-Pierre Lefebvre. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2013. Under the title "Stefan Zweig dans le Pléiade". Page 43 contains a photograph of the cover of Vol. 1 plus a short discussion of the volume
Page 44: Varujan Vosganian zu Gast bei Stefan Zweig. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 22 November 2013. Presentation of the novel Buch des Flüsterns. German translation by Ernest Wichner. Wien: Zsolnay-Verlag, Wien 2013. Presentation of the volume by the author and the German translator. Contains a photograph of Varujan Vosganian
Page 45: Andrea Eckert liest Stefan Zweig. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 27 November 2013. The Viennese actress Andrea Eckert read Zweig's story Die spät bezahlte Schuld. This page also contains a photograph of Andrea Eckert
Page 46: Unsere Programmvorschau des Jahres 2014
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Text- und Bildnachweise

Zweigheft 10

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. December 2013. Illustrated with 17 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-5, 7
Stefan Zweig zu Besuch in Mini-Salzburg 2013 [Felicitas Biller and Marko Dinic], pp. 9-11. Page 2 contains a portrait of Stefan Zweig produced in the metal workshop of the Mini-Salzburg; page 6 a photograph of an undated handwritten letter of Stefan Zweig to his wife Lotte; page 8 a photograph of the first page of the Mini-Salzburg newspaper, 3 July 2013; and page 11 a photograph of two boys playing a board game in the Mini-Salzburg
Brief an Eduardo Mallea [Gabriela Mistral. Concerning the death of Stefan Zweig], pp. 12-19. Photograph of Gabriela Mistral, p. 14. The original Spanish version was printed in the newspaper La Nación [Buenos Aires], 3 March 1942
Bücher sind unverbrennbar [Ein Gespräch in Chicago, 1939. Stefan Zweig], pp. 20-23. Page 23 contains a photograph of the first page of the Volksfront, 21 January 1939. First appeared as "Original-Interview mit Stefan Zweig" in the Volksfront. The People's Front [Chicago], 21 January 1939. Reprinted on 28 February 1939 under the original title in Deutsche Informationen [Paris] and in Freiheit [Zürich]
Stefan Zweig in der Pléiade [Jean-Pierre Lefebvre], pp. 25, 27-31. Concerning the success of Stefan Zweig's works in their French translations. Page 26 contains a photograph of the cover of Vol. 1 of: Stefan Zweig. Romans, nouvelles et récits. 2 vols. Edited under the direction of Jean-Pierre Lefebvre. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2013
Page 33: Stefan-Zweig-Schreibwerkstatt mit Daniela Marinello [November 2013 to March 2014]. Under the direction of Daniela Marinello, 16- and 17-year-old students of the Musisches Gymnasium Salzburg studied and analyzed Stefan Zweig's novella "Angst" and then wrote their own stories. Their stories were presented to the public in March 2014. Page 33 contains a photograph of two of the girls at work on their essays and pages 24 and 32 contain photographs of pages from "Stefan Zweig. Ein Dialog, Teil 1, 2"
Pages 34-35: Austria and America - Cross-Cultural Encounters. Konferenzraum, Edmundsburg, 24-25 January 2014. Directed by Ralph Poole and Joshua Parker. A series of 12 lectures dealing with the cultural relationship between Austria and the United States, particularly during the years 1933-1955. [1]. Freud's Reception in America [Reinhold Wagnleitner and Jean Holland]. [2]. Never really arrived? Austrian Jews at the Rio de la Plata 1938-1955 [Michael John]. [3]. Anschluss and Immigration: Austria, America and the Philippines, 1938-1939 [Dean J. Kotlowski]. [4]. The Austrian Heritage Collection [Albert Lichtblau]. [5]. Knowing the Unknown: A Comparison between the Short Story and the Movie Letters from an Unknown Woman [Yuval Lubin]. [6]. Austrian Echoes in Postwar America: F. O. Matthiessen and the Salzburg Global Seminer [Joshua Parker]. [7]. California Here We Come: Hurray for Hollywood - Tinsel-Town USA [Raeschelle Potter-Deimel]. [8]. Visualizing Postwar Vienna: On-location shooting and U.S.-centered movie publicity for The Third Man [Anne-Marie Scholz]. [9]. Cross-Cultural Encounters of the Intimate Kind: Bernard Vorhaus's Three Faces West [Jacqueline Vansant]. [10]. "America is more than a land and a people": Franz Werfel and his Image of America [Anat Varon]. [11]. An American in Allied-occupied Austria: John Dos Passos Reports on Postwar Vienna [Bernhard Wenzl]. [12]. Exile at Work: Lisette Model Abroad, 1938-1951 [Hyewon Yoon]. Page 34 contains a photograph of food on a shelf in a grocery store
Pages 37-38: Hat die Moderne versagt? 1914 anders gesehen. Vor 100 Jahren begann der Erste Weltkrieg. Eine Ringvorlesung. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 4 March to 17 June 2014. A series of 13 lectures, delivered in Wien as well as Salzburg, concerning the intellectual and cultural effects of World War I. The lectures were sponsored by the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Universität Wien, the Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Salzburg, and the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg. [1]. Hat die Moderne versagt? [Oliver Rathkolb]. [2]. Österreich-Ungarn und der Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges [Günther Kronenbitter]. [3]. Europa 1900-1914 [Philipp Blom]. [4]. French Intellectuals and World War 1 [Anne Rasmussen]. [5]. Deutsche Intellektuelle und der Erste Weltkreig [Christoph Cornelißen]. [6]. British Intellectuals and the Great War [Alan Sked]. [7]. Russlandds Eliten und der Erste Weltkrieg [Traude Maurer]. [8]. Friedens- und Abrüstungsbewegungen um 1914 aus der Genderperspektive [Gabriella Hauch]. [9]. Musik und Krieg [Christian Glanz]. [10]. Die Sicht britischer Kriegskorrespondenten auf den Ersten Weltkreig [Barbara Korte]. [11]. Kriegs- und Friedensliteratur in Österreich-Ungarn und im Deutschen Reich [Norbert Christian Wolf]. [12]. Propaganda, Illusion und Ernüchterung: Visuelle Inszenierungen des Ersten Weltkrieges [Hans Petschar]. [13]. Europäische Integration und der Erste Weltkrieg [Sonja Puntscher Riekmann]. Page 36 contains a September 1914 photograph of officers leaving for the front
Page 39: Stefan Zweig vers l'unification de l'Europe. Médiathèques de Strasbourg, 21 March 2014. A podium discussion dedicated to Stefan Zweig's intellectual and moral ideal of a united Europe. Speakers were Catherine Sauvat, the French Zweig biographer; Oliver Matuschek, the German Zweig biographer; Régine Battiston, and Klemens Renoldner. Contains a photograph of the André-Malraux-Médiathèque, Strasbourg
Page 41: Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa. Eine Ausstellung. Österreichisches Theatermuseum, Wien, April 2014-January 2015
Page 43: Karl-Markus Gauß. Von der Produktivkraft des Eigensinns. Ein Symposium. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 24-25 April 2014. Page 42 contains a photograph of Karl-Markus Gauß
Page 44: Jonila Godole. Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium 2014. May-June 2014. Contains a photograph of Jonila Godole
Page 45: Terézia Mora. Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesungen. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 15 May 2014. Contains a photograph of Terézia Mora. The event was sponsored by the Leselampe, Fachbereich Germanistik, and the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg
Page 46: Stefan Zweig - Zwischen Hippolyte Taine und der jüdischen Kulturrenaissance. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 26 June 2014. A lecture by Jacques Le Rider. Contains a photograph of Jacques Le Rider
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Text- und Bildnachwesie
Page (46): Programmvorschau Herbst 2014

Zweigheft 11

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salburg. July 2014. Illustrated with 23 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7
Die Schweiz und die Fremden [Stefan Zweig], pp. 9, 11-15. Zweig's text was first printed in the Neue Freie Presse [Wien], 31 January 1918
Notiz zu Georg Rendl [Georg Rendl und Stefan Zweig] [Elisabeth Fritz], pp. 16-17
Erinnerungen an Stefan Zweig [Georg Rendl], pp. 19-21, 23-25, 27. Page 18 contains a photograph of Georg Rendl from the 1930s
Fünfmal Zweig [David Caviglioli], pp. 29, 31. The original French text appeared in Le Nouvel Observateur [Paris], autumn 2013. Translated into German by Indes Schütz
Page 32: Fest zur Festspieleröffnung. Edmundsburg, 19 July 2014. Two events dedicated to Georg Trakl: [1]. Paul Herwig and Hans Peter Hallwachs read poems by Georg Trakl and presented the new edition of the Trakl biography by Hans Weichselbaum, Georg Trakl. Eine Biographie. Salzburg: Otto Müller Verlag, 2014. [2]. Rüdiger Görner presented his new Trakl volume Georg Trakl. Dichter im Jahrzehnt der Extreme. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 2014. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of the new Rüdiger Görner volume
Page 33: Gregor Thuswaldner - Stefan Zweig and Salzburg. Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Unniversitätsplatz 1, EG, 29 July 2014. A lecture by Gregor Thuswaldner concerning the influence of Salzburg's cultural climate on the literature written there and on the writers who lived there. This page also contains a photograph of the Festspielhaus under construction in 1925
Pages 34-35: Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa. An exhibition, Theatermuseum Wien, 3 April 2014-12 January 2015. On 29 October 2014 Klaus Maria Brandauer read from various texts by Stefan Zweig and on 12 November 2014 Joachim Bissmeier read selections from the Schachnovelle. On 29 October and 12 November Klemens Renoldner conducted tours through the exhibition. On the occasion of the exhibition, Klemens Renoldner edited the extensive and beautifully illustrated volume Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa. Wien: Christian Brandstätter Verlag, 2014. The volume contains contributions by Ruth Klüger, Daniela Strigl, Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, Monika Meister, Andrea Grill, Jacques Le Rider, Reinhard Urbach, Arturo Larcati, Rüdiger Görner et al. Page 34 contains a photograph from the Zweig-Ausstellung in the Theatermuseum and p. 35 contains a photograph of the cover of the volume Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa
Pages 36-38: Zweig in the World. Rethinking Weltliteratur and Cosmopolitanism with Stefan Zweig. A conference held at the University of California, Berkeley, Dwinelle Hall, 24-25 September 2014. The program: [1]. Greetings by Deniz Göktürk and Klemens Renolder. [2]. Zweig and the Bible [Gregor Thuswaldner]. [3]. Zweig, Freud and Freedom [Gilad Sharvit]. [4]. Stefan Zweigs Konzept der Weltliteratur im Spiegel seines Projekts der bibliotheca mundi und seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Dante [Arturo Larcati]. [5]. Stefan Zweig und die französische Revolution [Daniela Strigl]. [6]. Der Großschriftsteller und sein 'Hauptbuch': Stefan Zweig als weltweit tätiger Literaturindustrieller [Norbert Wolf]. [7]. Retrospection and Utopia: Stefan Zweig's Conception of World Literature from the Spirit of Historiography [Rüdiger Görner]. [8]. The 'Zweig-Style Women': Stefan Zweig and Chinese Women's Literature of the 1980s [Arnhilt Höfle]. [9]. Facing the Foreigner, Effacing the Foreign: Stefan Zweig Meets Rabindranath Tagore [Ashwin Manthripragada]. [10]. Blaise Cendrars and the Nietzschean Roots of the Multiracial Identity Concept in Stefan Zweig's Brazil: Land of the Future (1941) [Jeroen Dewulf]. [11]. World Citizenship and Office Phobia: On Regimented Life after the Great War [Deniz Göktürk]. Page 36 contains a photograph of the poster for the Zweig Conference and p. 38 contains a photograph of the Campanile and the Library on the University Campus. The Conference was organized by the Department of German of the University of California, Berkeley, and the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg
Page 39: Schachnovelle - im Theater. Schauspielhaus Salzburg, premiere on 30 September 2014. A theater performance directed by Petra Schönwald. Contains a photograph of a chess-board drawing by Tobias Kreft inspired by Stefan Zweig's Schachnovelle
Page 40: Georg-Trakl-Konferenz. Autorenschaftskonfiguration und dichterische Reflexion in Texten und Kontexten Georg Trakls. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 8-11 October 2014. The international conference was organized by the Fachbereich Germanistik, the Georg-Trakl-Forschungs- und Gedenkstätte, and the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg. This page also contains a May 1914 photograph of Georg Trakl
Page 41: Sternstunden der Menschheit. Stadtbibliothek Lehen. On 30 October 2014 Christian Sattlecker read Stefan Zweig's "Cicero" and on 27 November 2014 Dorit Ehlers read "Das erste Wort über den Ozean". Contains a photograph of the Satdtbibliothek Salzburg
Page 42: Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau - Gastspiel. Landestheater Salzburg, 19 November 2014. As guests from the Baden Baden Theater, Catharina Kottmeier and Daniel Arthur Fischer were the lead players in the drama staged by Rosalinde Renn. This page also contains a photograph of Catharina Kottmeier and Daniel Arthur Fischer
Page 43: Stefan Zweig Neue Froschung Nr. 5. Stefan Zweig Centre, 27 November 2014. Lectures by Antje Büssgen, Rüdiger Görner, Stefan Resch, Alfred Pfoser, Bernd Hamacher, and Arturo Larcati. The lectures were dedicated to the theme of the effects of World War I on Stefan Zweig personally and thus on his writings. This page also contains a photograph of a caricature drawing by Arthur Paunzen
Page 45: Stefan Zweig Hochschule Salzburg. Salzburg, 27/28 November 2014. In celebration of Stefan Zweig's 133rd birthday, the Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg was renamed the Stefan-Zweig-Hochschule. This page also contains a photograph of the Hochschule
Page 46: Chris Pichler. Stefan Zweig - Angst. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 3 December 2014. The actress Chris Pichler read the novella "Angst". This page also contains a photograph of Chris Pichler
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Textnachweise, Bildrechte

