Im Schnee (VIST)

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Note: VIST = Volumes/Individual Stories/Translations


Im Schnee. Edited by Erich Fitzbauer. Illustrated by Fritz Fischer. (30)p. Wien: Im Verlag der Internationalen Stefan-Zweig-Gesellschaft, 1963 [Sonderpublikation der Internationalen Stefan-Zweig-Gesellschaft, 3. 500 numbered copies]

"Individual Story:

"Im Schnee" in Die Welt [Wien], 2 August 1901, pp. 10-13

Reprinted in:

Juedischer Almanach. Partially revised new edition. Edited by Berthold Feiwel. Berlin: Juedischer Verlag, (1904), pp. 157-168

Subsequent reprints in:

Buchmendel. Erzählungen [Frankfurt am Main] [1990], No.3, pp. 96-(110)
Buchmendel. Erzählungen [Frankfurt am Main] [1993], No.3, pp. 96-(110) [Fischer Taschenbuch, 11416]
Das Stefan Zweig Buch [Frankfurt am Main] [1981], No. 15, pp. 247-(257)
Vergessene Träume. Die Erzählungen, Band 1 [1900-1911] [Wien, 2018], No. 3, pp. 33-47. Biographical data, No. 22, pp. 512-515


Chinese: "Xuezhong" in [1]. Ciweige wenji [Taiyuan/Xi'an, 1998], Vol. 1 Xiaoshuo xuan shang, No. 3, pp. 1-14. Translated by Wei Xie. [2]. Ciweige xiaoshuo quanji [Xi'an, 1995 ], Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-13. Translated by Wei Xie. // "Fengxue luonan ren" in [3]. Yige mosheng nüren de laixin / Volume [Beijing, 2000], No. 8, pp. 258-272. Translated by Qiding Hu

English: "Escape" in [1]. The Jewish Quarterly [London], 2:1 [Summer, 1954], pp. 223-32. Translated by Harry John. See: Zohn, Harry, English, No. 2. // "In the Snow" in [2]. The Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig [London, 2013], No. 2, pp. (15)-28. Translated by Anthea Bell. [3]. Fantastic Night. Tales of Longing and Liberation [London, 2015], No. 3, pp. (81)-96. Translated by Anthea Bell. [4]. Wondrak and Other Stories [London, 2009], No. 1, pp. (9)-26. Translated by Anthea Bell

French: "Dans la Neige" in [1]. L'oeuvre romanesque [Paris, 1998-1999], Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. (69)-(83). Translated by Hélène Denis. [2]. Romans, nouvelles et récits [Paris, 2013], Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. (1)-15. Commentaries, pp. 1347-1348. Annotations, pp. 1349-1350. Translated by Nicole Taubes. See: [[Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre]. // "Dans la neige" in [3]. La Confusion des sentiments et autres récits [Paris, 2013], No. 4, pp. (35)-50. Translated by Olivier Mannoni. [4]. Un Mariage à Lyon et autres nouvelles [Paris, 1999], No. 3, pp. (69)-(83). Translated by Hélène Denis. [5]. Un Mariage à Lyon. Nouvelles [Paris, 1992]. No. 3, pp. (75)-(91); [Paris, 1992], No. 3, pp. 65-78. Translated by Hélène Denis. [6]. Romans, nouvelles, théâtre [Paris, 1995], No. 2, pp. (3)-20. Translated by Hélène Jeanroy-Denis

Turkish: "Karlarda" in [1]. Geçmişe Yolculuk. Öyküler [İstanbul, 2017], No. 7, pp. (85)-99. Translated by Ahmet Arpad. [2]. Kitapçı Mendel [İstanbul, 2009], No. 3, pp. (80)-92. Translated by Ahmet Arpad

Secondary Literature:
