User contributions for Redirect fixer
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30 October 2014
- 15:0715:07, 30 October 2014 diff hist 0 Amerigo Vespuchchi - Ferman Magellan Amerigo Vespuchchi - Fernan Magellan has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo Vespuchchi * Fernan Magellan current
- 15:0715:07, 30 October 2014 diff hist 0 Amerigo Vespuchchi * Ferman Magellan Amerigo Vespuchchi - Fernan Magellan has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo Vespuchchi * Fernan Magellan current
- 14:5514:55, 30 October 2014 diff hist 0 Magellan. Chelovek i ego deianie * Amerigo. Povest’ ob odnoĭ istoricheskoĭ oshibke * Novelly Magellan. Chelovek i ego deianie * Amerigo. Povest’ ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke * Novelly has been moved, it is now a redirect to Magellan. Chelovek i ego deianie - Amerigo. Povest’ ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke - Novelly
27 October 2014
- 15:3515:35, 27 October 2014 diff hist 0 1956: Izbrannye proizvedeniia v dvukh tomakh Izbrannye proizvedeniia v dvukh tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Izbrannye proizvedeniya v dvukh tomakh
8 October 2014
- 14:5514:55, 8 October 2014 diff hist −1 Magelani skhragortsut‘yunĕ Magelani skhragortsut‘yune has been moved, it is now a redirect to Magelani skhragorcouthjoune
7 October 2014
- 15:5315:53, 7 October 2014 diff hist +20 Erazŭm * Magelan * Fushe Erazŭm - Magelan - Fushe has been moved, it is now a redirect to Eraz"m - Magelan - Fushe. Biografichni romani
6 August 2014
- 14:4314:43, 6 August 2014 diff hist −1 Ay Işiği Sokaği Ay ışığı sokağı has been moved, it is now a redirect to Ay ışığı sokaği
19 June 2014
- 22:5422:54, 19 June 2014 diff hist −2 L'unité spirituelle du mmonde L'unité spirituelle du monde has been moved, it is now a redirect to Unité spirituelle du monde current
- 22:5122:51, 19 June 2014 diff hist −1 L'unité spirituelle du mmonde L' unité spirituelle du monde has been moved, it is now a redirect to L'unité spirituelle du monde
- 22:4922:49, 19 June 2014 diff hist +1 L'unité spirituelle du mmonde L'unité spirituelle du monde has been moved, it is now a redirect to L' unité spirituelle du monde
11 May 2014
- 14:3914:39, 11 May 2014 diff hist 0 El legado de Europa (Europäisches Erbe) El legado de Europa has been moved, it is now a redirect to El Legado de Europa
10 April 2014
- 22:2622:26, 10 April 2014 diff hist −11,134 Zweigheft / zweigheft Amerigo Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo
- 22:2422:24, 10 April 2014 diff hist −51 Amerigo (Vespuchchi. Povest’ ob odnoi istorichesko oshibke) Amerigo Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo current
- 22:2422:24, 10 April 2014 diff hist −51 Amerigo (Vespuchchi. Povest’ ob odnoĭ istoricheskoĭ oshibke) Amerigo Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo current
6 April 2014
- 19:5119:51, 6 April 2014 diff hist −6 2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v odnom tome 2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome current
- 19:5119:51, 6 April 2014 diff hist −6 2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ v odnom tome 2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome current
- 19:5019:50, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vos'mi tomakh 2009-2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh current
- 19:5019:50, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vosem' tomakh 2009-2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh current
- 19:5019:50, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ v 8 tomakh 2009-2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh current
- 19:4919:49, 6 April 2014 diff hist +1 Sobranie sochineniĭ v vosem' tomakh Sobranie sochineni Stefana Tsveiga v vosem' tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vosem' tomakh current
- 19:4619:46, 6 April 2014 diff hist −9 2004: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh Sobranie Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004) has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004) current
- 19:4619:46, 6 April 2014 diff hist −9 2004: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh Sobranie Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004) has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004) current
- 19:4619:46, 6 April 2014 diff hist −9 2004 : Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh Sobranie Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004) has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004) current
- 19:4519:45, 6 April 2014 diff hist +10 2004: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh 2004: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004)
- 19:4519:45, 6 April 2014 diff hist +10 2004 : Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh 2004: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh (2004)
- 19:2919:29, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 1996-1997: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v deviati tomakh 1996-1997: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v deviati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v deviati tomakh current
- 19:2919:29, 6 April 2014 diff hist −6 1994: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiiga v shesti tomakh 1994: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v shesti tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v shesti tomakh current