Zweigheft 12

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. January 2015. Illustrated with 7 cartoons drawn by Maroine Dib specifically for this Zweigheft issue plus 12 various photographs. Maroine Dib cartoons: [1]. James Joyce zu Besuch am Kapuzinerberg, p. 2. [2]. Joseph Roth mit seinem Freund auf der Terrasse des Hotel Stein, p. 8. [3]. Auch Thomas Bernhard war Stammgast im Café Bazar, p. 13. [4]. Karl-Markus Gauß beobachtete den Gast im Café Mozart beim Schachspiel, p. 18. [5]. Auf dem Weg zum Galsberg - Hermann Bahr mit seinem Wanderfreund vor dem Schloss Arenberg, p. 21. [6]. Richard Strauss spielt dem Librettisten aus der Schweigsamen Frau vor, p. 24. [7]. Peter Handke beim Spaziergang über den Mönchsberg, p. 30


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7. Page 5 contains a photograph of Eva Alberman, 27 November 2014 in the Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg
Stefan Zweig - ein Autor aus der Welt von Gestern?, pp. 9-17. This is an excerpt from a panel discsussion on the occasion of the exhibition "Wir brauchen einen ganz anderen Mut! Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa", Theatermuseum, Wien, 13 June 2014. The participants were Daniela Strigl, Jacques Le Rider, and Ulrich Weinzierl. Moderated by Stefan Gmünder
Neues Interesse für Stefan Zweig [Larry Rohter], pp. 19-20, 22-23, 25
Geburtstagsgruss an Schalom Asch [Stefan Zweig], pp. 26-29. First printed in Die literarische Welt [Berlin], 6:43 [24 October 1930], pp. 1-2
Ich wäre gerne Castellio [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 31-35. Excerpts from a lecture delivered at the Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, 27 November 2014
Page 36: Joseph Fouché. Bildnis eines politischen Menschen. ARGEkultur Salzburg, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13 February 2015. A monologue, written by Petra Schönwald, based on Zweig's Fouché biography. Simon Ahlborn read the part of Joseph Fouché. This page also contains a photograph of a poster for these performances
Page 37: Stefan Zweig - Tod in Brasilien. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 23 February 2015. Sascha Oskar Weis read selections from texts, letters and documents from the last months of the lives of Stefan and Lotte Zweig. This page also contains a photograph of Sascha Oskar Weis
Page 38: Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa. Literaturhaus München, opened on 4 March 2015. An exhibition dedicated to the last eight years of Zweig's life. This page also contains a photograph of a model of the hotel "Metropole"
Page 39: Alfred Polgar - Marlene. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 9 March 2015. Hannes Eichmann read selections from the Marlene Dietrich biography written by Alfred Polgar in 1937/1938. See: Marlene. Bild einer berühmten Zeitgenossin. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 2105. This page also contains a photograph of Marlene Dietrich
Page 40: Stefan Zweig - Die Welt von Gestern. Stadtbibliothek Lehen, Panoramabar. Selections from Zweig's autobiography were read by Brigitte Trnka on 26 March 2015, Peter Pikl on 23 April 2015, and Werner Friedl on 28 May 2015. This page also contains a photograph of the Panoramabar in the Stadtbibliothek Lehen
Page 41: Grenzen überqueren - Grenzen verwischen. A conference of the American Austrian Studies Association, held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn in Dearborn, MI from 26-29 March 2015, under the title "Crossing borders - blurring borders". This page also contains a photograph of a bus in Detroit, MI taken by Clarence Reynolds
Page 42: Literaturfrühstück Stefan Zweig - neues aus Frankreich und Brasilien. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 9 April 2015. Klemens Renoldner discussed new publications by and about Zweig in France and Brazil. This page also contains a photograph of a cup of coffee and some pastry
Page 43: Katharina Geiser - Vierfleck oder das Glück. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 29 April 2015. Günther Eisenhuber introduced the author Katharina Geiser and her new novel Vierfleck oder Glück. Salzburg: Verlag Jung und Jung, 2015. this page also contains a photograph of Katharina Geiser
Page 44: Oliver Rathkolb - Die paradoxe Republik. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 12 May 2015. The historian Oliver Rathkold presented a revised edition of his 2005 history of Austria - Die paradoxe Republik Österreich 1945 bis 2015. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 2015. Sylvia Hahn participated in the discussion, which was moderated by Klemens Renoldner. This page also contains a photograph of Oliver Rathkolb
Page 45: Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium Adamik Lajos. The Hungarian translator of works from Adalbert Stifter to Thomas Bernhard spent June and July 2015 in Salzburg. During his visit he translated, among other things, essays by Stefan Zweig. This page also contains a photograph of Adamik Lajos
Page 46: Stefan-Zweig-Schreibwerkstatt. Hauptschule Oberndorf, February-June 2015. The students of two of the third grade classes based their written works on Zweig's Der Kampf um den Südpol and Die Entdeckung Eldorados. They presented their texts in the Edmundsburg in June 2015. This page also contains a photograph of 14 students who participated in this Stefan-Zweig-Werkstatt which was directed by Marko Dinic. The photograph was taken by Franziska Barth
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Textnachweise, Bildrechte

Zweigheft 13

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. July 2015. Illustrated with photographs of the cover and seven pages from Stefan Zweig's last address book plus ten other photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-(7)
Die Welt von Gestern [Jean-Pierre Lefebvre], pp. 9-11, 13-14
Schreiben über Stefan Zweig. Vermischte Gedanken aus konkreten Anlässen [Rüdiger Görner], pp. 15-17, 19-21, 23-24
Marschmallows [Leo A. Lensing], pp. 25, 27-29, 31-33, 35
Page 36: Kinderstadt Mini-Salzburg. Kinderstadt, Volksgarten, 14-18 July 2015. This page also contains a photograph of Stefan and Friderike Zweig
Page 37: Fest zur Festspieleröffnung. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 18 July 2015. This page also contains a photograph of the Edmundsburg
Page 38: Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa. Waltherhaus, Bozen, Exhibition 9 September - 10 October 2015. This page also contains a photograph from the exhibition
Page 39: Ungeduld des Herzens. Europasaal, Edmungsburg, 8 October 2015. A reading from the novel by Sascha Oskar Weis. This page also contains a photograph from the 1946 German version of the British film of Ungeduld des Herzens
Page 40: Stefan Zweigs Brennendes Geheimnis. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 19 October 2015. A lecture by Ulrich Weinzierl about Zweig. Lecture moderated by Klemens Renoldner. This page also contains a photograph of Ulrich Weinzierl
Page 41: Europa erfindet die Zigeuner, p. 41. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 22 October 2015. A discussion concerning Klaus-Michael Bogdal's Europa erfindet die Zigeuner - Eine Geschichte von Faszination und Verachtung. Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2011. This page also contains a photograph from Kurt Kaindl's "In der Roma Siedlung von Svinia, Slowakei", 2003
Page 42: In memoriam Erika Weinzierl (1925-2014). Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 28 October 2015. Orations in honor of the historian Erika Weinzierl by her former colleagues. This page also contains a photograph of Erika Weinzierl
Pages 43-44: "Irgendeine Macht will, dass wir noch dauern. . ." Stefan Zweig - ein jüdischer Schriftsteller aus Europa. Internationale Konferenz. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 11-12 November 2015. Page 43 contains a photograph of the title page of Ephraim Mose Lilien's E. M. Lilien: Sein Werk, Berlin/Leipzig: Schuster & Loeffler Verlag, 1903. The volume contains an introduction by Stefan Zweig
Page 45: Menschenrechte. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 2 December 2015. A discussion entitled "Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte". This page also contains a photograph of some children from Kurt Kaindl's "In der Roma Siedlung von Svinia, Slowakei", 2003
Page 46 contains a photograph of the Edmundsburg entitled "Eines unserer Clubhäuser"
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Textnachweise, Bildnachweise, p. 48

Zweigheft 14

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. January 2016. Illustrated with 7 autograph facsimiles of excerpts from works by Zweig, a photograph of the cover of O mundo que eu vi. Minhas Memorias, 1942, the first Brazilian edition of Zweig's Die Welt von Gestern and 12 photographs of various places and people

Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-5, 7
Stefan Zweig: Requiem für das liberale Europa. Ein nobler Schriftsteller, der fähig war, Nein zum Leben au sagen [Claudio Magris], pp. 9-11, 13-15
Stefan Zweig in der Kinderstadt [Felicitas Biller], pp. 17-19. Pages 16 and 18 contain photographs entitled "In der Kinderstadt, 2015"
Die Stefan-Zweig-Collection im Literaturarchiv Salzburg. Eine Bestandaufnahme [Manfred Mittermayer - Lina Maria Zangerl], pp. 21, 23, 26-28
Zweig für türkische Leser [Ahmet Arpad], pp. 29-31. Page 31 contains a photograph entitled "Buchcover der türkischen Ausgabe von Stefan Zweigs Reisefeuilletons Auf Reisen, Istanbul, 2011See: Yolculuklar Üzerine
Autograph facsimiles:
Page 2: "Stefan Zweig: A great lesson from a great man, handschriftliches Manuskript. Zuerst veröffentlicht im August 1940 in englischer Sprache in der New Yorker Zeitschrift The Catholic World. Seinen Besuch im Atelier von Auguste Rodin hat Zweig auch in der Welt von Gestern geschildert"
Page 6: "Stefan Zweig: Das erste Wort über den Ozean. Cyrus W. Field, 28. Juli 1858. Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen. Diese Sternstunde der Menschheit wurde erstmals 1943 veröffentlicht und nach Zweigs Tod dem Band hinzugefügt"
Page 8: "Stefan Zweig: Manuskriptseite eines unvollendeten Romans, an dem Zweig 1941 und 1942 in Petrópolis arbeitete. 1990 unter dem Titel Clarissa als Fragment veröffentlicht"
Page 12: "Stefan Zweig: Diary of the second war. Beginn von Zweigs handschriftlichen Tagebuch-Aufzeichnungen aus London, 1. September 1939"
Page 20: "Stefan Zweig: Tagebuch im Kriegsjahr 1914, vom Tag der deutschen Kriegserklärung an Russland. Titelseite der handschriftlichen Tagebuch-Aufzeichnungen"
Page 22: "Stefan Zweig: Handschriftliche Tagebuch-Aufzeichnungen von seiner Galizienreise, Eintragung vom Samstag, 17. Juli 1915"
Pages 24-25: "Stefan Zweig: Londoner Notizbuch, Ende der 30iger Jahre, mit Eintragungen zu den Erinnerungen Die Welt von Gestern"