- 19:2919:29, 6 April 2014 diff hist −6 1994: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭiga v shesti tomakh 1994: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v shesti tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v shesti tomakh current
- 19:2719:27, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 1992-1993: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v desiati tomakh 1992-1993: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v desiati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v desiati tomakh current
- 19:2519:25, 6 April 2014 diff hist −6 1963: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v semi tomakh 1963: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v semi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v semi tomakh
- 19:2319:23, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 1927-1932: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v dvenadtsati tomakh 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh current
- 19:2219:22, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 1927-1932: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh current
- 19:2219:22, 6 April 2014 diff hist −11 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh current
- 19:1019:10, 6 April 2014 diff hist −1 Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭiga v shesti tomakh Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiiga v shesti tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v shesti tomakh current
- 19:0719:07, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vosem' tomakh Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vos'mi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh current
- 19:0019:00, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana TSveĭga v odnom tome Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v odnom tome has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome current
- 19:0019:00, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 Sobranie sochineniĭ v odnom tome Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v odnom tome has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome current
- 18:5918:59, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v dvenadtsati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh current
- 18:5718:57, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 1982-1984: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh. 1982-1984 Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh. 1982-1984 has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh. 1982-1984 current
- 18:5618:56, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 1982-1984: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh. 1982-1984 has been moved, it is now a redirect to Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh. 1982-1984 current
- 15:1715:17, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ v odnom tome 2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v odnom tome has been moved, it is now a redirect to 2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v odnom tome
- 15:1715:17, 6 April 2014 diff hist −1 1994: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭiga v shesti tomakh 1994: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiiga v shesti tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to 1994: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v shesti tomakh
- 15:1615:16, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vosem' tomakh 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vos'mi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to 2009-2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh
- 15:1615:16, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ v 8 tomakh 2009-2010: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v vos'mi tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to 2009-2010: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v vos'mi tomakh
- 15:1615:16, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 2004 : Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh 2004: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v chetyrekh tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to 2004: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v chetyrekh tomakh
- 14:5114:51, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 1927-1932: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga 1927-1932: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v dvenadtsati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh
- 14:5114:51, 6 April 2014 diff hist −2 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga 1927-1932: Sobranie sochineniĭ Stefana Tsveĭga v dvenadtsati tomakh has been moved, it is now a redirect to 1927-1932: Sobranie sochinenii Stefana Tsveiga v dvenadtsati tomakh
5 April 2014
- 16:1916:19, 5 April 2014 diff hist −1 Amerigo (Vespuchchi. Povest’ ob odnoi istorichesko oshibke) Amerigo (Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istorichesko oshibke) has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke
- 16:1916:19, 5 April 2014 diff hist −1 Amerigo (Vespuchchi. Povest’ ob odnoĭ istoricheskoĭ oshibke) Amerigo (Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istorichesko oshibke) has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo Vespuchchi. Povest' ob odnoi istoricheskoi oshibke
3 April 2014
- 23:0923:09, 3 April 2014 diff hist 0 Amerigo Vespuchchi * Ferman Magellan Amerigo Vespuchchi - Ferman Magellan has been moved, it is now a redirect to Amerigo Vespuchchi - Fernan Magellan