Page 32: Stefan Zweig in Frankfurt. Exhibition, 2014-2016, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main. This page also contains a photograph entitled "Das Hotel Métropole - Blick in den Ausstellungsraum"
Page 33: Stefan Zweig in Cambridge. A conference at the Divinity School, St. John's College, 23 February 2016. This page also contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig in his London home, 1939
Page 34: Robert Musil. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 10 March 2016. A discussion of Walter Fanta with Norbert Christian Wolf and Harald Gschwandtner concerning Fanta's volume Krieg. Wahn. Sex. Liebe. Das Finale des Romans "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" von Robert Musil. Klagenfurt: Drava-Verlag, 2015. This page also contains a photograph of Robert Musil, March 1941
Page 35: Joseph Roth und Stefan Zweig. Europasaal, Edmungsburg, 16 March. A lecture by Johann Lughofer concerning the influence of Joseph Roth's novels on Zweig's prose. This page also contains a photograph of Maroine Dib's drawing "Zwei Freunde auf der Terrasse des Hotel Stein"
Page 37: Die Welt von Gestern. Stadtbibliothek Lehen, Panoramabar, 31 March-19 May 2016. Readings from Die Welt von Gestern: [1]. Der Beginn einer Karriere - Als Journalist der Neuen Freien Press [Brigitte Trnka, 31 March]. [2]. Paris, die Satdt der ewigen Jugend [Lutz Hochstraate, 28 April]. [3]. Mit Rilke und Rodin in Paris [Sascha Oskar Weis, 19 May]. The readings were sponsored by the Stefan Zweig Centre in cooperation with the Stadtbibliothek Salzburg. Page 36 contains a photograph of the cover of O mundo que eu vi. Minhas Memorias. This was the first Brazilian edition of Zweig's Die Welt von Gestern, 1942
Page 39: Projekt Habsburg. Imaginiertes Österreich vor und nach 1918. Ein Symposium an der Universität Yale. 15 and 16 April 2016. Page 38 contains a photograph of a building on the campus of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut USA
Page 40: Alfred Kubin - Stefan Zweig, p. 40. Europasaal, Edmungsburg, 3 May 2016. Presentation of the volume Alfred Kubin - Stefan Zweig: Der Briefwechsel. Edited by Franz Hamminger and Klemens Renoldner. With an essay by Helga Thieme. Brunnenthal: Edition Landstrich, 2015. Page 40 also contains a photograph of Alfred Kubin (1877 - 1959)
Page 41: Alternativen fur Europa? Europasaal, Edmungsburg, 23 May 2016. A lecture by Stephan Resch. The lecture is entitled "Noch ist Europa das letzte Bollwerk des Individualismus - Stefan Zweigs Amerika- und Russlandbild der späten 20er-Jahre". Contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig at the 1928 Tolstoi celebration in Moscow
Page 43: Maja Haderlap - Seitenwechsel. Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung 2016. Euopasaal, Edmundsburg, 11 May 2016. Page 42 contains a photograph of the Austrian author Maja Haderlap
Page 44: Stefan Zweig und Russland. Bibliothek für auslandische Literaturen, Moskau, 6-9 June 2016. This symposium is sponsored by the Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg, the M. I. Rudomino-Bibliothek für ausländische Literaturen, Moskau [Vserossiiskaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury imeni Margarity Rudomino, Moskva] and the Staatliches Museum und Landgut von Leo Tolstoi, Jasnaja Poljana [Yasnaia poliana: pomest'e-muzei Lva Tolstogo, Tula]. This page also contains a photograph of the Rudomino-Bibliothek für ausländische Literaturen
Page 45: Fest zur Festspieleröffnung. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 23 July 2016. This page also contains a photograph with the subtitle "Jedes Jahr ein Fest in der ganzen Stadt". Page 46 contains a photograph of the Edmundsburg entitled "Eines unserer Clubhäuser"
Page 47: Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg: Team, Vorstand, Kuratoren, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Page 48: Textnachweise, Bildnachweise, Weitere Bildrechte

Zweigheft 15

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. July 2016. Editorial team: Eva Alteneder, Elisabeth Erdem, Klemens Renoldner and Martina Wörgötter. Illustrated with 5 photographs of the Casa Stefan Zweig, Pétropolis, Brazil and a photograph of Alberto Dines, the chairman of the Casa Stefan Zweig society, plus 10 other various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7
Die "Casa Stefan Zweig" in Pétropolis" [Vor 80 Jahren kam der österreichische Schriftsteller zum ersten Mal nach Brasilien. Heute ist Zweig aktueller denn je] [Kristina Michahelles], pp. 9-14. Page 13 contains the photograph of Alberto Dines
Wahre Literatur wird niemals der Politik unterworfen sein [Ein Interview aus dem Jahr 1933. Stefan Zweig], pp. 15-19. The interview "La véritable littérature ne sera jamais asservie á la politique" appeared first in the newspaper L'Intransigeant [Paris], 12 December 1933. German translation by Ines Schütz
Das Geheimnis um Stefan Zweigs jüdischen Vornamen [Eva Plank], pp. 21-27
Romain Rolland: Drei unbekannte Briefe on Stefan Zweig, pp. 29-33 [17 September 1935, pp. 29; 12 November 1935, pp. 30-31; 9 December 1935, p. 32. Annotations to the letters by Klemens Renoldner, p. 33]
Stefan Zweig zum zehnten Todestag [Thomas Mann], pp. 35-37


Page 38: Stefan Zweig - Die Welt von Gestern. Readings from Die Welt von Gestern in the Stadtbibliothek Lehen, Panoramabar on 29 September 2016 by Julia Gschnitzer and on 27 October 2016 by Werner Friedl. This apge also contains a photograph of the Stadtbibliothek Lehen, Panoramabar
Page 39: Lange Nacht der Museen. The Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg will be open from 6 PM until 1 AM on 1/2 October 2016. This page also contains a photograph of the Exhibition Room of the Stefan Zweig Centre
Page 40: Maria Stuart - Mary Queen of Scots. The film "Mary Queen of Scots" will be shown in Das Kino on 9 November 2016. Introductory remarks by Manfred Mittermayer. This paeg also contains a photograph of the placard to the film
Page 41: Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium Ljiljana Filipovic, November 2016. This paeg also contains a photograph of Ljillana Filipovic
Page 42: Ivo Andrić - Wesire und Konsuln. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 10 November 2016. A presentation of Ivo Andrić's novel Wesire und Konsuln. Roman [Wien: Zsolnay Verlag, 2016] by the author himself and the publisher Herbert Ohrlinger. This paeg also contains a photograph of a bronze bust of Ivo Andrić by Clarence Reynolds in Sarajevo
Page 43: Eine pazifistische Freundschaft. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 15 November 2016. A lecture by Hans Weichselbaum entitled "Stefan Zweig und Andreas Latzko - eine schwierige Freundschaft im Zeichen des Pazifismus". This page also Contains a photograph of a 1930 lithograph of Andreas Latzko by Fritz Will Fischer
Page 44: Stefan Zweig und Dante Alighieri. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 28 November 2016. A lecture by Arturo Larcati entitled "Das Vorbild - der Klassiker - der Exildichter: Stefan Zweig liest Dante". This page also contains a photograph of a 1995 etching by Markus Vallazza entitled "Zu Dante nachdenkend"
Page 45: Stefan Zweigs letztes Adressbuch. Europasaal, Edmundsburg, 30 November 2016. A presentation of the volume Stefan Zweig und sein Freundeskreis. Sein letztes Adressbuch 1940-1942. Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich, 2016. The volume was presented by Israel Beloch, the editor of the 2014 Portuguese-English facsimile edition of this work, and Stephan Krier, the German translator of the Portuguese-English edition. This page also contains a photograph of a page from this address book. The addresses and telephone numbers were entered by Lotte Zweig
Page 46: Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium Jeroen Dewulf. Stefan Zweig Centre, 12 December 2016. A lecture by Jeroen Dewulf entitled "Böse Kräfte im brasilianischen Paradies - Stefan Zweig im Schlangeninstitut von Butantan". This page also contains a photograph of Jeroen Dewulf
Page 47: A photograph of the Edmundsburg entitled "Eines unserer Clubhäuser"
Page 48: Textnachweise, Bildnachweise

Zweigheft 16

Stefan Zweig Centre, Salzburg. January 2017. Illustrated with 27 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-5, 7, 9
Der Pazifismus Stefan Zweigs, pp. 11-14
Stefan Zweig, Die schweigsame Frau und die Wiener Staatsoper. Zwei unveröffentlichte Briefe vom Dezember 1935 [Matthew Werley], pp. 15, 17-19, 21, 23-27, 29, 31


Page (32): Österreichische Germanistik. 25 January 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. A lecture delivered by Konstanze Fliedl entiteld "Sichtbare Sammlung - Stefan Zweigs Bildlektüren". The page also contains a photograph of the title pages of "Die neuen Bände unserer Schriftenreihe": Stefan Zweig. Positionen der Moderne and Stefan Zweig - Jüdische Relationen
Page (33): Schachnovelle. 15 February 2017. The 1960 film version of Schachnovelle, shown in Das Kino, with introductory words by Manfred Mittermayer. The page also contains a photograph of Curd Jürgens in this version of Scahchnovelle
Page (34): Abschied von Europa - Abschied von Österreich. 23 Febraury 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. A lecture delivered by Klemens Renoldner on the anniversary of the 75th day of Stefan Zweig's death. The page also contains a photograph of Stefan Zweig on his last trip to Brazil at the end of August 1941
Page (35): Schachnovelle. 24 February 2016, Salzburger Landestheater [Kammerspiele]. The well-known actor Joachim Bißmeier read this famous story. The page contains a photograph of Joachim Bißmeier
Page (36): Tag der offenen Tür, 25 February 2017 [From 2 to 8 PM], Europasaal, Edmundsburg. The Stefan Zweig Centre was open on this 75th anniversary of Stefan Zweig's death. A day of lectures, music, and film presentations. The page also contains a photograph of the Edmundsburg [Stefan Zweig Centre] by Sebastian Albert
Page (37): Stefan Zweigs Schachnovelle - Eine Geschichte aus dem Exil. 3 March-28 May 2017, Salzburg Museum. The exhibition "Ich gehore nirgends mehr hin! Stefan Zweigs Schachnovelle - Eine Geschichte aus dem Exil". The page also contains a photograph of the Viennese Hotel Métropole in the exhibition room
Page (38): Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung Nr. 6.1. 3 March 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. 4 lectures: [1]. Stefan Zweig and Emile Verhaeren [Clara Bolle]. [2]. Stefan Zweig's Relationship to the Jewis Diaspora [Eva Plank]. [3]. Stefan Zweig's Relationship to Goethe [Werner Michler]. [4]. The Relationship between Stefan Zweig and James Joyce [Andreas Weigel]. The page also contains a photograph of the cover of
Stefan Zweig's 1927 volume Goethes Gedichte
Page (39): Remember! 8 March 2017, Pädagogische Hochschule. A lecture by Juliana P. Perez entitled "Remember - Nicht-Orte in Stefan Zweigs 'Schachnovelle'". The page also contains a photograph of Juliana P. Perez
Page (40): Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung Nr. 6.2. 17 March 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. 3 lectures: [1]. The Suicide motif in Stefan Zweig's works [Barbara Neymeyr]. [2]. The Friendship between Stefan Zweig and Richard Friedenthal [the administrator of Zweig's estate]. [3]. Various Films based upon Stefan Zweig's works [Manfred Mittermayer]. The page also contains a photograph of the film program of the 1950 movie Das gestohlene Jahr, based upon Stefan Zweig's novel Rausch der Verwandlung. Berthold Viertel and Stefan Zweig wrote the scenario of the film in the summer of 1940
Page (41): Ungeduld des Herzens. 22 March-22 April 2017, Schauspielhaus Salzburg. Thomas Jonigk composed the stage play based upon Stefan Zweig's novel. The page also contains a photograph of the two main characters in the play, Lieutenant Anton Hofmiller and Edith von Kekesfalva
Page (42): Verwirrung der Gefühle, 23 March 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. Hannes Fricke-Sonnenschein [a reader in the Reclam Verlag], in conjunction with Elisabeth Erdem and Klemens Renoldner [the editors of Verwirrung der Gefühle] introduce this new edition of Stefan Zweig's 1926 story. The page also contains a photograph of the front cover of this new Reclam edition
Page (43): Die Welt von Gestern, Stadt-Bibliothek, Panoramabar. A reading of Die Welt von Gestern: 30 March 2017 [Brigitte Trnka]; 27 April 2017 [Lutz Hochstraate]; 1 June 2017 [Sascha Oskar Weis]; 28 September 2017 [Dorit Ehlers]; 19 October 2017 [Gerard Es]. The page also contains a photograph of the front cover of a 1953 Portuguese edition of Die Welt von Gestern
Page (44): Schachnovelle - Eine Diskussion. 30 March 2017, Salzburg Museum. Daniela Strigl [a literary critic], Knut Beck [the editor of Stefan Zweig's collected works in the Fischer Verlag], and Klaus Nüchtern [a journalist] discuss what is so fascinating in this novella and if it is still of any interest today. The page also contains a photograph from the film - Mario Adorf as Czentovic and Curd Jürgens as Werner von Basil
Page (45): Thomas Mann - Stefan Zweig. Der Briefwechsel, 18 May 2017, Edmundsburg. A presentation by Katrin Bedenig and Franz Zeder of the new edition of the Thomas Mann-Stefan Zweig Correspondance: Thomas Mann - Stefan Zweig. Briefwechsel, Dokumente und Schnittpunkte. Edited by Katrin Bedenig and Franz Zeder. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Vittorio Klostermann, 2016 [Thomas Mann-Studien Nr. 51]. The page also contains a photograph of Thomas Mann
Page (46): Brennendes Geheimnis, 19 April 2017, Literaturforum Leselampe and das KINO. Introductory remarks by Manfred Mittermayer to the 1988 production of the movie Brennendes Geheimnis directed by Andrew Birkin. The page also contains a photograph from the film - the 12 year old Edgar and his mother
Page (47): A photograph of the Stefan Zweig Centre / Eines unserer Clubhäuser
Page 48: Textnachweise / Bildnachweise / Editorial team: Eva Alteneder, Elisabeth Erdem, Klemens Renoldner / Pagination arrangement by Carola Wilkens

Zweigheft 17

Stefan Zweig Centre [Zentrum], Salzburg. July 2017. Illustrated with 22 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7
Friedensbotschaft im Herbst (1918) [Stefan Zweig], pp. 9-13
Stefan Zweig in Portugal. Ein Beitrag zu seiner Rezeptionsgeschichte [Teresa Seruya], pp. 15, 17-21, 23-25
Zur arabischen Stefan-Zweig-Rezeption [Friedhelm Hoffmann], pp. 27, 29-31, 33-34


Page 2: Stefan Zweig. Ciceros Tod, Deckblatt des Manuskripts
Page 6: Stefan Zweig. Ciceros Tod, Manuskript [Seite des Manuskripts]
Page 8: Stefan Zweig. "Friedensbotschaft im Herbst" in Neue Freie Presse [Wien], 22 October 1918 [Feuilleton / An excerpt]
Page 14: Stefan Zweig. Die Eroberung von Byzanz, Seite des Manuskripts
Page 16: Stefan Zweig. Die Eroberung von Byzanz, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen
Page 22: Stefan Zweig. Das erste Wort über den Ozean, Seite eines Typoskripts mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen
Pages 26 and 28: Stefan Zweig. Das erste Wort über den Ozean, Seiten aus einem Notizbuch
Page 32: Stefan Zweig. Flucht in die Unsterblichkeit, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen
Page 40: São Paulo, an der Praça Ramos de Azeverdo


Page 35: Fest zur Festspieleroffnung, 22 July 2017, Europasaal, Edmunsburg. This page also contains a photograph of the construction of the Festspielhaus back in 1925: Das Fest kann beginnen
Page 36: Stefan Zweig in Berlin, 26 July 2017, Literaturhaus Berlin. An exhibition [Stefan Zweig - Abschied von Europa] in Berlin, 26 July-4 September 2017. This page also contains a photograph of the Viennese Hotel Métropole in the exhibition room
Page 37: Schauspiel-Recherchen, July and August 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. Four events accompany the Salzburger Festspiele: [1]. "Die neue Liebesordnung" [A lecture by Eva Illouz, 30 July]. [2]. A conversation between Shirin Neshat and Athina Rachel Tsangari with Alexander Horwath, 6 August. [3]. "Hauptmann, Schnitzler, Wedekind und die Auferstehung des anderen Geschlechts" [A lecture by Michael Eberth, 13 August]. [4]. Oliver Nachtwey and Klaus Kastberger discuss Ödön von Horváth, 20 August. This page also contains a photograph to the Edmundsburg
Page 38: Stefan Zweig in Genf. Concerning the annual meeting of the Stefan Zweig Gesellschaft. The meeting was held in the Martin Bodmer Stiftung, Geneva, 1-3 September 2017. The page also contains a photograph of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, "Bandel-Terzett", KV 441, 1783. A manuscript in Stefan Zweig's autograph collection, located today in the Literaturmuseum von Cologny
Page 39: Schüler Schreiben Gedichte. Marko Dinic teach students in the Oberndorf grade school to write poems. This page also contains a photograph of students in class 2 b
Page 41: Stefan Zweig - O projeto do exílio (Das Exilprojekt), 19-20 September 2017, Universidade de São Paulo. An international conference held in São Paulo. The conference was sponsored by the University of São Paulo, the Stefan Zweig Zentrum of the University of Salzburg and the Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis. The conference - consisting of 14 lectures - was held in the Goethe-Institut on the campus of the University of São Paulo and was organized by Pedro Holiodoro de Moraes Branco Tavars [São Paulo], Juliana P. Perez [São Paulo], and Klemens Renoldner [Salzburg]
Page 42: Die Welt von Gestern, 28 September and 19 October 2017, Stadt-Bibliothek, Panoramabar. Two readings from Stefan Zweig's autobiography: [1]. "Die ersten Stunden des Krieges von 1914" [Read by Dorit Ehlers, 28 September]. [2]. "Gespräche im Krieg" [Read by Gerard Es, 19 October]. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of O mundo que eu vi [Die Welt von Gestern], Rio de Janeiro, 1942
Page 43: Sternstunden der Menschheit, 19 October 2017, Hotel Klosterhof, Steilhofweg 19, Bayerisch Gmain. A reading by Joachim Bißmeier in the hotel library LiterArt from Sternstunden der Menschheit. Accompanied by a musical performance, Klemens Renoldner presented the newly revised edition of the volume. This page also contains a photograph of the Hotel Klosterhof in Bayerisch Gmain
Page 44: Stefan Zweig - Neue Salzburger Ausgabe, 6 November 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. Martina Wörgötter and Werner Michel presented a new and critical edition of Sternstunden der Menschheit which they edited on the basis of manuscripts and various text versions. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of this volume published by the Zsolnay Verlag, Wien
Page 45: Stefan-Zweig-Tag, 24 November 2017, Mühlbacherhofweg 6. This year's theme: "Leben erzählen" - a presentation of life stories in literature and school classes. This page also contains a photograph of Eva Albermann in the Pädagogische Hochschule, 2014
Page 46: Stefan Zweig - Neue Forschung Nr. 7, 29 November 2017, Europasaal, Edmundsburg. 5 lectures: [1]. Zweigs Maria-Stuart-Biographie als Dokument des Exils [Elisabeth Erdem]. [2]. Zweigs Verhältnis zur Habsburger Monarchie [Daniela Strigl]. [3]. Die Entstehung von Zweigs Amerigo [Tobias Krüger]. [4]. Bertold Viertels Freundschaft zu Zweig [Katharina Prager]. [5]. Zweigs biographische Methode [Karl Müller]. This page also contains a photograph entitles Amerigo Vespucci, Teil der Weltkarte von Walderseemüller, 1507
Page 47: 75 Jahre Schachnovelle, 8 December 2017, Literaturhaus München. A conference dealing with the worldwide reading and interpretation of Schachnovelle. The conference was established by Margit Dirscherl and Laura Schütz, both from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of the 1988 Dutch edition Schaaknopvelle
Page (48): Contains a photograph of the Stefan Zweig Centre, "Eines unserer Clubhauser"
Page (49): Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg: Team: Klemens Renoldner, Director, assisted by Eva Alteneder et al. / Beirat / Textnachweise / Bildnachweise. zweigheft 17 editorial team: Eva Alteneder, Elisabeth Erdem, Klemens Renoldner. Pagination arrangement by Carola Wilkens

Zweigheft 18

Stefan Zweig Zentrum, Salzburg. January 2018. Illustrated with 20 various photographs


Editorial [Klemens Renoldner], pp. 4-7
Eine Petition [Bügermeister Harald Preuner], p. 8
Wie man wahlen gewinnt [Stefan Zweig], p. 9. An excerpt from Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam
Triste Helden - versoffen und brutal [Stefan Zweig], pp. 11-15. An excerpt from Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers
Sie standen an den Grenzen [Stefan Zweig], pp. 17-19, 21. An excerpt from Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers
Mario Vargas Llosas Text der Kapuzinerberg [Georg Pichler], pp. 23-25
Der Kapuzinerberg (2004) [Mario Vargas Llosa], pp. 27-33. Translated from the Spanish by Georg Pichler


Page 2: Unser Besuch in der Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis, September 2017
Page 10: Eingang zur Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis. Plakat zu einer Ausstellung über den Briefschreiber Stefan Zweig
Page 16: Garten der Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis
Page 20: Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis, Blick aus dem Sterbezimmer
Page 22: Balzac-Werkausgabe, aus Zweigs letzter Bibliothek in der Städtischen Bibliothek, Petrópolis
Page 26: Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis, Fenster des Sterbezimmers
Page 28: Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis, Pfeife und Büroutensilien Stefan Zweigs
Page 32: Casa Stefan Zweig, Petrópolis, im Garten des Hauses


Page 34: Stefan Zweig in Luxemburg. The Stefan-Zweig-Zentrum's Zweig-Exhibition was on display from 11 January to 8 April 2018 in the Centre Culturel Neumünster (Neimenster), Luxemburg. The Exhibition was originally organized by Peter Karlhuber and Klemens Renoldner. This page also contains a photograph of some of the photographs in the collection.
Page 35: Die Banalität des Rassismus. A lecture by the author and journalist Mark Terkessidis on the various aspects of racism. The lecture was delivered on 1 March 2018 in the Edmundsburg. This page also contains a photograph of Mark Terkessidis.
Page 36: Österreich - 1934 | 1938. A lecture by the historian Oliver Rathkolb entitled "Kunst vor dem Hakenkreuz. Neue Thesen zur Kulturpolitik während der Kanzlerdiktatur 1933/34-1938". The lecture was delivered in the Edmundsburg on 15 March 2018. This page also contains a photograph of Oliver Rathkolb.
Page 37: Stefan-Zweig-Stipendium 2018. The 2018 Stefan Zweig stipend will be awarded in May to the Brasilian student Mariana Holms. She received her Master's Degree in 2014 from the University of São Paulo. Her thesis dealt with the disintegration of the autobiographical subject in Stefan Zweig's Die Welt von Gestern. This page also contains a photograph of Maria Holms
Page 38: Stefan-Zweig-Poetikvorlesung. From the 14th to the 18th of May 2018, the author Doron Rabinovici conducted the Stefan-Zweig-Lecture Series. He not only analysed the works of Stefan Zweig but he likewise discussed his own literary works, politics and literature in general. The Lecture Series was moderated by Katja Gasser. This page also contains a photograph of Doron Rabinovici.
Page 39: Stefan-Zweig-Handbuch. On 28 May 2018, in the Edmundsburg, this new Zweig volume was introduced by Manuela Gerlof [the chief reader of the de Gruyter Verlag in Berlin], as well as Arturo Larcati, Klemens Renoldner, and Martina Wörgötter [the editors of this work]. 70 scholars from throughout the world contributed articles to this first Stefan Zweig encyclopedia. The Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg spent more than five years working on this comprehensive reference book. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of this volume.
Page 40: Die Frau von Morgen. On 6 June 2018 a conference sponsored by the Universities of Vienna and Salzburg was held in the Edmundsburg. The conference was dedicated to a discussion of the 1929 volume Die Frau von Morgen, wie wir sie wünschen [Edited by Friedrich M. Huebner. Leipzig: Verlag E. A. Seemann]. This volumes contains contributions by many German authors, Stefan Zweig among them. This page also contains a photograph of the cover of the volume.
Page 41: Karl Kraus und Frankreich. On 7 June 2018 the French author Jacques Le Rider gave a lecture in the Edmundsburg on his new book about Karl Kraus. This page also contains a photograph of Jacques Le Rider.
Page 42: A photograph of the Stefan Zweig Centre flag which hangs in front of the Edmundsburg.
Page 43: Fünf vor zehn. A discussion of the celebration on 21 June 2018 in the Edmundsburg in honor of the founding of the Stefan Zweig Zentrum in November 2008. The celebration consisted of readings, discussions and a lot of music.
Page 44: Fest zur Festspieleröffnung. On 21 July 2018 the Stefan Zweig Zentrum participated in the annual Salzburg Festival. This page also contains a photograph of a group of people standing in front of the Edmundsburg.
Page 45: Schauspiel - Recherchen. In the Edmungsburg on 29 July 2018 and 5 August 2018 two lectures were held to celebrate the Salzburg Festival. 29 July: Martha C. Nussbaum's lecture was entitled "Angst und Wut: Gift für die Demokratie" and on 5 August Frank Castoff also gave a lecture on politics, literature and morality. This page also contains a photograph of people attending a lecture.
Page (46): Eines unserer Clubhäuser. A photograph of the Edmundsburg.
Page 47: Textnachwesie and Bildnachweise.
Page 48: Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg: [1]. Team: Dr. Klemens Renoldner, director; Eva Alteneder, consultant; literary co-workers: Elisabeth Erdem, Martina Wörgötter, Marlen Mairhofer, Arturo Larcati , and Iris Himmlmayr; Fadil Cerimagic, house technician. [2]. Beirat [Advisory board]: "Der Beirat des Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg stezt sich zusammen aus jeweils einem/einer Vertreter/Vertreterin des Fachbereichs Germanistik, des Zentrums für jüdische Kulturgeschichte, des Literaturarchivs Salzburg, der Salzburger Festspiele und der Internationalen Stefan Zweig Gesellschaft".